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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. LOL, yeah it's a lot to go through just to deter someone. Blocking IS a lot faster. It would be kind of funny, though. "Sure, I'll verify!" *ten minutes later* ... *angry Donald Duck quacking* Omg my stomach LMAO. The whole last minute of this *wipes tears*. One bonus, of course, is if the guy sticks around and actually laughs with you, he might be a keeper.
  2. To me, it seems the opposite. It's because they care so much about money that these things sometimes happen. Sites often go full cleanup mode when trying to attract new investor eyeballs, advertisers, someone with lots of cash to buy them out, etc. Maintaining adult content also comes with a lot of rules and regulations (usually), so you'll need good moderation teams. Banks and payment processors also tend to freak out when things go too...dark...so that's always another consideration. It's a hassle, pretty much. No idea if any of that has anything to do with why Flickr made its decision (my guess is they just want to drive new memberships and make Pro more attractive, considering what's actually changing) - just a general overview. Flickr's changes aren't as severe, really, since free accounts can still view all content (confirmed by staff on their forum) - they just can't upload M and higher themselves. Content's not changing - they're just changing who can post it.
  3. Aww, that's a shame. I'm not sure if there's a better place to share photos that utilizes specific access levels like that. Umm, Shutterfly Share Sites and Google Photos might do it. OneDrive perhaps. Amazon Photos. Etc. Edit: Rowan's suggestion will work, too.
  4. Mhm, the bot gets things wrong a lot from what I hear. As for the rules - According to this page on Flickr (Community Guidelines), artistic and educational videos with nudity *may be allowed* under Moderate. According to this page (Safety Levels), partial nudity in photos falls under Moderate. Full-frontal and more (photos only) falls under Restricted. Also - "Videos cannot contain restricted content and are deleted if reported." It doesn't seem like anything but fully-clothed would fly under the Safe setting. With clothing, my assumption is if anything is visible enough to get close to "partial nudity" by their definition, it'd at least be Moderate. Yup, sounds like it according to this blog post - "With that in mind, we’re limiting free accounts to 50 non-public photos (e.g. photos marked as private, friends, family, or friends and family."
  5. No no, I mean the ones that change it *completely* - the ones that can make you sound like an evil overlord, alien, autotuned singer, literally the Chipmunks, turn you into a robot, sound like super distorted police radios, add chorus and reverb and echo effects, and I remember hearing one on YouTube a loooong time ago that did a super cute Pikachu kind of voice, etc. There are some YouTubers and Twitch streamers who used to use voice changers while playing Among Us and it was way too funny. One mostly used an evil, dark overlord type voice - there are some that can be seriously scary, too. Basically, something like this (not the best voices here, but some decent ones mixed in):
  6. Honestly, know what I would do if I had the patience (which I don't these days)? I'd go ahead and hop on voice. Guzzle a whole can of soda or beer first. Shamelessly burp my way through that conversation. Better yet, invest in some cheap audio software to add sound effects to Discord/Skype voice chat, like Soundpad (it's $4.99 on Steam). Nuff said with that one. Go nuts. Knowing me, I'd play that reggae airhorn after every sentence mixed in with some DJ drops for fun. "Breakin' off another exclusive miiix!" *airhorn* Oh, and don't forget voice changers that also work with Discord. You can go full Alvin and the Chipmunks with that.
  7. Not sure why they'd feel the need to. Their main Flickr account is already Pro and their largest official photography group only allows photos marked Safe, so they don't seem to be affected by this change much. Free users can still interact with them in the same way we have been all along.
  8. To be fair, I've had monsters do this. They can sometimes be more relentless than humans. 🚨Warning, warning, I'm going to generalize here buuuuut - demons can be super annoying. And before they come after me, I'm allowed to say that because I am one on occasion. 😘
  9. Since we're linking things, I found this article to be somewhat amusing. I found it a few weeks ago - https://www.pcgamer.com/gabe-newell-metaverse/ Especially this quote from Gabe (president of Valve): "I'm friends with Neal Stephenson, and every time we get together, he just puts his face in his hands. So it's like, 'okay, what metaverse story is driving you insane today?'" *gigglesnort*
  10. Lol it's okay! It wouldn't really make a difference to me. What people wear doesn't really matter to me. Human, furry, monster, satyr, dryad, zombie - it's all good and I'll chat with anyone. As long as they aren't trying to eat my face, that is.
  11. Trust with what? To keep a secret? To borrow my Aston Martin (man I really should buy an Aston Martin the next time I get some Lindens)? Both. Neither. Need to speak to the person first.
  12. The first link on Google for me shows a preview of a political rant. Further down, I see "newTumbl was created specifically for refugees of other social media sites." That's just...not the super chill community feel I'd be looking for if I wanted a new photo-sharing home. Sounds like somewhere people might go to complain after being banned from Twitter for shenanigans 😂
  13. I'm surprised to be honest. It's so rare to find websites that go totally yolo on user-uploaded content. I mean, they exist I'm sure. Probably not very mainstream, though. Oh, I just ran a quick Google on NewTumbl and yeah...I'll definitely be avoiding that one.
