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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I use a mix of animations from a variety of stores in my AO - Oracul for bento stands, sits, and walks, Abranimations for novelty stands, dance walks, and skips, and Move! and A&M Mocap for dances. I swap AO notecards fairly often and when I'm not just standing around normally, I tend to go for the "jamming to music" aesthetic. For a curvier avatar, you could try STUN Poses - I believe they've got some AO breathing stands with curvy versions.
  2. You haven't seen me after setting my facial expression HUD to max intensity. I have a friend who yells at me for this. Often. πŸ˜‚
  3. Hmm, costumes could be good, then. Though I suppose it depends on the demand for such things. Kind of surprised, really. I thought that, if anything, would be slightly easier to find - especially around the holidays.
  4. Omg, I love all of this. Fantasy dwarves would be amazing. Gnomes, goblins, trolls, imps - yes yes yes. Some fantasy bento heads do exist (at least for orcs and trolls, undead, aliens, etc.), but bodies and mods - not many to my knowledge. Centaurs exist yes. Satyrs yes. Harpies yes. Fairies and pixies yes. I'd love more clothing and accessories for all of that, while we're on the subject. Oh and that car idea is hilarious! I agree - I'd love to see more unique and silly avatars like that. Keep us posted if you do make anything mentioned in here! I'm not familiar with the kids market whatsoever and only wear adult avatars, so maybe some of this stuff already exists all over the place, but I immediately thought of super cute Halloween costumes for trick-or-treating. Fantasy jammies with hoodies, so they can have goblin ears or horns or something. Fantasy skins, clothes, and accessories for kids (I've played enough World of Warcraft to know little orc kids exist, lol). Toys that are functional and fun - trampolines, kid-sized vehicles, imaginary friends (pet followers with creative appearances and silly animations), shoulder pets, little paper airplanes that fly over your head, yoyos, wearable/playable musical instruments, etc. Oh, one last idea - I know of a store that sells shareable cigars where multiple avatars can click the pack in your hand and get one for themselves. Fully animated. I'm sure it's extremely complicated to make something like that, but for kids, a version with bubble gum would be adorable - you can offer a piece from the pack and blow giant bubbles together.
  5. Hiya Michaelatv. Unfortunately, this is a rather difficult thing to guarantee. Unless you're skilled with content creation (mesh, scripts, or animation), performance (music, comedy, etc.), or providing adult services, there's not much out there for a steady income. And even some of that stuff isn't always steady. I do interior decorating and landscaping when I want to spend more money than I'm willing to buy, but that requires an initial investment up front to hoard enough interesting furniture, building kits, and decor to entice people to pay you. It also helps to invest in your own home so you can show people what you can do before they trust you with redesigning their spaces. On the avatar side, it can be very confusing, yes. I came back to SL after a long, long break when I was still Classic everything - shoes broken due to invisiprims - the works! I'm still working on cleaning up my old prim inventory even now and I've been back what, 2 years now? Had to get a whole new avatar set up and everything, so I feel you there. Upgrading to mesh, should you choose to do so, can be done cheaply, however - especially if you're creating a female avatar. There are plenty of store groups to join for free and events around the grid that allow you to pick up loads of free hair, accessories, and clothes. The only real investment at the moment would be a mesh body (there is at least one free head still available, and others are released on occasion). Staying classic is an option, as well, but you'll probably have to do more digging around the marketplace for clothing.
  6. Lol, and RUN in high heels. Hurts my hip just watching my avatars do it. Meanwhile, in real life... πŸ˜‚
  7. That is one feature I would never use. I've seen people use Animaze a lot on Twitch and YouTube and it's kind of cute depending on the avatar chosen, but SL's human avatars making all those faces all the time would creep me right out. Even smiling can be a bit odd on some of the heads I've got.
  8. It kind of is like Legos in a way, yeah. Minecraft has actual goals, should one choose to pursue them. There's a dragon to slay and it takes quite a bit of preparation to do so. There are survival elements. There's a sense of danger (for those who like that sort of thing), or not, in Peaceful mode. There are a gabillion player-made mods that can add everything from a full quest system to new types of blocks to entire farming systems, combat systems, ranching, new biomes, new trees/plants/flowers, spells and magic, technology, even deadlier enemies, you get the idea. Random example - my game is modded so heavily into the farming/ranching/cooking angle that it's pretty much Stardew Valley at this point. And my kitchen is absolutely adorable. And I can eat everything I cook in it. There's an electric/power system so you can automate machines and other random fun things. Crafting. Building. Gathering. And if you don't want to mess with any of that, hop into Creative mode and have every single block at your disposal to build anything you want without any disruptions. I think the two are aimed at entirely different audiences, honestly. The biggest draw to me is you can hop into Minecraft and build anywhere you want - for free. In complete privacy should you so choose (in your own private world). Or start massive building projects with others. No land tier necessary.
