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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. If you want, I can help you out inworld. Changing heads, bodies, shapes, and skins is something I do on a daily basis. If you have a skin that fits Genus + Ebody, you've already got everything you need. If not, I can take a look around and see if there are any freebies out there.
  2. A million times yes. In both directions. I've had this happen with men on stage, actually. Sitting there, watching a band play in person or via livestream even during music festivals...yeah ok the lead singer's kinda cute, whatever. Suddenly he starts interacting with the crowd in front of him - now he's the sexiest man on the planet in that moment. And not only because of the tight pants! I could name a few concerts where that happened, but I won't. 😂 Love what she said in the video. 100% agree with her on that. I enjoy watching men in their element and I've recognized the same type of thing she talks about.
  3. She plays a character that, without spoilers (because I don't even remember what the spoilers are - it's been a minute since I binge-watched the entire series on Netflix and my memory is *terrrible*), is the daughter of a certain fairytale prince and a certain princess. But she doesn't quite know that for much of the show's opener. It's a classic & Disney fairytale meets modern day world drama series that aired in the US on TV (last I saw, it was on Netflix - not sure if it still is). Her real world career is a bail bondswoman. Takes her quite a bit to figure out who she really is (and who everyone else is), and really doesn't ever get into an actual princess role as much of the story takes place in the modern day. I'm mostly the same. I mean sure, there are a few men I've got crushes on based mostly on physical appearance - but not too many. And most women I've known think I'm absolutely bonkers for what I like. I've had so many arguments with women over what I find attractive and why. Just let me live, damn! 😂 For me, it's a combination of appearance (the more unusual the better), passions, and personality. If there's no passion for something - anything - I'll immediately lose interest. It could be astrophysics. It could be playing the didgeridoo. It could be manatee conservation. Don't care - just love *something*. I'm often attracted to musicians and artists it seems, but passion tends to come with the territory, so that's probably why. As for appearance - I like the self-confidence that accompanies a man doing his own thing his own way. I adore that "Billy Porter strutting across the red carpet in a floor-length gown and doesn't give a damn what you have to say about it" energy. Wooo *fans self* The guy in the photo just looks rather...bland. I'd have to know more about him to say whether or not I'd find him attractive. Does he love manatees?!
  4. Not my type in the slightest. Unless... he's secretly in an industrial rock band or something. And grows his hair out. Then maybe. I can't stand the Prince Charming archetype in general, though, so I'm definitely the wrong one to be answering this. Emma Swan! 🤩
  5. Sukubia reminded me that I'm slacking on posting my foodie looks.
  6. *Skips in fashionably late* Hiii guys, what's going on in he...oh... 😳 LOL, this thread tho. Why when I've still got an inventory full of that sweet flexi goodness?! Actually, a friend bought me an Aeros ages ago once I made a male avatar (I refused to buy one - he doesn't need one at all!) and the thing is still packed neatly in the box. If I can't make it tree-sized and whack friends into orbit while twerking to Missy, what good is it really?
  7. This is a major problem I have with mesh gowns in general. The stiffness is awful, especially for anything approaching floor length. I hate it so much but I'm not sure if there's much designers can do. Oh gosh. That's not good! Maybe try looking at some of the other stores Katherine posted earlier in the thread. The event and shop Rowan posted have some cute stuff in there, too.
  8. Lol, I have way too much fun making custom antlers to match my outfits.
  9. Are you sure you were in the right type of store? Not sure why it would creep you out. The dresses are pretty modest, if not straight up royal. Add a couple more inches to the fancy ones, and they'd be ballgowns.
  10. Lol, I felt this. Hah, me too! I'm also so bad at actually rezzing homes and skyboxes that I knock myself right off the platform more often than not.
  11. I don't believe Lel has a free head available at the moment. That's odd about Genus though. I'll go take a peek and update this post in a few mins. Edit: Okay the head at Genus is still free and available. When you rez in, look up and to the right. It's the poster with the #StayHome hashtag on it.
  12. Currently living in the sky in a private region. My preference is being on the ground near water (grass - not beach) with a second home/skybox and photography platform in the sky. Buuuut then I realize I still spend most of my time up in the air and change plots to save a few Ls. But then I miss my prims and scenery, so I move back down. 😄 Um, I basically move around a lot.
