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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. It's similar to any other platform where IP infringement runs rampant (Etsy, YouTube, etc.). I'm pretty sure action by LL would require the copyright holder to first file a DMCA takedown notice in writing. *Insert "I am not an attorney, this is not legal advice" notice here * 😁
  2. LOL, I feel this. Your typo will now forever be burned into the forum MUHAHAHAHAhhhhh (seriously, that'd bug me, too, lol).
  3. The OP gave absolutely zero information regarding their situation (other than asking the question of what LL does in cases of harassment). Not sure where all these assumptions are coming from. Unless maybe there was another post with a lot more detail posted somewhere I missed, which is entirely possible.
  4. The question from the OP was what would LL do. The answer was already given, but I'll summarize - if you file an abuse report, they'll look into it. You won't be told the result of the investigation, however, so block and (if needed) ban the person/persons from your land. The long version (from Mollymews' linkie): What happens when an abuse report is filed You receive an automated response by email. If you need to add more information after submitting a report, please submit a new report. We try to resolve abuse issues as quickly as possible, but response times vary depending on the number of backlogged abuse reports. For privacy reasons, we are unable to share the details of an investigation into an abuse report. Once your report has been submitted, we'll take it from there. Often all it takes to curtail an issue is an official warning. In most cases, a Resident who violates our Terms of Service and/or Community Standards is given several opportunities to rectify his or her behavior before banishment occurs. In all cases, the Resident's disciplinary record is reviewed to determine an appropriate response. Serious abuse may result in account suspensions or permanent bans. The length of a suspension is determined by the nature of the abuse, previous violations, and how many people are affected.
  5. They aren't taxing Lindens yet. The blog mentions they'll announce when that starts happening in the future. For the time being we will charge taxes only on recurring billings, such as premium subscriptions and land fees... We will continue to absorb the taxes at point-of-sale purchases such as one-time L$ buys, first-time premium subscriptions, and name changes. At some point in the future we will need to begin passing those taxes on to you. We will make another announcement when those charges are phased in. Edit: @LittleMe Jewellbeat me to it!
  6. *peeks at the video...* Head's cute. Absolutely do not like the body's arms/chest/muscles, though. Still waiting for a natural-looking body without all that. Not a fan of separate hand/feet attachments, either.
  7. I actually don't derender avatars very often either. The only time I bother is when a store is giving out free heads and I'm only going to be in the sim long enough to tap a vendor and bounce (or more accurately - crash bounce). I do it just to speed that process up a little. I spend enough time alone in my house/photo studio that going out somewhere busy is my big chance to socialize and people watch for a bit. I mean, to be fair, I do shop a lot, too, but most stores I like stay pretty empty, so that doesn't count!
  8. I've had decent luck shoving Maitreya into more neutral/male clothes on occasion. I just alpha, well, everything, and squeeze her into some male Mossu or Fe Style tops. For a less tricky option, there are places inworld like The Secret Store and AsteroidBox that have very nice clothes that come in Lara Flat, V-Tech, and/or Petite, for example. Slim Maitreya down a bit and try one or all of the addon demos, then go looking around for clothing made to fit them and demo those on top of it all. The benefit with Maitreya is a lot of furry mods (legs, feet, tails, wings, paws, etc.) work well with it, too, so you won't really need to buy a whole new body or anything. For heads, I really like some Lelutkas for a more neutral look. You can do a lot with River and Zora. Also check out their newer Inez and Halle heads. I'm mostly a Catwa girl, though, so I've had the most luck playing around with Freya and the HDPro Queen. Makeup is totally optional on all of those. That comes down to your skin choices, mostly.
  9. I was going to suggest Cuba, but I'm not entirely sure if that's just themed or an actual replica of a village. Cute though. There are some actual sims based on real life locations listed here, though - https://secondlife.com/destinations/real/
  10. Rapscallion!!! Shoo shoo! 😂JK. ❤️ Hopefully you're an Elder Millennial, or as I saw it referred to on Twitter the other day - Eldritch Millennial.
  11. I saw that! It was fun watching it come together live, too. A few of the Twitch communities I'm in added some channel logos and banners into it. That'd be wild in SL, but yeah, we'd crash the place if we tried, lol. Funny enough, I don't even know if the younger demographics are exactly a target for metaverses either. I took a peek a while ago at the Horizon Venues (not World - the live performance/concert version) Meta Oculus thinggiemadoohickey website. The reviews there are not great. A LOT of "too many kids running around" "immature kids ruining the show" "kids screaming" type complaints. Among others. Lots mentioned the Foo Fighters concert that pretty much killed the servers and kept a lot of people from seeing the show, too. Sounds like that app at least is trying to target everyone at once and that's just not going to work.
