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Everything posted by missyrideout

  1. Door #3. I'ma look so good I can get the other stuff for free
  2. Try WINE, works for me. And, while rendering of alpha hairstyles (Stealthic, Doux, new Truth, etc) was greatly improved in Firestorm 6.3.9, Black Dragon still does a better job. For example I don't wear many new Magika designs because they are still affected by this bug but I can take nice photos of them in Black Dragon.
  3. Velour - Irina group gift. At the time of this post, the group was free to join. PS please don't judge my mismatched brows, it was a test drive!
  4. @RitaCallisto to me it looks like low head length. If head length is 50 then yeah I agree. But try bumping it up 3-5 points anyway. Apologies if this was already obvious / tried.
  5. If the HUD included about 5 shades of red and 5 shades of pink I wouldn't care, but yeah, wearing open toed shoes with Legacy is an exercise in frustration for me. There is no hope for any kind of color coordination. The single shade of pink, for example, barely looks like pink in many lighting situations.
  6. W E L C O M E TO M Y P E T P E E V E I'm not actually going to tell you my peeve, though Check this space frequently for updates
  7. Definitely. First Evo heads, Jan 06 2020. The pandemic hits and Lelu sets their stay at home price of 3990. Then the Genus DMCA. Even with Genus unavailable, Evo didn't yet have a head that appealed to the babyface crowd and so Genus-only releases were still super common, EVEN with the head itself unavailable! September-ish when Genus returned, Catwa HD also came out. So, one brand with no visible momentum and another with a much higher price tag. Shortly thereafter an extended Black Friday sale put Lelu heads at less than 2000L$. Then Lilly who was not only free but also an appealing shape for the babyface crowd. So I guess in my mind it was Lilly that capped a year of amazing success for Lelutka and cemented them as the top brand. I suspect if mesh head statistics were drilled down to individual models, Lilly would be the single most popular head on the grid. Not only because it was free but ....because it was free. In fact, resident Lucia Nightfire had collected some stats on individual heads. Note that Catwa Catya is still one of the most popular heads on the grid...because outside of the bubble of power shoppers where 6k is not the biggest factor in buying a new head, many residents simply don't want to spend that much money. Again, price is a huge factor.
  8. Gotta disagree. Price is a HUGE factor. I think Lelutka's current surge in popularity comes down to one thing: they gave away the best free head of any of the major brands.
  9. And Freya could get quite curvy too.... The gap in the market has been there for years. Voir made a few, yes. And they get recommended every time someone asks for a curvy AO. Vista had a few with wide hip options. They were OK. But maybe current trends will lead to more options.
  10. BTW I have suggested as much in notecard to a number of AO creators over the years. Maybe the meteoric rise of Kupra will alert someone to the fact there is MONEY to be made. You'd think someone would have taken notice of this demographic, considering the constant claims that big breasts, big butts and hips are "taking over" the grid (Kardashians everywhere , omg!) I know AOs and anims in general are highly dependent on the size of the avatars used to design them. I am reminded of when a large brand came out with its first AO with Bento faces, including an XL version for "wide hips". But EVERY single stand in the AO was a "hand-on-hips" design. One of the most size-specific types of pose one could create. Even including one or two stands with arms at sides, or arms behind, would have gone a long way to being compatible with a wider range of sizes. I know AO releases are mostly at a glacial place but, man, two or three releases (casual, cute, naughty) would sell. and sell and sell and sell.
  11. Indeed. There is not a single high quality AO designed for fuller-figured avatars. Only the same tired suggestions that have been around for years. "Almost still".... right. It's a big reason why simple breathing poses have become so popular. Many of them are available in 3 sizes and far more likely to fit without clipping.
  12. If it's a missing body part or some glitch I say thanks for the heads up. I usually wear an invisible avatar for shopping because I don't do my demoing in stores. Unsolicited opinions on my avatar though, I despise. I used to say something rude and block them, but I found I held on to those moments for too long. I'd see their name and be reminded of it. So now I simply close the IM with no response and it's more quickly forgotten.