  14. I'm not affected by the Flickr changes much as I think I might have only one single Moderate-rated photo, so I'm not planning to leave the platform or upgrade to Pro. For those who are, be very careful when looking for alternatives. Even 500px has acceptable content guidelines that will affect what types of NSFW content you can upload. I've often seen a LOT of this "unsuitable content" over at Flickr. https://support.500px.com/hc/en-us/articles/204031118-Not-Safe-For-Work-NSFW-Content-Unsuitable-Content Re: Reddit and karma - it's a user rating system, basically. Other users can give you karma points to basically illustrate how useful to the community your posts are. Reddit's not really a great place for photography. It's not a very visual kind of platform and I don't think there's any way to build an actual portfolio/gallery (or at least, I've never seen one). More of a discussion board type thing.
  15. This is exactly it, 100%. And those things are not what most would hop on a plane expecting to experience - especially if you only rely on travel guides, virtual tours, and tourism videos. Every country I've been in, I never once made it a point to visit major landmarks, stay at the best hotels, or eat at popular Michelin restaurants. Unfortunately, that's about all you're going to get strolling around in virtual theme parks. Most guides for Trinidad that I've seen can't go without mentioning Carnival - but what if you go off-season? It's peaceful as hell and you might get entire beachfront hotels to yourself, I will say that much. At least, I didn't see any other guests during my short stay on the beach. It's especially serene and peaceful deep in rural countryside far outside of Port of Spain where I spent the bulk of my stay (that again, very few, if any, ever mention in their guides or highlight in their sims) - except when it's not. I was there for a wedding (that never actually happened! They eloped halfway into the trip OMG) and stayed in a private home that doubled as the local friendly neighborhood bar after hours - now that...was something! Anyway, given the random things I like to do/see/experience, virtual tourism is entirely lost on me.
  16. I haven't spent much time visiting virtual replicas of places I've been. I did wander London once or twice and honestly, it wasn't even enough to make me truly miss the place. It felt nothing like it. The busy streets, the hoards of people window shopping, the heavy daytime traffic, the nice people who actually stop and wait at pedestrian walkways instead of trying to run you over for points (looking at you, NYC!), the guys racing up and down the otherwise quiet streets way too drunk at 4am on a Sunday morning yelling utter nonsense about their body parts, the adults laughing outside of bars, the kids running around giggling at the top of their lungs in the park... ...the eccentric fashionista strutting around in a whole full-length purple fur coat like she's somebody, the terrible weather, the super cozy and warm pubs that won't kick you out even if you stay sprawled out on the couch for hours, the punks chilling out on the bridge outside Camden, the lazy weekend afternoons roaming around the outdoor flea markets with my roommates, the part where we'd pretend we could afford clothes at Harrods, the over-protective goth club bouncer giving me rides back to my college apartment building at 5am several days a week because he absolutely forbade me from walking home alone like I used to (and all the "my daughter's about your age!" dad-like lectures he gave me about it once he found out), the Indian restaurant owner sneaking my boyfriend and I free after-dinner cocktails every time we ate there despite his wife giving us ALL dirty looks for THAT shenanigans (ok that actually happened in Oxford, but it's too funny not to mention it) - all that charm was missing. Nope, London (SL) feels nothing like London (RL). If it had been the other way around (visiting SL's London first), my expectations would've been way off the mark. My guess is I'd go there thinking "wow I'll see Big Ben!" - I have no idea if I ever did see that thing and I sure wasn't looking for it. 😂
  17. Nooooope. Naw. No. Nu uh. No ma'am. Jeans all year round for me. Maybe leggings. Maybe a floor length skirt. Maybe not. Probably not. Shaving is the absolute worst! Wait...you don't make inappropriate faces on purpose?!
  18. Very welcome! Take a look at the Second Life Official Flickr group if you want a good idea of what's possible. It's really great!
  19. Omg, so much this. Velour now sells a skin softener add-on to tone down the shine - not sure if you've seen that yet. I haven't tried it myself. I just do not like those bodies at all. The darker shades - just no. And even the fantasy shades look so...slippery! I'm in an ItGirls Queen body skin that matches an older Velour face skin (back when they still did Catwa and Genus) that I absolutely adore (I did have to tint the body and then the head, though - ItGirls can be so very orange). My favorite for medium/darker tones for women, though, is still Pumec. Moccino absolutely needs to do more male skins because the one I got for my guy there is so beyond gorgeous I just can't stand it. It matches Stray Dog (who also does nice tones for the guys), so I'd love that. Their female faces are fantastic, too, but again, you'll wind up in Velour, most likely. Unless you like their body skins (I didn't really).
  20. LMAO move or I'm throwing you on a poseball for 30 minutes! 🤣
  21. As mentioned already, you might (big might) have an easier time if you chose a location like London, New York, New Orleans, Paris, etc. Even if a person didn't set out to tour one of those locations based only on what they found in SL, there's a much greater chance they found themselves there due to work, family, a wedding, etc. Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but just wanted to toss that out there.
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