  12. Mhm! I in no way had it the worst by any stretch of the imagination - I was mostly left alone and ignored (thankfully), but I'm a misfit in the truest sense of the word. I aligned myself with the stoners, goths, and metal kids because nobody really liked them much either, so we had that in common. I definitely did have some friends along the way, and I'd never ever claim that I've suffered much. Things were just highly obnoxious is all. I missed out on my own prom because my boyfriend's parents were super squeamish about me in the first place and decided not to let him go. You know, the educated A/B student dating their almost flunking C/D kid and doing my best to help him bring his grades up, the nerve of me! Hmpf. Is that enough to count as being cancelled? Anyway, the overall experience made me seek out others online (hence why I was online ALL the time once that became a thing!) to learn more about people who were also really different. I mean, I naturally had a soft spot for that sort of thing, and that's how I became so fascinated with learning about everything. Fully immersed myself in learning about art, music, dance, culture, food. Became obsessed with travel. Everything. But whoa - yes, there was absolutely a TON of hate on the internet (and still is). It's definitely tough to avoid, but I did my best. Confronting it wasn't on the table for me. I was already too tired, you know? But, hating on someone for being different? So don't get that. I wanted to be their friend and understand where they were coming from. Fighting with people online? No time, too busy seeking out new friends across the globe. Sitting on social media throwing around insults in this here 2022? Nope, busy sorting out my Egyptian rap Spotify playlist. Worry about being cancelled? Nah, been there done that, behbeh. And if I do accidentally offend, I'm quick to apologize. Why wouldn't I be? Why in the world would I want to hurt somebody's feelings? I feel this. It was hard - definitely not saying it wasn't, and it was lonely and terrifying just stepping into the school every day. I probably did cry a bunch of times, too (honestly don't remember - I blanked out so much of that experience by now!), but I was determined to make the best of it. The school was good (in the "great on a college application" sense), compared to some of my other options. We moved there fully aware of how I'd be treated. Example - a good friend of mine who attended the school accompanied me to the admissions office and threw a fit on my behalf when the admins asked if I truly "belonged" there or if my attendance was some sort of mistake. Having her fight for me just made me determined to prove every single @#$!! who doubted me wrong, so I pushed on. Honestly - math classes made me cry more than anything else. I SUCK at numbers, but every other grade I made sure was a big fat A.
  13. This is absolutely depressing. Just when I thought I'd seen/heard it all!
  14. I need to kick myself into gear and pick up more of her work. I absolutely loved it (we started with The Joy Luck Club). I don't know if Open Library (openlibrary.org) is good or not (I have some books in my backlog, so I haven't browsed around for more in a minute), but I think they have some of her stuff in there - all digital, of course, and I'm not really a huge fan of reading on electronic devices, so I'd get it if that's not your thing either. For print, it's obnoxious how expensive books can be. Ebay has good sales on occasion and buy 3 get 1 free deals, but I haven't bought used books since the pandemic started, so I'm not sure of the current pricing.
  15. You make a good point about chat back in the day being more anonymous and easier to hide behind than it is now. That's very true. Back then, you could get away with saying pretty much anything and...well, as you know, people absolutely DID. They said it all, constantly, nonstop. Leet was one way the more clever among them got around the chat and game ban hammers (sort of), but if you squinted hard enough, you could still see the insults flying back and forth. I guess all those years seeing that level of unfiltered toxicity and rage on a daily basis, I'm beyond grateful platforms have decided to at least *attempt* to make their corners of the internet a little more friendly and a lot less hostile. Why anyone wants to be somewhere without some level of moderation to keep things civil at bare minimum is so far beyond me. I didn't even want to acknowledge the whole cancel culture shenanigans. I guess my brain automatically tunes it out when someone starts complaining about it. That, and I already know what they're itching to say. I spent years being the only sole minority in a huge high school of thousands of kids. And I did it without a single complaint or whine or foot stomp or tantrum. Managed to get killer grades the entire way through, too. If someone truly wants to know what it feels like to be silenced, shut down, shunned, rejected, "cancelled," and socially isolated without a single chance to speak what's *really* on your mind, give that a try! The experience only made me stronger, though. *shrug* Oh and @Scylla Rhiadra, I saw a book ban happen in real time! Back in the 90s, I had an absolutely lovely English teacher who wanted to start up a multicultural literature class in our school. She thought it'd help expose the kids to other cultures considering our school was so...not like that. She fought tooth and nail and managed to get the green light to run the class one year. It was FABULOUS. Only a small number of students signed up, but I wasn't too surprised. I was too happy to care. It was my first ever experience getting to read Toni Morrison and Maya Angelou and Amy Tan and other great writers. I mean, by then I was already a huge reader, but I was hooked on horror books, so...lol. Love love loved her so much for doing that. The students all enjoyed it. Well, we begged her to run a second class for the next year. So, she agreed and tried to get another one approved. Guess what? Parents flipped out. Rushed the school. Launched complaints. She was so so so upset and one day confided in me (being the only Black student in the entire school) that she was told by them, "we don't want our kids learning about THOSE people!" So I asked if there was anything we could do and sadly no - they refused to let her run a second class. Her enthusiastic students missed out...because the school sided with the parents and essentially banned those books from being taught again. That will forever go down as my most disappointing school experience (but I went on to read more Toni myself, so there). Sorry for the off-topic story there, but since we were talking about things being cancelled, I figured I'd mention my favorite class.
