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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I hear you! I'm very fluid in SL - it's not unusual for me to spend more time fiddling with alphas and messing with clothes designed for other bodies than anything else. I eventually had to stop using my flat chest mods because running around topless was getting old - but I would love to be able to wear flat, boyish clothing on my girls without trying to shove them into Jake-fits or wear what little latex/leather clothing I've got on my guys without having to force them into Maitreya or Legacy female fits. It's madness, I tell ya! What I'd truly love is a fully androgynous body with a full HUD to control everything (I believe Kalhene Analexa is this way?), but that would still need tons of clothing support (and good luck with that!).
  2. Ahhhhh we have a thread! Wheeeeee! Oh gosh, okay so my list is going to be a THING. Don't say I didn't warn ya. 😂❤️ - Clothing fit for both male and female bodies. I know, I'm starting with a huge ask right out the gate (please don't hate me), but I have seen so many cute sweatpants, jeans, tops, coats, jackets, etc. that would look KILLER on Maitreya but only rigged for Legacy Male or Jake. The reverse is also true - my male avies are NOT afraid to rock dresses and long skirts. My bodies are ready! - Speaking of the above, shoutout to the mesh body creators - I love you all, but if you could maybe add mid and/or high foot states to your male bodies in the future, I would be in your debt forever. I wear high-heeled platform shoes & boots on my guys (listen, I told y'all this list would be a THING) and while I can and do alpha the feet out, sometimes I need a tad bit more ankle to show or want to rock a pair of boots with cutouts and having an invisible foot just doesn't cut it. I have fiddled with a wonky solution (Slink female feet + my Legacy Male body) and that works fantastically - as long as I wear very long pants to cover the obvious mismatch in the ankle, ahhh. This is definitely never going to happen, but a girl can dream! - Alternative fashion - goth, punk, steampunk, more cyberpunk, fantasy, techwear, grunge, glam rock, cosplay, vintage, boho, rockabilly fashion and more. I'd love to see this extend into other fashion markets, as well - Wedding/bridal, sleepwear/loungewear, swimwear, lingerie, jewelry, accessories, hair, and more. Going slightly further - home and garden decor, too. - Business wear - suits for female bodies, but the guys need more love here, too. - Same as above for formals. I'd love to see tuxes for female bodies, as well. - More clothing for flat and petite chest mods. - Furry accessories - I'd love more glasses. I know we've got wire frames, but I'm thinking of those cute plastic retro cat eye styles. Goggles. Sunglasses. Monocles. - And finally!!!! - I adore hats, but since that falls under hair (usually) - more hair with hats, I guess? And when I say hats, I don't mean the usual. Listen...make me look ridiculous. I'm all for it. Silly fascinators galore!
  3. Or partially/mostly/fully shave your head (as a female avie). I swear, ever since I started wearing shaved hairstyles, men don't even notice my existence anymore, LOL. It's kind of nice sometimes. Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. Mhm. Mmmmhmmmmm. Entirely agree. 100%. Yis. Yus. Yas.
  4. Lmao, this has happened to me on a male avatar before. I typically wear very loooong hair, so he thought I was a woman until I turned around. I had a fun time trying to explain that I actually was, but not at that exact moment as I was in the middle of a photo shoot (he was super cool about it, though - we had a great laugh over it). I swear, sometimes people just don't pay that much attention when they start firing off IMs, LOL. I agree! Some men just love shopping. Quite a few I've known also had female alts, too, so who knows - maybe they tagged along to see what they could find for themselves.
  5. Not sure I understand the question. I've taken men shopping in womens stores all the time. They've taken me along with them shopping in mens stores all the time. I typically date guys who love shopping and styling as much as I do (if not more), so it's just something we do together. On my own, I'm always in mens stores, too. I rock male avatars in addition to the rest, and while I absolutely adore how they look, I'm not quite a nudist. 😄 As someone who's in those a lot, I can tell ya - it's pretty common to see women shopping in stores and events catered to men - both alone and with partners. And yes, I always find men shopping in womens stores, too. Especially stores that support gifting.
  6. Very much agree with this, too! "If any designers are reading this, money awaits..." - I feel like we need a new thread for all of these great ideas and this should be the title, lol.
  7. These are my favorite events to shop at, as well! I always manage to find something new I've never heard of before that leads to even more purchases (for example, finding gorgeous BOM skins for a mermaid tail at We Love Roleplay - wait, there's a BOM mermaid tail? Runs out to price said BOM mermaid tail...saves up to buy said BOM mermaid tail...returns to event weeks later to purchase the BOM skin). I just don't have that same experience shopping at the more mainstream events (weekend sales are different - I do shop those). For the big, sim-crashing events though, very rarely do I buy anything and almost never does it lead to additional purchases.
