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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. Just be prepared for at least half the places to be dead and gone, if you mean the one on the SL website. The inworld Destination thing mostly works, and at least tells you where there are actual people, though they may be spread across the whole sim if it is something other than an actual gathering place like a club.
  2. Because of coronavirus... Yeah, that's it, because of the coronavirus! 🤣
  3. That wasn't quite the point, but sure, why not. 🙂
  4. And of course, he really should be a she. Not sure they could find a woman insane enough to head LL though.
  5. Reminds me of Christopher Walken. Or Elon Musk. At least he doesn't look like a Bond villain like Bezos, who is also an actual villain.
  6. Anne-with-an-e says redheads can't wear green... Looks fine to me though...
  7. What do you have to set it at to see Russia?
  8. But you can’t mess her up. I am sure you have outfits saved, as long as you keep a copy of he current shape and all her parts you can go right back. So you can experiment and go wild!
  9. Maybie looks like Kate McKinnon in that photo.
  10. lol I have a bit of land and a house until my Premium runs out in a year or so, but if you PM me an surl or drop me an LM in-world I would love to see your apartments.
  11. I lived in a place like that for a while a long time ago, and really loved it. I had to mute some neighbors, but I liked living there. Since I left home IRL, I have always lived in apartments, as I like that far better than detached houses and yards. The problem I had in SL, which I have had several times at places I loved, was I logged on one day and the building was gone, along with a far bit of rent payments. I have looked at apartments in SL many time since then, but never really find any I like or that have other tenants.
  12. When I was an actual newbie over 12 years ago, I found plenty to do immediately, and within a week found a place I would have stayed with forever, if it had lasted. Now I log in and spend 2-3 hours just trying to find someplace even just tolerable, then give up. And this is after spending several months (and a lot of money) trying to move on from the past and find new purpose in SL. At this point I have decided I am no longer the audience for SL and just don’t log in except to clear messages occasionally and donate the Lindens I have accrued to my sister’s clan.
  13. I like both looks!!! And *I* was just joking about the femmes, too, sorry! You certainly didn't offend me, can't speak for others. I took it as a joke, was just joking back. Sorry if I made you feel bad. And hey, I have black nails IRL right now (powder job, yays! fun and pretty, if expensive), which I see as edgy, but perhaps could be considered butchty, I guess (though manicures is not a butch's thing, in my experience, lol ).
  14. I don't see how this is too butch?? Seems more Blue jean Lesbian to me, pretty mild on the butch scale. And really, can one be too butch??? And you in that black gown a few posts back?? sigh... ETA: Don't be dissin' femmes, now! (just saw that part..) 'Specially lipsticks. Joke though: How many lipstick lesbians does it take to change a flat tire? Two. One to phone AAA and another to complain she got her shoes dusty.
  15. I don't think it was ever pitched as anything more than this in the first place. I wanted to have a different last name, and knew this is the option we would have, so I just created a new account with the names I wanted squished together. Closest thing you are going to get.
  16. I think I was thinking of Littleboots. Fairly well the same thing.
  17. Yes, I was thinking, people waited two years for this? Will be interesting to see what the uptake is. None of them would interest me in the least, most are some kind of cutesy name. And I thought we already had Littlepaws from the old days.
  18. Ewwww... Yet another reason to consider 'British humour' an oxymoron...
  19. Well, that’s not so bad. I am lacto-ovo anyhow, though really rethinking eggs lately.
  20. Do we even *wanna* know what is in that stuff??? Kinda like the Big Mac special sauce...
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