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June Starlight

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Everything posted by June Starlight

  1. Been watching Earth 2 from the safe distance. It's fascinating how easy these scams get momentum, often promising just a fracture of what is already achieved in Second Life. I got an impression though that the main lure of them is "get rich quick!" promise, and meta verse, virtual worlds and such is just a shiny shell to attract techy dreamers.
  2. Very surprised that anyone would expect realistic... well anything actually, from the creator of Kupra. o.o They know their niche and they cater to it. They are doing it well. Kupra is great in terms of optimization (correct me if I am wrong), so here's to hope male edition will be as good in this department. Also I am mildly curious how much of what is shown is the mesh and how much is the skin.
  3. Grabbed my passport over the weekend and had great time going on an adventure with it! It was nice to look at the filled page after few hours of exploring and realize that I have been to quite a few places.
  4. 32 indoors, unless the build is so optimized that I don't even remember to scale the distance down. 64-80 outdoors, but might and often do pull it up if distant details worth seeing. How hight it might get depends mostly on lag - if the place is cluttered, I'd rather not be forcing my system to load objects I won't even see behind bigger pieces of landscaping, buildings or what have you.
  5. There are programs that allow users to monitor how they are using their screen time on PC. I'd say they are a good instrument for those who battle unhealthy habits, but otherwise agree with @Coffee Pancake For me personally over-analyzing my time is one of the things that triggers bad bad dips into depression. So I would rather not have a metric like this forced on me. Especially if I am trying to relax. Different people, different needs.
  6. Oh, maybe! At this price point though I would assume that people don't buy this house for particular features, more so they can flex how much money they can spend.
  7. I mean this house looks like a good building exercise. But if you are going to do it, do it for yourself and building up your own skills. There is plenty of similar houses on the marketplace.
  8. My 1st life part of profile has a picture with my hand in it? Does it count? But generally no, not where it can be accessed by everyone. If I know a person for a while and they don't give me weird vibes, then I will have no problem of sharing pictures of my face, my cats, facetiming or whatever. And it goes for internet as a whole, not just SecondLife.
  9. For me it depends on a morpher itself, how much voice is changed and if I am used to hearing original voice or not. In one gaming community I am a part of (outside of SL) voice morpher are super popular, for all sorts of reasons. With strangers I have about 50/50 chance of detecting a morpher. With friends - they use it to make their voice a tad louder, not even changing the actual tone, and I can detect it. Some morpher leave unnatural feedback, no matter how carefully you tweak them. Some don't. It is trial and error.
  10. Lilly got updated to EvoX, alongside many (if not all by this point, I lost track) Evo line heads.
  11. Wait, MOD? This is huge. And the time to get Freya for myself. o__o
  12. Persuasion by Jane Austen I am on Austen binge, it's the third book in a row, and I started watching that 1995 TV series based on Pride and Prejudice too... I might be having a slight problem.
  13. People (pressing responsibility for their mental health and lives on others, including total strangers online). Ugh.
  14. Cultural differences matter more than I expected. Being aware of them and sometimes adjusting my manner of speach slightly or giving others benefit of a doubt and questioning before being insulted myself goes a long way.
  15. Second shot done and over. Got waaay less side effects compared to my first. No fever this time and my arm was barely sore. Got some nasty headaches though, but they didn't last long either. Nurse in the vaccination center told me to keep an eye out for booster in 6 months or so. Couple friends got vaccinated in about the same time, so now almost everyone in our bubble went through this. Out of few people left - two are lazy and ignorant and one can't get vaccine due to medical condition. Luckily first two aren't going anywhere near the latter.
  16. To the credit of Kupra's creators - marketing effort to make it a success was immense. They made sure that very little is left to chance. If I recall correctly they had some sort of agreement with a few popular clothing creators, so at the day of the body release there were a few options to shop already. And then they created Kupra-themed event (Maitreya did the same with petite).
  17. Oh. I am going to grab a demo for one of my curvier alts,that promo picture looks lovely. Kalhene makes beautiful bodies, but clothing support is a big question. Brand has been around for some time. Their previous bodies can wear most of maitreya sized clothing, but I haven't seen brands pick up making Kalhene-specific sizes yet.
  18. Another thing to think about - with the tiny amount of traffic that does exist, there is no guarantee that any of those people will stop to shop. Using myself as an example - I travel daily, it is my main hobby in SL at the moment. Mostly by roads. Things that make me stop and leave my vehicle are public spaces (amusement parks, small townships, hangouts with people in them) and exceptionally obscure builds. If I leave my vehicle, most of the time it means I will have to then look for a rez zone, and there might be none nearby, which then will annoy the hell out of me. To add to this - shopping and exploring are two very different activities for two very different moods. Where I do look for curious and unique creations, and sometimes buy them are builder communities fairs and show-offs, The Twisted hunt, themed (a least partly) non-fashion events, art exhibitions.
  19. For ballrooms one of the purposes is to have an area where new arriving avatars can peacefully rez, see that there is a dress code, say "oh" and decide if they want to change or not. I saw at least one beach club do the same thing for dress code as well.
  20. Wow, I wasn't expecting animesh complexity wars when I opened this thread.
  21. I treatmy alts the same way - a box of dolls, each with their different look. Helps to keep their inventory relatively tidy, too. Since I only get them things that suit the look I am going for. They usually stay the same in terms of shape, worth some minor tinkering. On a whim I can give them full makeover with new skin, shape, mesh, everything. Happens maybe once a year?
  22. Scuba diving. Area doesn't have to be large, but it is something l've been personally enjoying lately. Bonus points for placing a free swimming HUD dispenser somewhere.
  23. I have very on again off again relationship with SL. Last time I came back because a friend decided to check what's this is about. So I've been hanging out with them, and then Pride month came along, and I love parties during Pride month... and then I discovered that region crossings got good enough for me to actually enjoy driving as a hobby... So now I am hooked again.
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