  13. It's suuuuper cute, but I can't pull it off - even in SL. I think I'd burst into flames if I tried. 🤣 Some of the real gowns are straight up gorgeous, though. Take a browse through Pinterest! I object! 😄 Yayyyy, thank you! You're a rockstar! ❤️
  14. Nice! I had no idea it still existed as I haven't run into it much myself. Offline, you can't get within a mile of a goth club and not see it, so I was a bit surprised it didn't seem as popular here. I'm always on a never ending search for up-to-date (not flexi) Steampunk and Victorian goth fashion, if you've got any leads on that, too. 😄
  15. Sorry for the off-topic, but I'll be quick. I LOVE C64! I just emulate it, though. The systems/games are so expensive on Ebay omg! I wish I had kept my old C128. Okay all done. I agree with the OP, too. Consistent sizes would be great.
  16. LOL. It's a lot easier to pull it off in real life. Except shoes - I would think finding feminine shoes in male sizes in RL is a pain in the beep boop. SL bodies do have all kinds of limitations, it's true. My male avatars are more feminine than my female ones, so it's all a big giant pain getting them all dressed how I want. That said, I actually know how to pull that off, IF (big if), there's any actual clothing around for it. Easiest way would be Maitreya + V-Tech. This, of course, relies heavily on whether or not people are even making EGL dresses for the V-Tech to begin with. For male bodies, there are some options for feminine clothes, but again, not EGL. And designers seem to favor Jake for that, so if you're in Legacy, good luck. Short version - We should all just learn 3D at this point!
  17. One of my male friends back in the day didn't let that stop him whatsoever. If he could pull that look off in real life (skirts and all!), I'm sure you could find a way to do it here in SL, lol. 🤣 Wait, come to think of it - isn't there a male fashion variation of this? I don't know if it exists AT ALL in SL, though. I've seen it around on Pinterest.
  18. Hi Hashiyukas! I used to be fairly active in some real life goth scenes both in NYC and London yearrrrrs ago, so I'm pretty familiar with EGL. The look is super cute and looked great on others, but it's wayyyyy too cute for me, LOL, so I never got into it myself. I always ran for the PVC and metal hardware (quite literally) when putting together my outfits. Funny enough, I have NOT actually seen that fashion style much in SL at all in years. Then again, goth and steampunk fashion are also a bit difficult to find these days. I remember there were more stores around for it, but that was so long ago. Unfortunately, I don't know of any active communities for it, either. Couple ideas: 1 - You could maybe try looking through https://www.seraphimsl.com/ and look through some Japanese fashion events listed on there. Try running a search for Harajuku, Neo-Japan, and Tokyo Zero, and browse their current and past events to see if you find anything. If you do, find some creators you like, and maybe contact them and see if they know of more fashion events and communities. 2 - Check Flickr. Run some searches like "EGL Second Life" and see what you come up with. If you find some fashionistas that way, maybe try to reach out and see if they know of anything. 3 - Do some manual checks around the marketplace and inworld for stores selling dresses, hair, shoes, etc. in that style. Check out the creators and have a chat. If you get nowhere with any of that, it probably means the community is tiny or doesn't exist. At that point, you'll have to decide if it's worth it to start one up. Worst case scenario, you can start your own group and spin up some events of your own, but if the clothing is difficult to find, that might be a moot point anyway. Hope this helps and good luck! Edit: Oh, let me add one more idea - join store and event groups for the above-mentioned fashion events. If the chats are active, you can try asking around in there.
  19. Lmao, that sounds about right! Try Silent's suggestion and see if you get some more precise answers.
  20. You'll be hard-pressed to find the exact answer to this here. The way this type of thing is often phrased is "generally taxed/tax-exempt" as there are always exceptions. For example, my state is in the "generally exempt" from sales tax on digital goods pile, yet I still pay them on many of my digital purchases. My full tax - state & local. Perhaps due to the state where the product is being sold from. Perhaps due to the type of product. Perhaps due to the phase of the moon. Whatevs. For a more definite and detailed answer, you'd have to find the state and local/town/city government websites for the state you're looking to move to and read the rules and guidance there. Contacting a tax professional or the state/local gov is even better.
  21. Oh how I wish they launched this project with the live music scene.
  22. Yup. And to me, it's an odd thing to single out. My natural assumption is - of course there are. Why wouldn't there be? Now, if the function is solely to list out places to go to find others like me, that's...nice, I suppose, but now the blog post is making assumptions about what I'd be interested in based solely on that information. And, in my case at least, it's far from accurate. I appreciate that they tried, honestly I do, but it's so flawed. No industrial clubs? Really?! 😄
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