  16. Heeey we gave up the plaid in 1996!!! (well, mostly)... Grunge was a maaaaaaassive part of my high school experience (born late 70s, so not one of those Millennial rapscallions - on the cusp, if anything, but they start in what, 81?). If you couldn't name at least 17 top hits that repeated on MTV about a thousand times per day and weren't playing air guitar on your way to class, you were shunned by the masses! But yes, I did grow up jamming to Al B. Sure and early Madonna and I'm not even ashamed of that. 80s kid/90s teen. Went from Smurf songs on vinyl to Prince on cassette to Alice in Chains on CD. What a time. And now...I wanna bust out my Spotify grunge playlist. *air guitars her way out*
  17. I'm partial to the one of the left (it's just more sinister that way, which is what I usually go for), but I totally understand if people prefer the right side. Left is definitely a bit harder to see. Right is good, too, though. Ahhhh decisions! Guess I'll be using both going forward! 😆
  18. Also not too recent. Those types of insults (and a whole lot worse) have been flying around the innerwebz for a long time. I feel like the only one who remembers how awful some chatrooms and gaming chats used to be. I think I'm eternally doomed to remember the experience. 😂 The era of Leet (and having to learn that nonsense just to understand people working way too hard to get around censors and chat filters) will forever be burned into my brain.
  19. Aww you're welcome, and thank YOU! ❤️ I'm glad you told me the other photo was too dark. I totally forget to compensate for other monitor settings when setting up dark shots. Oops!
  20. My best guess is companies and platforms are no longer interested in spending the time and resources in babysitting bad behavior. There are algorithms and bots and AIs being trained up to spot toxicity and nip it in the bud. I can't say I blame them, either. Having a bunch of people argue and fight and insult each other day in and day out on your platform/in your game isn't exactly a good look. The early days of the internet (and internet gaming) were a hot mess and not always very welcoming for new people who were just trying to have a good time. It's still just as bad in some places, but some platforms finally realized how off-putting that can be and are working to fix it. I can't speak to the rest. I've never been banned from anywhere. I have no desire whatsoever to fight with people on the internet but yes, some places do ban a lot faster than others.
  21. Emphasis on the bolded part - I'll just point out that none of this behavior is new. I quite remember there being lots of rage-filled ranting and arguments across various IRC channels and chatrooms back in the day. More recent examples that still started way, way before 2022 - think of Barrens (and sometimes Elwynn Forest) chat in early WoW that absolutely did result in bans (as slow as they were), general gaming forum toxicity, Steam discussion boards, obnoxious YouTube comments/livechat, 4chan, parts of Reddit, and most certainly, Call of Duty didn't get its reputation for having one of the most toxic communities overnight.
  22. Definitely don't change your settings permanently because of my image, but if you're curious, you could tinker with the contrast as well. Remember your settings so you can revert things back if you do that, though! In the meantime, I tweaked the lights a bit and made things brighter. See if this helps a bit. I didn't bother putting this on Flickr, though, since it's basically the same thing.
  23. One thing to keep in mind is Twitch can be quite inconsistent and very random when it comes to moderation. Some channels will get away with things for a long time and then suddenly get smacked. Others will make a tiny oops and catch a quick suspension that same day. If you have intentions of keeping and growing that channel (getting more viewers, eventually getting Twitch affiliate or partner, working with sponsors, etc.), you probably want to follow their written rules as closely as you can. It would be very hard to dispute them if they did decide to penalize your channel for streaming SL as SL is on the prohibited games list. Strikes on your account can be bad. https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/list-of-prohibited-games This part, in particular, is maybe why you've managed to skate on it. It requires someone else reporting it. User accounts broadcasting or uploading content that feature gameplay from these titles can be reported via the user report tool under the option Prohibited Game (How to File a User Report). Reported users may receive a strike and a temporary account suspension. In order to discourage sharing this content, all titles on the list are removed from the game selector found on the broadcaster dashboard. Using the mature content flag, setting the broadcast or VOD to one of these titles, a different title, or ‘Not Playing’ does not constitute an exemption from this policy.
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