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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. Okay... I made the change, but I'm not seeing any of the content I follow from these forums in my new e-mail. Not even the responses, likes etc...
  2. Does it link to the new email that's specified in the account at SecondLife.com? My old e-mail still appears here. I'm moving to a new address as the old one (AOL) is hard to manage for me. I'm already receiving some IMs and notecard responses in the new address, but nothing from these forums.
  3. A inventory feature that Open Sim has within many of its hypergrids is a suitcase. This allows users to take a selection of items with them, while teleporting to different grids. It greatly reduces lag. The suitcase also makes it easier to change outfits at will. It's labeled as My Suitcase, and it works with all of the Open Sim compatible viewers. Right now, that includes Firestorm, Cool VL and Genesis.
  4. I'd be happy if LL made another attempt at linking to a Open Sim hypergrid or two! I wasn't around for the first attempt.
  5. BR has both types. This is an outfit I got a couple of years ago, the Alice. Bought the Maitreya version, I'm wearing it here with the Lucybody Atenea.
  6. Clothes are fun, but sometimes a girl's got to rock out!
  7. I think this is the school girl outfit. Located on that wall, not too far from the landing point.
  8. If this is what anyone wants... open a few accounts at the Open Sim hypergrids! Still, many hypergrid owners push for donations to keep servers running. I donate a few USD to my favorite HG's every month. Basically the same model as public broadcasting, free to watch/listen but dependent on viewer donations to stay in business.
  9. I think that's largely due to the economic model that keeps the servers running around here (among other things). It costs major $$$$ to run SL. In game currency is a thing if you pay into it. You don't need a SL job to use in game currency; I spend my own RL money to get L$. I run on a free account ATM. You can get free houses in SL. It's the land that isn't free. It's either rented from a landlord, or if you have a paid account, owned by some in world real estate firm or SL/LL. I think if you wanted a truly free home in SL, you're exchanging services with someone else in order to have it I think. Someone correct me here please. I don't mind not having a home. There are enough open houses for nomadic Residents to play with, and that's just fine for me. Someday I think I'll have to spend some L$ on a virtual vacation at a hotel when I have more free time, that would be awesome!
  10. Love what I'm seeing so far... demoed a few of the body skins. Got to check out the head skins... this stuff might pull me away from 7DS. Hmm... as a plus for me (and one of my alts), many Maitreya compatible skins also work well with Erika. Still haven't seen anything for Maitreya as far as the fantasy skins...
  11. I'll revisit the Senra line once some of the fixes have been implemented. I love what you've done with Jamie, Frigga. Great work! As it is I'm having too much fun now with an anthro cat body based on Legacy/Bladencat, and Erika... when I'm not on Maitreya.
  12. That's highly odd. I have all of the SL viewers installed, including the alternates. I have had this issue before. My way around it was to uninstall the other viewers, and just install the PBR. Once I get that working, I reinstall the others I want to use. I use the PBR, Default, Maintenance, Emoji and Inventory viewers. You shouldn't lose any of the other settings if they aren't removed while uninstalling and reinstalling viewers. The uninstaller reminds you about it. The settings are stored in C:\Users\HomeDir(yours may be different)\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings . If the problem continues, you may want to uninstall all of the SL viewers you have and ensure the uninstaller removes all of the settings and cache. Then install the ones you want to use, like PBR.
  13. I don't care if fall is right under my nose IRL... I need my pool time lol
  14. IDK... could fit this onto my Maitreya + Irina avi. Hehe... just need to find suitable glasses to go with it. 🤓
  15. I also find that BD is the easiest to use for odd angles in photography, while using keyboard and mouse vs game controller.
  16. Cool VL gives me the best uptime, and the fewest problems, including sound support. It could also be a problem with your Linux installation, not necessarily related to SL. Pipewire, ALSA, and PulseAudio are some of the software libraries/interfaces that provide sound in Linux. In general PulseAudio is known to work the best with most apps, including SL viewers. Another viewer that recently returned to service in Linux is Kokua. You may want to try that as well. The Linux dev for it finally fixed the snapshots issue. It's comparable to Firestorm in terms of graphical quality; its UI is more like the standard SL viewer.
  17. Playing around in a modified Bladencat body. It has more humanlike proportions. A lot of Legacy/TMP clothes fit the thing... already have a few good freebies for that. I'm the gal on the right.
  18. Very noirish scene here... I think so, anyway.
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