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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. The reality is many were living the "lifestyle" long before SL even existed. It's been around almost as long as the first book. When SL first opened, many if not all of them left AW to come to SL. They're immigrants in a manner of speaking. Maybe LL should invent internet deportation and deport them all back to AW? 🤭
  2. A very long time I ago I was very trusting. These days I have a hard time trusting. Life has a way of doing that to you when people keep stabbing you in the back.
  3. LOL I have all I need on that alt. I won't say how many years I've been doing this. lol They really have no clue just how many "slaves" are running around the country side that are not Panthers, and are smart enough to keep to themselves, wear disguises (FC gown stolen off wash lines) to trade in the market place, hunts with bow and catches fish and moves camp often. 😇🤭
  4. Yes, they do. Sometimes. It catches them completely off guard. lol Some have gotten mad but most take it in the humorous spirit it's meant. It's been a long time, maybe I should log in an alt again. 🤭
  5. Oh those are the ones that I have the most fun with. They may not have fun but I sure do. *hears the man bark "Come here beast!" and turns to look behind her to see who he is talking to, then shrugs and assumes the man is speaking to the jackass behind her* That kind of thing. 😇
  6. Every now and then I'll log into an alt and go hang out at The Hub just to, well, I'm not sure what to call it. But most people get that I'm just being goofy and are amused by it. For example. I met a "master" there several years ago. He was a decent person actually. Anyway, all together there were four of us "slaves" tagging along with him when he went to a meeting. We had to wait outside which was fine. So we're sitting on the grass (I was sitting, they were kneeling) and being the little imp I can be I kept coming up with bizarre things to do like eating the grass. It was hilarious and he knew I was no slave before he ever let me tag along. I could tell he was laughing his ass off even though he was giving me the what for for being such an oddball. We had a blast. Well. I did anyway. Before that there were a couple of ladies who were doing the same kind of thing but actually were a part of Gor. We pulled some pretty good things off. Like fake papers and masters that weren't really our masters so we could travel more freely to well whatever you can call what we were doing. Most thought it all hilarious and we got away with it. Good times.
  7. When I did roleplay all of my characters were some facet of me but there is no way one can completely "divorce" themselves from themselves. Taking on personas isn't the same thing as separating self from self. I am always me, not matter what role I play. One thing I don't do though is RP outside of the appropriate places for it. Sure I'll emote something once in a while but its always something short like /me runs or *grins impishly* on the forum. That, to me, is not RP but simply expressing the moment or letting someone know not to take it seriously. If that makes sense. Jeez I hope I can sleep decently tonight. lol
  8. It does get old being merely tolerated after a while though. You know what I mean? We all do and say things that make others unhappy with us but we're still human and have feelings. And the only get out of jail free card is the end of life, if you catch my drift. I can deal with the occasional snarking. Even if it's not the fun kind. It's the constant sniping from a certain poster that gets on my nerves. Yeah you did snark at me not long ago but you know what? I knew it was just a fleeting moment so I just shined it on and let it go without commenting. I don't even remember what it was about now because it just wasn't that big of a deal. I wouldn't be so sure of the block list thing though. lol 😜
  9. That's 10 more than me. You go girl!
  10. No, I don't know it. Near as I can tell I'm more or less tolerated and that's about it.
  11. The former of course. I don't keep people on my list just for looks. lol
  12. I'm good people and I sincerely want to have friends. Hasn't done me a bit of good. I'm still a pariah and apparently, I always will be. 😞
  13. Anyone buying the 512 will more than likely (at some point) want to buy the odd shaped parcel, too, so your suggestion is a really good one. Wish I had thought of it!
  14. Yes! Forbidden Planet! And to think I watched it again for the centillionth time not long ago. Are the calendars still being made? I would have bought one for that image alone. lol
  15. Because you asked questions and they didn't. Or you asked more questions. You were requesting clarity when everyone else were too embarrassed/ashamed/whatever to ask questions.
  16. Robbie the Robot! I forget the name of the show he was in before Lost in Space aired. Yes, I'm old. lol Or do you mean the human? 😬 Cuz the human is you. I think.
  17. http://www.secondlifeupdate.com/news-and-stuff/linden-lab-bans-second-life-camping-bots-traffic-bot-alt-avatars/#:~:text=Video of Second Life Camping Bots%3A Other bots,and more use of the web site tools. Article is from 2009.
  18. Live chat is available only to premium accounts so if she is basic it's a no go.
  19. Yeah, I don't give a flying fig what most men in SL think. I'm one of the ones that didn't join SL (over 15 years ago) for the sexxors. I came here for the creativity, fun and hoping to find friends. Two out of three isn't bad.
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