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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. I can see how this is so, and I guess that is my motivation sometimes, if I am honest, but really I try more to keep in mind something I read long ago: When you refuse to fight, you leave the battlefield (this does not apply to real battlefields, of course, where the opposition would just kill you or capture and imprison you, lol).
  2. Ooops, sorry! I have never actually watched the video, just listened to the song, so I did not know about the spiders!!! I usually don't watch her videos, as they are bit extreme for me, lol. I do love her music, though.
  3. It's ironic, when the same people who complain about OT do the same thing, it's ok, at least the thread I am thinking of. Wrt the annoying others thing, I am not much into fighting, I would rather just walk away. I have a lot bigger problems in my life than dealing with difficult strangers in some obscure online forum.
  4. When I saw the stuff about the pubic hair, I laughed, and was going to post a comment about virtual merkins. Then I realized, oh, yeah, and all my hairs are wigs, and really *everything* here is as virtual as the wearable pubic hair.
  5. Works for me, but as anyone who has seen many of my posts knows, I am the worst about getting OT. I know it drives some people crazy, though (I have been called out for it in a certain long-running thread, and don't participate in it anymore because of my tendency to to that), so having an OT forum is nice.
  6. I can't answer for everyone, and I am a vegetarian, not vegan, but for me it is the same reason that I think most people go to fast food places: convenience. It isn't like there are chains of vegetarian fast-food places around, much less vegan places, at least where I live. It's hard to even find something to eat at most sit-down places; occasionally I have to go someplace with other people where I have to just order a salad, and ask them to leave out the big chunks of meat and the little chunks of bacon.
  7. I have sort of thought of this sub-forum as the OT forum, but looking at the description, it does say "Second Life discussions welcome here.' (emphasis mine) Perhaps we need an OT forum? I guess it is ultimately all up to LL, either let this be a de facto OT forum, or whatever.
  8. Oh, ok, thanks. It was always quite obvious in the system avis, even with most clothes on, as they followed the chest contours, or were V-necked. Rezz one of the system avis from the viewer, and you will see it, for sure. I never understood why that had to be there, being completely ignorant of avi design, it seemed that could at least be flat instead of a deep ugly gash down your chest.
  9. Not trying to be rude, but I am struggling to understand the connection between the head and the chest groove? 🤔
  10. Thanks! All these years, and I never knew about that. I just cam there. And I do it a lot, plus read profiles. I thought perhaps she was talking about right-clinking on someone, followed by Inspect, to get info on something they are wearing. Which I also do.
  11. Reminds me of a scene from the movie The Truth about Cats and Dogs.
  12. What is alt-clicking? Is that the right-button move for a Mac with a single-button mouse?
  13. Quite the entertaining thread! Apparently my breasts are too small for anyone to bother with, though, and the thing that I can't get out of my mind is how someone probably could use one of the posers to create a mammogram PSA. Oh, and I wonder if the extensive BD Poser will enable extreme breast contortions like the Boob Machine or whatever it is called?
  14. Oh, I really don't care in the least about that. The three (yes ,three) people I had in my contacts in my main (other than alts) know about my new account (only two have chosen to add my new account), and the very small (as in, one small club) group of people I interact with know about my move. My main concern is just about being honest with strangers at places I might go. But I have gotten over that, too.
  15. Ugh, still has that nasty chest groove? That was always the thing I hated the most about system avis...
  16. My original account is over 12 years old, but I feel quite sure I will not be in SL long enough for this one to reach 12 years, for a lot of reasons.
  17. I have always found this off-putting for some reason I cannot quite place, which is odd for me; whether my response is right or wrong, I usually know very well what emotion I am feeling and why. This interests me, though, as I created a new account a month ago as my main, and debated for quite a while about adding something like "This is a new account, but I have been in SL for over 12. years." The reason I considered it wasn't some ego thing, it was just so people would not assume I had very little experience when they interacted with me. I essentially wanted full disclosure that they were dealing with someone who knew some stuff about how SL works and the culture because...I am not sure why, and that is why in the end I didn't do it. I do feel a bit like I am deceiving people, though. I don't know for sure, but I have the impression that appearing to be a newby has worked in my favor. I can go explore places and ignore people and have them just think I am clueless rather than thinking I am an anti-social jerk, lol. Plus, I can go some places and observe and read profiles and not ever have anyone IM me. I feel pretty sure it is because I am so new because I look exactly the same and my profile is exactly the same other than not having some groups I used to have, and a couple picks I used to have. Does that make me a bad person? Honestly, it doesn't really matter, as I am already a bad person for so many other reasons that one or two more don't really make me any worse.
  18. Steal the hovercraft, eat the eels (if you are into that, me, Ima vegetarian...)
  19. Oooo, good point, as always! Well, ok then, that's better. 😂
  20. What about the women? I thought you were feminist or something, where is the equal treatment????? 😑 Red wine on New Year's????? 😲
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