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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. A definition would be helpful, too. I still have no idea what that means. Then again, it's likely off-topic, since we're discussing examples of cults in-world. Or...something. I think? 🤷‍♀️ This thread is somewhat confusing.
  2. Is there a reason why you keep attacking everyone's age? This forum is a mix, demographically. We've got low 20s and above on here. What exactly is your point? Nvm, don't answer that. *wanders off to more pleasant threads*
  3. And this is how you lose people instead of bringing them over to your side.
  4. I'm not convinced, really. Half because I don't believe "Meta" is going to influence that much overall as their reputation is so far in the toilet at the moment and half because they haven't even really articulated what their ideas even are yet. What are they planning to do? All I've seen are some low-budget looking VR platforms with half-bodies floating around in personal space bubbles because lol what is moderation. What's the grand idea here that's going to change how the entire world does business (I'm asking them more than I'm asking you, don't worry!)? And yes, I've seen the videos they've posted on their socials about mixed reality and all that. If all of this requires VR, that's me absolutely out.
  5. You've got a far more optimistic view of NFTs than I do! I'm still waiting to be convinced (in general, not by anyone here of course) that it's anything more than a scam. And I definitely don't have to tell you how deeply unpopular they are in the gaming universe in general as I'm sure you've already seen how THAT goes firsthand! Hey u guyz, check out mah new game with NFT... *tons of unfollows, Reddit threads, thinkpieces, and a few Kotaku articles later* Hey u guyz, I hear you and I'm pulling the NFT portion of my project... 😂 As for SL retention and draw, I agree with Scylla - getting people into the world and fully dressed is the biggest hurdle as of right now methinks. I didn't even think about land for a loooooooong time when I first joined.
  6. I understand where you're coming from, but I just don't believe that's the right way to go on this platform. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but turning Second Life into a corporate playground (again) is the fastest way to get me to leave permanently. I can't tell you how fast I run away from games (I knowww guyyys I know it's not a game *beeps all of your noses*) and developers that start promoting NFTs and real-world advertisements/branding. SL is my refuge away from all that shenanigans.
  7. Right?! I've recently teleported places and stopped and stared like damn...windlight is straight up gorgeous sometimes. That happened at a cyberpunk store that was pitch black outside with neon signs and lights reflecting all over the place - the pavement, the building, the metal railings, my own leather pants!!! I think SL is so so much better than it used to be - both visually and "stuff to do" wise. As for real life companies making an appearance, well, count me among those who aren't into that at all. I hated it when they all piled in simultaneously back in 2006 or 2008 or whenever it was. It seemed so...forced.
  8. I was gone for close to 12 years! I came back out of pure curiosity - does it still exist? Did they ever make SL2? LOL. Then I was told about mesh and was completely freaking lost! Had to learn that whole entire thing from the ground up (and it was right when Omega was being phased out, so stores were a weird mix of appliers vs. BOM and that was a whole other thang to try and figure out!). I can say now though that things look a lot better than they used to. Incredibly inefficient on the avatar/shopping side, but hey. At least we look kinda cute in our confusion!
  9. I got like that for a bit. I dipped out of SL for yeaaaaaaaaars. But that's because some of my closest friends left and I was feeling the lonely! But when I came back in 2020, I realized...not a whole lot had changed, really. The same stuff I used to do I could still do. Now with mesh and better lighting! 😂
  10. I frequently see people say this, but it's pretty much the same as it was back then, entertainment-wise. Clubs are always notorious for opening, lasting for a little bit (if they're lucky), and shutting down and always have been - even back in 2005/2006 that was happening. As it stands now, there's still a ton of stuff to do in SL, despite things opening and closing. *inhales* Boating/sailing, fishing, surfing, swimming, scuba diving, horseback riding, motorcycle riding, auto racing, hoverboarding, roller skating, ice skating, exploring, hot air ballooning, gaming, roleplaying, shopping, scripting, combat gaming, wrestling, running a business, clubbing, dancing, DJing, hosting, vampiring, demoning, mermaiding, dragoning, furrying, creating avatars, styling avatars, photography, machinima, fashion modeling, blogging, blogging about fashion, blogging about bloggers blogging about fashion, selling, buying, hunting for freebies, socializing, adult activities, creating art, admiring art, buying art, showcasing art, life sim games (BeYou), breedables, raising pets, raising breedable pets, petting breedables, decorating, landscaping and terraforming, playing house, building houses, selling houses, running dating services, planning weddings, hosting weddings, crashing weddings (in more ways than one!), getting divorced, roleplaying a divorce lawyer and profiting off of divorces... *exhales* This all still exists, just as it did back in 200*. Now yes, people are absolutely more spread out around the grid, but there are groups that exist for much of this stuff, too, so it's not too difficult to connect with others interested in similar activities. It's really all about making your own fun - same as it ever was, I suppose. I can't comment on the land prices, though. Paying hundreds a month for entertainment has never been my jam, so I never kept up with all that.
