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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Pet peeve - companies that make up a rule for customers and then either don't bother enforcing the rule or only enforce it for some and not others. Or worse, punish the "innocent" and not the "guilty". Yes, I am looking at you @Linden Lab.
  2. *waves* Hello. I'm not white yet there are those who are neither black nor white that have tried to post their own thoughts/beliefs/solutions/what have you in this thread only to be shouted down and leave the thread. On top of that it is a political thread which according to posts made by Lindens, isn't really allowed, yet here we are 57 pages later and it is still the same person (not persons) dominating the thread and and trying to silence those who have as much right, if not more, to have their say. Nothing will change as long as things like in the above paragraph keep occurring. There are more than 2 sides to a coin. There are better ways to learn about racism than a forum thread. Like actually listening to those who have to deal with it day after day after year after year. The truth is, no one other than those who do have to deal with every day of their lives, don't really care about the victims. All they really care about is putting it out of sight so that it is out of mind.
  3. I'm a little surprised @Linden Lab hasn't put this dumpster fire out yet.
  4. If you read the article it says: And at the bottom of that article is this link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Avatar_Impostors_tech_details
  5. In all the years I've been in SL and on the different viewers I have used, that has never made another avatar where you can walk through them as if they were a ghost. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/setting-your-preferences-r58/#Section__4
  6. We can have it one of two ways. We can either keep accidentally bumping into people we can't see or we can be able to walk through them as if their avatar wasn't "solid". What we can't have (assuming no one has bothered to work it out) is both ways. Unless things have changed from "last I knew" our avatars can be physical or not for everyone. Either everyone's avatar is physical or everyone's isn't. As I recall, a long time ago residents wanted physical over nonphysical so that is what we have. So, looks like we'll just have to deal with it and be polite about it. Unless, of course, "we" want to look like a jackass. I do a good enough job of making myself look like a jackass without helping others to make themselves look like one.
  7. There is nothing wrong with saying sorry if you think you bumped into someone accidentally. It's common courtesy to do so. It has nothing to do with taking SL seriously. It has everything to do with being courteous to others as a decent human being.
  8. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Bot_policy As any Linden would tell you, if you are not sure if you should AR something, AR it anyway and let LL decide if it is a violation or not.
  9. How do you manage to go through real life without accidentally bumping into someone at least once? You got eyes in the back of your head?
  10. How is anyone supposed to know it wasn't intentional? Has homo sapiens suddenly developed mind reading capabilities and no one sent me the memo?
  11. Ever seen anyone have an epileptic seizure? I have. It's not fun and it's not pretty. She could have died even though there were several people there. Lucky for her one of us knew what to do. Maybe be a little more considerate of others when choosing a profile pic so there is less chance it will trigger seizure or episode.
  12. That is quite an "accomplishment", getting banned from SCII. 😁
  13. https://www.livescience.com/65437-oldest-dna-north-america.html#:~:text=A Native American man in Montana has what,to the Great Falls Tribune%2C a Montana newspaper.
  14. I don't know whether to laugh or cry since the death toll is likely much higher because of all the unreported cases. Many had Covid-19 in December, January and February, long before the pandemic was declared. Those deaths will never be counted.
  15. I've tried everything. Nothing stops bras from interfering with my digestive system. I seem to be the only woman in the history of bras that has this particular problem. I even have the same problem with sports bras. Sucks to be me. lol
  16. I don't do things like that. I watched at least one person get shouted down and stop posting in this thread because of it.
  17. Maybe the part where the other POC (the non black ones) were shouted down and ran out of the thread.
  18. There is no surgery that will reduce or increase the size and shape of my ribcage. My boobs aren't what cause my back pain or the digestive problems. Bras that come in only 34D and 36D but no 35D is the problem. I keep saying one size does NOT fit all for a reason.
  19. I don't think bogeymen and Bloody Mary gremlin hybrids are quite the same thing. Say hello to your worst nightmare.
  20. My post wasn't in response to yours. As for wearing a bra... they have never made one in my size. They're all either too big or too small. I don't wear them any longer than I have to either. They cause me a lot of pain and contribute to other health issues I have so I don't wear them any more than I have to.
  21. Every mask I use, I always end up having to pull it away from my face and let some air circulate and cool while I'm getting that little bit more oxygen I need to be able to breathe. It's the summer heat. It makes having to wear one for more than a half hour unbearable even indoors in the a/c. Other than the constant battle to keep them on my head, much less fully covering my nose and mouth, because one size does NOT fit all, I don't mind wearing one. If nothing else, they'll keep my face warm and let me breathe while riding Ole Putt in the winter between storms. No, that's not a horse. It's a Harley. ETA: Really the biggest peeve I have about masks (not the wearing of them) is not being able to read lips.
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