  8. That's true, thanks! I haven't been there in a bit. I'll hop over there later and take a peek. Ahhh! I shall check here, too! You guys rock ❤️
  9. Right? How fast would I rush to a brand new suit shop for women? I only own two designed for Maitreya and spend more time than I care to admit stuffing my female form into menswear fit for Jake or Legacy Male. But hey, I'm an optimist - I think there's still a ton of opportunity in SL. Events are definitely overwhelming at this point, but if you're a designer willing to branch out, you will manage to find a customer wanting to support you at regular prices (hi, it's me, your favorite future customer!).
  10. All of this. The Seraphim-style mainstream shopping experience is one thing, but if you're looking for clothing/accessories outside of that (*raises hand furiously*), these events and sales will barely offer you very much. If a designer wants to charge more than the flood of typical 50L-75L event/weekend sales allow, they could enter the goth, punk, unisex/nonbinary, fantasy, cyberpunk, athleisure, vintage, boho, grunge, glam rock, techwear, formal/black tie, business wear, cosplay, 1920s, rockabilly, etc. etc. etc. fashion markets and make a killing. Primarily because of me - I need ALL of this in my life. Please, take my money. Thank you. 😂
  11. For head - Lelutka Ford omgomg whew okay got that off my chest (seriously, demo that, wooo). There are other options, too, but...yeah...woooo. For hair, I am not in world at the moment so I can't check, but I could almost swear I saw something like the second link recently. Not Found or Mister Razor perhaps? Maybe this from Not Found? And here's Mister Razzor's MP - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/196216 . Both stores are in-world, as well.
  12. Yay! You're very welcome! Now make copies, lots n lots of copies, lol.
  13. If you've not made any additional movements, you can try undoing it with Ctrl + Z. If that doesn't work, you could try unpacking a fresh copy of the head from the HUD it arrived in (add the hud again and see if you get the option to unpack yet again). Use that new copy and you should be good. If for some reason you don't still have your unpack hud, try getting a redelivery of your head from the store you purchased it from. It's a good idea to make some additional copies of your head before tweaking anything, too, just in case. I have had far too many oopses and tend to do that automatically these days. 😄
  14. Oh THAT issue, okay I assumed you were still seeing the alpha after taking off the hair, too. I see the updated photo now. Yeah that problem with alphas surrounding your actual worn hair is difficult to fix. It just works like that sometimes. The only solution would be to try another hairstyle or if the hair is mod, you could try playing with the alpha mode (right-click, edit the hair, Texture tab).
  15. I think I know what you're talking about - I ran into something like that setting up a new head on an avie recently. Check your worn eyebrow shape. It's going to look like a little wig icon. Right-click it and choose Edit. In the Style tab, try setting every slider way to the left, down to 0, and then click Save at the top - see if that helps a bit.
  16. I don't ignore random IMs. I genuinely enjoy speaking with new people when I'm out and about. The question, however, is not how likely one would be to receive a response from me, but what type of response they're going to get. Whether an IM receives my usual bubbly personality in reply vs. snark you into the sun depends entirely on what's sent. Low-effort IMs (the "hi"s that trail off into nothingness) will make me eyeroll a bit, but I'd still be up for a friendly chat. *gigglesnort* Nah. I've known quite a few DJs and they were fairly chill, but that sugar daddy thing is insufferable. IMs from them aren't even fun to snark on anymore. And if you're a DJ and are not talking my ear off about turntables, controllers, and mixers, then shame on you. 😉 At heart, though, I'm a gamer geek. Want a guaranteed bubbly response that turns into an hour long convo? Show me your sizzling hot... Steam collection.
  17. I'll echo what everyone else has said - Maitreya really is the easiest body that plays nicely with all kinds of mods. I'll toss in Whisk for addons and adorable BOM skins, depending on your furry choice. I believe prices are a slight bit cheaper in-world, and they've got a 1L kangaroo skin on the marketplace that you can use as a demo, since they don't offer them.
  18. Mhm, exactly! In my examples, the alt being responded to inside SL is the one doing the harassment (who is also the SL/RL ex with the personal info). I'm pre-coffee so maybe my post wasn't that clear (very possible!) - what I meant was the men and women I know are hesitant to engage with new avatars and alts in SL due to being harassed by the alts of previous SL/RL exes. As in, the "new" people they've been meeting in-world aren't actually new - just an old flame stirring up trouble. So when socializing, it's just hard for them to tell who's really legit in general, and they prefer to deal with main accounts with a longer SL history. It's confusing. And I need my coffee, desperately. And Annie, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. SL can be a real mess sometimes.