  13. The fall of Freya sticks in my craw because I loved the Belleza bodies so much. The big difference between then and now re: Belleza is the pace of development from so many competitors. Someone upthread mentioned the partnerships Legacy had with stores. I honestly can't stand the attitude of the Legacy team but you can't say they aren't VISIBLE. (I like my Legacy but they act like jerks in the support chats, tbh.) Maitreya made sure their big displays showed up in a few prominent stores and events as well. Now, with the advent of the SL neck standard and several bodies offering perfect fits it makes Belleza look even more like abandonware. Both bodies (as well as Slink) have prominent presences in world, you can quickly and easily get an answer from someone connected to the brand. Slink though, unfortunately, is becoming more of a cult classic as opposed to the broad support it once had. On that subject, since I'm already armchair quarterbacking other people's businesses with no qualifications or background: The reason Slink's market share fell so fast was the BOM update. Not the implementation (although alpha layers only were confusing for many consumers) but the rollout. They should have done what Maitreya did. Free updates for all. The complex convoluted range of products and bundles needed for a free update, a policy that in many cases required contacting the creator to find out how to proceed. Yes, of course creators want to, and should, get paid for their work. But how many future sales and how much positive momentum did they lose in that moment when BOM was new and fresh and everyone wanted to check it out? End result, my observation, was a significant number of people (and designers) moved on to another body. That's what I did. As for the survey, y'all keep commenting as if it's only been done at popular shopping events. I see no reason to disbelieve the statement that the numbers were collected as described. I look forward to another round of numbers. And I do think it would help to track the names of all the regions visited. I'm interested in that. It would help put to lie the idea that there is somehow a massive number of X favorite body not being counted.
  14. Thank you for doing this work! It surprises me there are creators still doing makeup for Genus only. Maybe these numbers circulating will inspire them to branch out. They are leaving money on the table. A lot!
  15. Still for sale. Or rather, I changed my mind about selling it for a bit, and now it is available. Price is dropped to 6K L$
  16. Cute little parcel with cobblestone roadside near the Moth Temple / boardwalk area. 769 LI. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Agirus/70/225/38
  17. Brand new item at an event that opened today! I just find it so frustrating because the thing that is supposed to tell the average user whether or not something is too complex doesnt actually convey that information. It's OK for me because I have a decent grasp of the viewer and so on, but if we try to explain this every time someone says, well, I'm under 50k! ... you just run out of steam fast and it's not really a way to make friends, lol. I appreciate learning all this stuff on the forums but out there in the world it doesn't seem to make a dent.
  18. I have many peeves. Here's another. When someone (not me, not that it matters) wants to know how to "see who is looking at them" and instead of just saying how to enable lookat targets, people have to go into a long technical spiel about how they don't really show what people are looking at.... yes yes fine technically correct, you are a genius at second life .... AND YET! When someone parks their cam on my face at a club, wouldnt you know, its a pretty darn reliable indicator of their interest and impending IM..
  19. Boxed demos. I come home from my various events with a pile of demos. I already forgot what your product is, and you want me to click like.. three times to figure out what it is? Am I that lazy? Yes, yes I am.
  20. ¸☆´. •´ . •´✶`*. *. *★v. ✶•´ ☆´, •*´¨★ Ձ๏21 ¸✶. •´¸. •*´✶ ☆´¸. •★´ ¸. ✶* ☆★ ╱◥◣ │∩ │◥███◣ ╱◥███◣ ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩ │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█ ๑۩๑๑۩๑๑۩๑๑۩๑๑۩๑๑۩๑๑۩ ۩๑ THESE THINGS ﹗๑۩
  21. Joke answers in support chat How do I remove eyebrows? "Try a razor" Honestly if this is you, you suck. Unfunny unhelpful and boring. This isn't me taking some dumb joke personal, because I would never ask for help in one of these groups, but god. Shut. up.
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