  11. I saw that on Twitter right after it went down. They sure traveled a long way to get to Pride.
  12. I see this crap all the time on Twitter. It's so freaking annoying, too. All low-effort troll posts and you can completely predict ahead of time not only which hashtags and thread comments are going to attract them, but what they're going to say. Ugh. Plus, the weirdly named hashtags with low numbers of tweets that just so happen to be sitting on the trending bar - if you watch long enough, you can see them climb rapidly from 1,000 tweets up to 10k and beyond. I'm at the point now where if I see any seriously dumb hashtags on the trending bar, I just block them.
  13. Epic's got a Flickr account, though she's not updated anything on there since 2020. She had similar sneaker designs with those bows, though I don't see that exact pair. It's possible that was an exclusive in the past, maybe, if they are indeed hers. Wait hang on...I found em on her Facebook. Don't get too excited, though. The post is from 2021. No idea if she's still got a store or not.
  14. Oh dang what. Welp. I need to pay more attention, I suppose. Then again, my sewing machine has been awaiting my presence for a few years now, sooooo. The last time I tried to design a skirt kinda broke me! Okay, back to your regularly scheduled cult shenanigans. 😂
  15. You got the boots!!!! And wait...there are AFK attachments?! And they're SILLY? I need to look into this pronto.
  16. The scary part is I find the whole entire phenomenon super fascinating and always want to research into it, but then once I start, I get too creeped out to really dig in. I just don't have the stomach for it, despite being interested in the psychology behind it all. I know there are numerous documentaries about all of them but...I just can't sit through them. I'm the same way with true crime stories, I suppose. Always want to know why, until I hear why... LOL. NOOOOT touching it! Let's not open any of that up.
  17. Yup! That's true, too. And we'll never know. Maybe there are RP ones. Maybe there are real ones. Unless someone's willing to talk about it, we're all in the dark on that. Which is fiiiiiiine by meeeeee, thaaaaanks! Ah damn, I just noticed my forum avie now makes me look kinda sus. 🤣
  18. Of course, but from how I read the first post, I think that's what the OP was asking. She's free to correct me if I'm wrong, of course! Maybe she didn't mean something quite to that extreme, but the word "cult" doesn't exactly call up happy, healthy, cheerful imagery for me, so that's how I interpreted it.😂 "I mean groups and communities that seek to indoctrinate or "brainwash" its members in its own dogmatic teachings, to the point of fanaticism, extreme fervor and zealotry. Personality cults that may have its followers venerate and revere a leader and their teachings." - my first thought? Jim Jones. Second thought - Charles Manson. Etc. As to whether or not that exists in SL, I doubt anyone outside of those communities would know, and people within probably won't be too willing to give up info about that openly. The groups most likely won't be public, that's for dang sure!
  19. Oh boy. But anyway, moving on... Loooove. I don't think that's what the OP meant. I think they meant something more along the lines of...Heaven's Gate, or sumfin'.
  20. I agree! For me, I liked the direction Signature Alice seemed to be going in (I liked the leg shape), and that's always something I felt was missing in the market, in addition to an actual slender male body without super muscles. Sure, we could toss on Legacy and maybe use a BOM layer to get toned abs, but I really think what's missing is a body that has gently sculpted toned arms, legs, shoulders, etc. in addition. Athletic bodies for women are in short supply. I'm aware of Dev Nana, but I demo'd that once and it was a bit big for me with too much definition - maybe it takes a lot of tweaking to tone that one down a bit. Hmm, maybe decide what kinds of bodies you're interested in designing for. Very curvy, gently curvy, somewhat petite/slender, etc. Then you can narrow it down from there.
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