  19. This is kind of getting into whole separate topic territory and I don't want to derail tooooo much, but you'd have to just know people who have been harassed to see why some are nervous about others secretly messing around with them on alts. Things aren't always risk-free. In some of the cases I'm familiar with, these were full SL to RL relationships - some that involved international travel and meet ups, so all kinds of personal info was shared/known and used against them later in-world when things ended. It's devious and horrible, and I can understand why some people would be extraordinarily cautious after that. Of course, I would say these situations are very rare, but they absolutely do occur - just thankfully not that often. I went a whole 15-16 years before having my own WHOOAA moment. Nowhere near that bad, but I still side-eye quite a bit. Ok ok getting back on topic - @LilNosferatu !! I meant to comment on this yesterday, but I forgot. This would make for a really interesting poll! I wonder how many people have experienced less interaction once they changed something major about their avatars. I remember the days where you could run around in a green skin with dragon scales and wings and fire coming out of your eyes and nose and still get hit on relentlessly, lol. I wonder if things changed (or if dragon demon firebreathers still get plenty of attention). LMAO that sounds amazing. I have never actually roleplayed with any of my avatars and I don't even know why.
  20. Going by my own personal experience, and to keep things as suuuuuuperrrrr general as possible - I've seen and heard of alts abused for things like ex-harassment and stalking, general harassment, being ridiculously obnoxious, catfishing, starting fights, and hiding things that would possibly otherwise compromise a relationship (hiding adult employment or cheating or something to that effect). This hasn't all happened to me - just things I've observed over the years. Random example - I remember someone I spoke to ages ago said he had trust issues since his wife or girlfriend or whatever tried to bait him into a relationship on an alt and started a massive fight with him for even talking to it - annoying petty stuff like that, and worse. How common that is - I have no idea. I don't often have things like that happen to me, but I'm pretty social when I want to be and a decent listener, so I tend to hear all the wild tales from the love battlefield. I'm definitely not saying alts are bad or having them automatically disqualifies someone from anything in my eyes. It's just something my friends and I say as a warning to each other (oh, nice avie, no payment info - definitely an alt watch out girl might wanna make sure that's not beebeeboo falalalala or binglepop boopieboopdingledorp). If someone mentions having one/several during normal conversation it's fine. If it's something someone finds out ten weeks into a relationship, that usually doesn't end well (and then my ear gets talked off again 😂).
  21. LOL, don't worry. If you've got nothing to hide, just show that by casually mentioning you're an alt and a main exists. It's not anyone's business what you do on your main or who it even is, of course (unless you're trying to start a relationship or something), but just knowing that you're up front about it might make some women feel a bit less skittish. If you can't even get to the casual chat about length of time in SL stage, try putting something harmless in your profile. Been around since X, wanted a fresh start, my old inventory sucks and crashed me so hard my flexi wig flew off... you know - stuff.
  22. Couple things here. I used to go to dance clubs of all types (formal, jazz, blues, rock, industrial, techno, Latin, hip hop, etc.) very regularly. Usually alone - standing around or dancing. Often, I'd be up for a chat or dance. But eventually, it all became too tedious where a "care to dance?" would lead, within 5 minutes or less, to "we should go back to my place!" No thanks, I'm good. These days, I'm suspicious if anyone on the sidelines IMs me for dancing because it usually turns out that's not what they're looking for. Unless a guy is already out on the dance floor by himself busting grooves so hard he's throwing his back out when he IMs me - then I'll eagerly join in, because that's totally my jam. Second thing - the no payment info on file is a general flag my female friends use to signal "alt" - not an immediate issue for me since Aya is technically an alt-turned-main (but both accounts have payment info) and I don't care all that much, but many of them have had bad experiences with that and are hesitant around them. I don't know if it's the first thing they check, but given the shenanigans they've run into in the past (like exes using alts to stalk/troll them), they don't entirely ignore it, either. The hair thing is definitely not something I'd pay any attention to. My human avatars have the majority of their heads shaved and wear head tattoos. The day I start judging men on their hair is the day I'm going to have to start going back to traditional hairstyles (not happening). Oh, and to get back on topic for a second - how people react to my avies? They don't. I get the occasional "wow cool avie!" IM, mostly from women, but SL is pretty silent for me these days and I kinda don't mind it. I got more frequent IMs when I looked more...ermm...I hate to say normal but...regular? Plain? Average? Once I started rocking more alternative human avies and non-human avies, the random IMs vanished (yay).
  23. Not taking a position either way here, but this looks like every other survey I've ever taken in my life. And I've taken a lot more than I care to admit (had some tough times!), though all of the ones I've taken were paid surveys conducted through actual universities or companies for consumer/market research and hosted on various gig/work websites, so there's that. That aside, these are really standard demographics questions they tend to ask participants, at least here in the US (race/ethnicity, income, age bracket, region of the country or world if international - some go as far as to ask for a zip code, marital status, education level/degree held, what field your degree's in, etc. etc. etc.). I've seen questions like that on simple "so what do you think of this cool new product idea!" surveys that seemingly don't need any of that info. Not saying it's right or wrong - it's just somewhat common, at least for our surveys here in the US. Now, why an SL survey needs all that - no idea. But this does follow the usual generic format. I'd just avoid the survey if you don't want to give out that type of info (I'm so used to it, it wouldn't faze me, but I realize how that would make others a bit concerned). Edit: LilNosferatu beat me to it, with links even! ❤️
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