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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Exactly. Thank you. I don't always word things very well myself even when I'm trying really hard to not be offensive.
  2. No. You're reading something into my post that isn't there. If I had been talking to you and only you I would have quoted you just as I did here. Yes everyone has a voice and everyone has a "right" to speak but no one has the right to kick someone when they are already down.
  3. I never said you did and I most certainly didn't imply you did. In fact, I never even quoted you so I haven't been speaking directly to you.
  4. After several people have already done so all saying the same thing? No. And yes Melodic was chastised by several people. Once or twice is understandable but when several other people jump in all saying the same thing that has already been said is browbeating. It happens all the time on all forums and I doubt it will ever change.
  5. Beating someone over the head with their mistakes doesn't work either. It's no different than backing a wild animal into a corner and expecting it to just roll over and play dead when the reality is the animal is going to fight back. Humans are animals (as in mammals) and they will always behave as such when cornered. Peeve: When people just have to put their 2 cents in after someone has already been chastised by several people. While I wouldn't call it ganging up on someone it is browbeating and that is just as wrong as ganging up. Browbeating is a form of bullying. Check your dictionary if you don't believe it.
  6. It can't be Phoenix as all releases were blocked by the FS team years ago. The viewer wouldn't even be able to connect (she wouldn't be able to log in at all) so it has to be FS. Might be FS in Phoenix mode though.
  7. Are you for real or is this some kind of performance art? How is pointing out you are using a circular argument breaking any guidelines? My first post in this thread was on topic as was my subsequent ones were, whereas you chose to go off topic from the OP. And now you are threatening to report me for responding to your post. Be sure to report your own off topic posts when you report mine.
  8. Circular argument is circular. Please get off the merry go round.
  9. Most of the DJs in SL have never had any formal training (attended broadcasting school) and don't have any idea of what a RL DJ actually does much less translate that into SL. There is only one I know of that has and from what he has told me, there are maybe a handful of others. There was a time in SL when DJs could expect a wage paid in Ls. It wasn't much but it was a steady income for the ones who knew what they were doing. Those days are long gone. You can either deal with it or move on. DJs don't get paid any more in SL unless they are damn good and those sets are rare. Full stop.
  10. This isn't 2005 or 2015. Or even 1095. I thought the last of the Crusaders died out nearly a thousand years ago. Apparently not. Perhaps you should consider joining the Knights of Ni.
  11. They didn't give a damn about the people long before they were ever elected/put in office. They're all snake oil salesmen.
  12. Most venues no longer pay DJs a wage. It's all tips. How much you get in tips depends on how good a DJ you are.
  13. Sorry I can't read the OP. Makes my eyes hurt to try to read centered text like that even with my glasses on.
  14. That has to be done through your dashboard on the website. NO NEED TO THOUGH> YOU CAN EITHER JUST LET THE ACCOUNT LANGUISH IN LIMBO OR YOU CAN KEEP IT AND USE IT AS A BANK OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU MIGHT NEED AN ALT FOR. And oh my gorsh sorry about the all caps. Shift key got stuck and I can't be arsed to retype all that on a Sunday morning before the first cuppa.
  15. It means you don't have that particular font installed in your operating system on your computer.
  16. Whatever it was, I didn't do it so--- can I haz yer stuffz?
  17. Pffft. Who in their right minds would ignore our resident pet trolls. We feed them for a reason. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
  18. There is also a "cure" for Hep C that was released too late for my brother.
  19. Guess what is under that fossilized layer? Me. You don't want to know what is under there.
  20. Pete and Repete were sitting on a fence. Pete fell off and who was left?
  21. I peer over your shoulder to watch you pare a pair of pears from the peer realm. *impish grin*
  22. https://www.who.int/csr/disease/smallpox/faq/en/#:~:text=Smallpox was fatal in up,was in Somalia in 1977. https://www.who.int/csr/disease/smallpox/vaccines/en/ It may have been officially declared eradicated in 1979 but smallpox still exists and vaccines are still needed. The only thing that was eradicated was the spread of smallpox, not the virus itself. Eradication is the reduction of an infectious disease's prevalence in the global host population to zero. It has not been eliminated, which describes either the reduction of an infectious disease's prevalence in a regional population to zero, or the reduction of the global prevalence to a negligible amount.
  23. None have been wiped off the face of the earth. They still exist. They will always be an issue. The best we can work towards is minimizing the spread. Containment. That is the real purpose of vaccines in addition to quarantining and social distancing. Vaccines alone aren't always enough. There is no vaccine to prevent Hepatitis and they've only developed a "cure" in recent years. Not soon enough to save my brother who died only 6 years ago from the liver damage it caused. Other than those two things, I agree with your post. It isn't tyranny to make people do what they know they should to protect themselves and those around them. That is not a cruel and oppressive government or rule/law/regulation.
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