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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. Somehow an iron whip doesn't sound very harmless... I hope everyone has or had a wonderful New Year's though!
  2. Yes, sorry, I probably shouldn't have made that joke post. It's just that being the airhead that *I* am, and not knowing about that store, that was the first thing that popped into my head, "Wow, LL will help with something like this???" I was hoping the emoticons would make if clear it was stupid joke, sorry. (blushes) (and, why is there no blushy face emoticon???) I really have appreciated this thread. I am always amazed by the deep knowledge of vendors that other people have. I am slowly building up my own repertoire with the aid of the forums, and this has been great. It sucks that apparently Talli still has not been able to find her hair, though.
  3. Wow, you think LL will track it down for her???? 😄
  4. Although I cannot go to the store right now, there is a girl where I am wearing really, really curly hair, very full, that is from Phoenix Hair. Here is the surl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rhage/112/129/27 If you are on, you might want to check it out. I am going when I can. Very nice hair, reminds me of the one Talli is looking for.
  5. That describes me exactly. Although things are certainly far prettier now, and have better detail, I was better served by SL when the graphics quality was far lower than it is now. As you say, what I would like to do is mostly to socialize with others, particularly having conversations with them (honestly, I probably am more consistently served for what I want here in the Forums than in SL itself~), and that has little to do with a more immersive visual experience. Perhaps other current users would get more out of SL, and maybe more people would join, but VR doesn't solve any problems for me. Absent a comeback of places for me to socialize, which I guess LL can't really do anything about, the things that would make the most difference to me are pretty mundane, and I guess must be hard-to-deliver. Things like LESS EFFING LAG (I realize that seems to have little to do with social interaction, but is highly relevant to the things I actually get to do in SL these days), better discovery tools, and better shopping experiences. I guess none as that is as cool as BOM or VR or whatever though.
  6. Ugh, you girls just cost me over $2200. No match is awesome. Le sighe... Scylla, great place for curly hair, if you can find a style you like!!!! (you probably have already been, though, lol)
  7. If nothing else, at least someone (me!) got a bunch of new Demos to try!
  8. I saw some sex like that last night when making my rounds...
  9. Thanks! Not that you would likely be interested, but Carmilla has lesbian undertones, and a web series with lesbian overtones was created based on it. Supposedly a conventional movie is coming out at some point. The nice thing about the series (besides all the queer people in it) is that Carmilla turns good, defeats the evil vampire Queen (her mother!!), and saves the day. (not a crazy Carmilla fan or anything, nope, not at all...)
  10. I have bought sooo many Kindles and Nook readers over the years. I have read a lot of books on them over the years, but honestly, even with page-turners, I find them frustrating. Also, I read a lot of books with end notes, and books that I need to refer back to reread sections, and at best, the ebooks are still much more clumsy at that, for me, than paper books. I can find something I want to reread a lot easier in a book, too, by context as I skim through; with ebooks, it is slow to flip through, and search can bring up a lot of stuff to sift through. The ebooks tend to cost as much as the real ones, too. In the end, the only benefit I find of ebooks is they take up less room (I have two bookcases, and when they fill, I purge), and you can carry a lot of them around instead of packing paper books (I always take several books with me when I travel, even overnight).
  11. OMG!!!! I have watched for a new book from Morgenstern for years! I loved The Night Circus, other than one of each pair of contestants/combatants having to die (what cruel old men). I especially loved the girl, and loved that the one woman was a previous contestant who was gay and whose love was the other of the pair, and chose to die. I have never been able to bear reading it a second time, but such a wonderful book and magical world.
  12. I rarely go to Twitter, but the last three I like a lot. Unfortunately they are all behind paywalls now (The Atlantic switched only recently), and I am too cheap to subscribe, so I rarely read any of them. The Atlantic temps me, as I used to read a lot of their articles, and it is only $5/month IIRC.
  13. Hmm, I don't know what it may be called other places, but where I am, frizzy hair is something you do not want, lol. Perhaps the difference between frizzy and frizzly? I have extremely curly hair IRL, and fight frizz. In addition to using a conditioner in the shower, I use a leave-in conditioner afterwards. But yeah, being a curly girl can be fun.
  14. Interesting. I don't really read Elle, but I didn't know dudes wrote for it.
  15. That would make zero difference to me, at least. I try it every few months, and did again a few weeks ago, and it works so differently from SL it makes no sense to me. I got stuck at one of the 'training' spots and could not figure out how to get unstuck. Plus, I guess it is chicken-and-egg, but there is noone there. Other than the graphics (which I didn't get even the full benefit of, as I have no VR gear), it seems more like OpenSims or SenseSpace (or whatever that is called), far, far behind SL in development. I guess I am not the target audience for it anyhow, though (and really, probably shouldn't even be participating in the this thread, lol). I have zero interest in wearing a headset or buying all the gear needed and getting an even more powerful computer. It sounds like the demand might grow, though, if more young people and intense gamers get in (as per Luna).
  16. Since when do you wear long hair???? 🤔
  17. Talli, I am sorry for you troubles, but I am glad to get some new leads on hair.
  18. I assumed it was because they don't have to bother with seduction (though I guess if you are willing to pay, which you are supposed to do with the AFK avis) and actual conversation or other interaction, such as having to cyber. Plus, perhaps don't have the embarrassment of purchasing sex from a sentient being, if that is still a thing. Oh, and I guess not having their performance judged. But it may be like you say, too, sort of like watching a video, though if so, why not just watch a video??? It's all a mystery, lol.
  19. Yes, indeed! That is why Linden Lab's massive investment in a new world, Sansar (mentioned by Lillith and Lindal) has been so successful, and taken the online world by storm! In fact, almost everyone who used to be in SL has moved to Sansar, and made it a vibrant, exciting experience! You should go there and see for yourself. (sorry, massive sarcasm, couldn't resist). I know nothing about VR Chat, which people bring up occasionally, but VR in general seems to pretty have been something that sounds far better in theory than it is in practice. I guess it has an audience, but doesn't seem to have caught on like some people expected (probably people who had a financial interest in it doing so).
  20. This is a whole topic on its own, and even more OT than even I am comfortable with, plus probably applicable to and interesting for pretty much noone else here but me. But yeah, this applies to a lot of queer culture and queer spaces. As I said elsewhere, something gained but something lost. I wish we could have kept the old and benefited from the new alongside each other but that doesn't seem to be how it is.~
  21. What I want is what I used to have, a place (or even places, I am so greedy, lol) to go dance and talk and listen to music. And I used to have what I would guess you would call a RP sim, a female-only BDSM sim where I spent hours and hours, and there were always people around and lots of interactions. Sadly, I do not find places that fit my wants these days, so I just spend all my time wandering about alone. It's fine, though, honestly I have a lot stuff I should be doing instead of being in SL, lol.
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