  9. I can't speak for Roblox, but I play Minecraft on occasion, and I honestly haven't seen anything in there that's even remotely like SL. The process of changing appearance and getting "dressed" happens on an external website (where you pick your entire skin as a single piece with the clothes & hair & face & eyes built-in) and via the launcher (where you put it on before logging in). That alone is a pain for me since I always want to mix and match. Plus, all the other stuff that makes Minecraft Minecraft. Not to mention that it runs on consoles and mobile and all that good stuff, too. Minecraft strikes me more as a survival/building/crafting type game, even in multiplayer. Roblox might be more like a virtual word, though. I'm not sure.
  10. Quick note about the nails - Maitreya-fit mesh nails from several different stores can fit Lucy pretty well! So far, I've tried Ascendant, Rawr, and Alme, and they all fit nicely. All of those shops have demos if you ever want to shake things up and try something different outside of the included HUD textures. Oh and quick tip - if you grab a demo at Ascendant, you'll get a nice "Look at my nails" style pose that will keep you still and hold your hands up so you can check the fit really easily. I've also found that Maitreya rings fit, too. Rawr and Cult have demos you can try on.
  11. Mhm! If you haven't already found it - In Firestorm it's in Preferences - Privacy - General. Third checkbox.
  12. Oh yeah...picture in the folder. That's the easier way to do it. Leave it to me make things more complicated, lol.
  13. Fair warning - I didn't think this entire thing through very well yet buuuut, what about adding a photo uploader to object properties windows where a creator could drag and drop the item's ad photo to it and it'll populate the inventory pic from that, but only if the item is placed inside a folder? Only required once to avoid them having to add one for every single item in the folder (so the outfit's folder image will auto-change to whatever photo was dropped into the HUD's properties for example - and if none, you can add your own?). There's already some empty space in the Item Properties window for it to go (of course I'm giving no thought whatsoever to what it would take to code all that in and keep it running without everything crashing and burning 🀣 - probably a lot).
  14. OMG I have this very same issue, except it's mostly in my feet. I've had it on and off since I was a kid and I tend to blame the ballet classes (though it's probably not that - I'm just grumpy when it happens and need to blame something). The absolute worst worst worst part is getting it in my right foot - along the inside. The pain oh my god. Then I leap out of bed to stand, walk, kick, bounce, stretch and suddenly bam, the cramp in the left ankle. Throw myself on the bed clutching my knees to my chest crying in frustration because I'm exhausted and it's 3am, and now my left calf locks up. Then hey, some toes! Roll over and sit on my knees. Flop back around like a fish. Flip flop, stand sit, lay kneel, cry stretch weep. The pickle juice suggestion isn't a bad one and I've heard it works in a pinch, but there are stairs between myself and the fridge and unless I wanna roll myself down them like a cannonball, that's not happening lol. One thing that has helped a lot is keeping a yoga strap near the bed so I can wrap it around my foot/toes and stretch enough to ease some of the tension before it spirals out of control. Something that did make them much less frequent - more daily stretching + drinking more water + buying more nuts, seeds, and dried fruit to make my own trail mixes. It's been more rare since I started all that. I'm not sure if this counts as a peeve since it's more of a raaaaaaaaaaaage, but this would definitely be mine!
  15. I use that BJD set from Sweet Thing for my doll avatar. It's fab! You'll get both BOM and appliers and can layer and tint and the shine and blush are really nice. Very worth. I actually use one of my older Akeruka(AK) giveaway heads for that avatar as it can sort of look rather plastic if you really play with materials and shine and facial expressions enough πŸ˜‚
  16. I completely forgot to make one, so I'm off to a great start already. πŸ™ƒ I really like Marigold's, so I might just roll with hers!
  17. I feel like I see up-to-date mesh human avatars absolutely everywhere. But for hangout spots, try beaches, clubs, roleplay communities (no idea which ones are currently active as I don't RP in SL), various social events. Ran across some when running around in parks, art galleries, and museums. Shopping locations like stores probably aren't ideal, but big big shopping events like Shop & Hop or the other big sim crashers is always a safe bet. Oh, and hunt events.
  18. This is true. The body demos only contain appliers. If you already have a body skin that you purchased prior to the update, try getting a free redelivery at the store.
  19. A real-world entertainment venue looking to promote in SL? Is this a place with a brick and mortar physical location? Unless this is a very large type of franchise with locations all over the globe, I'm not sure that's going to be the best way to go about it. Our population here is quite diverse - literally people from all over the world. Assuming that's the audience you're going for, your best bet would be to hop in SL and talk directly with residents to gauge their interest in such a venture. πŸ˜‚
  20. Pops in. Hi! Just listening to some of my favorite covers.
  21. I'd hate to think what men were really asking me when sending texts and calls to see if I was free for dinner. 🀣
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