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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. LOL I know the difference. I posted in the thread Pearl started that discussed it that escorts and prostitutes are not the same thing. That is why I was asking her since she had been insisting she is an escort vs prostitute in that thread (and elsewhere) and in this thread she called herself a prostitute. I'd just like to see her stick with one or the other so it's less confusing for everyone else.
  2. Nah. He wouldn't do anything like that. We've been blocked "accidentally" before and all it took was a phone call to get it straightened out. LL doesn't usually IP ban unless that person is really disruptive (not acceptable for the platform as LL words it) because they are fully aware that people share IPs and they don't want to ban innocent people needlessly. But I'ma still box his ears if he ever does do something that dumb. lol
  3. Hold up a sec here Pearl. I have to ask (going by some of your past posts) are you now saying you are not an escort but a prostitute instead? I'm confused since I thought we had established that while there are similarities the two are not the same. If someone is "looking down on" your friends simply because of what you do, That is their problem, not yours or your friends. I have stopped being friends with anyone who attempted to choose my friends for me both in SL and RL. Every time I've heard "if your friends with them you can't be friends with me" I've dropped the person who said it like a hot potato. They are not the sort of friends I want or need. It's a control issue and I want no part of it.
  4. So that means if my husband gets banned from a sim it bans me too when I haven't done anything to deserve the ban? That SUCKS!
  5. This is correct (yes I know, old post). If the site is up it would be danasoft.com. The site tends to be down a lot.
  6. Problem with that is what some may think are alts are not. Those accounts belong to different people living in the same home. For example, not only do I have more than one SL account, so does my husband. His accounts are not my alts but because someone grabbed the IP, they harass me because they have convinced themselves I'm his alt. NOT cool. oopsie I didn't realize Cheri's post was from back in January. Sorry about that Cheri. Haven't seen you post in a while. I hope everything is ok with you.
  7. No, it wasn't a ninja change. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linden_Lab I'm just saying that the toll free number will not work for everyone outside of the US and Canada. I wouldn't even be aware of it if I hadn't been helping people, recommending they call billing only to be told they can't call the toll free number from their country and they couldn't afford the international call. That is when I advise them to file a support ticket and explain they can't use the toll free number while asking how they can contact billing for the support they need. There is no other recourse.
  8. Yes! And fix those wrists and ankles while they are at it and the nose! I never did like having to shop an image just to smooth out the sharp angles at wrist and ankle and the dent on each side of the nose that always made "shadows" were there weren't supposed to be any. Why? Because had "perfected" my system av's face and have never found a mesh head that would duplicate it. If LL would just fix the little cosmetic faults, I'd be more than happy to go back to using my system av. I was happier with it than anything I've tried since.
  9. Not sure. I think when they shut down all the offices outside of the US. If it worked for you from Germany, great! Germany may be one of the countries it will work for but there are others it won't.
  10. Good advice. The only problems I see with it are the toll free number doesn't work for those outside of the US (and Canada) and international calls can be expensive. I only say this because I know for some who do not live in the US, they are not able to call billing due to the cost of international calls when they are not able to use the toll free number. Only the US and Canada can use the toll free number.
  11. *giggles while grinning impishly*
  12. No, everyone isn't doing the very thing you have suggested. I most certainly am not and I'm sure there are others who are not.
  13. Is that so? Hm. Note the date on this article. January 8, 2020. So quite recent. https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/what-does-20-20-vision-mean Also note the name of the website. I am not outside of the US. And it's 6/6 not 8/8.
  14. To add to this there are several "types" of Astigmatism, some of which include the sensitivity to light. Mine is steadily getting worse as I age but at least I had a few decades of good vision before the deterioration set in. I had almost perfect vision. 20/20 in the left eye and 20/25 in the right eye. But I don't think they use that any more.
  15. Thank you for your contribution. /me ducks and runs 😁
  16. It's always sunny in Rio isn't it? /me ducks
  17. I laughed because it made me think of Senior portrait retakes. lol That would be senior year in high school aka 12th grade in the US too many decades ago. The last year of school before college/university.
  18. Or display names? And what about the user name? It can't be changed every 7 days. Are people really going to pay the what, $40 or however much, it costs to change it? I dunno. I feel like I'm shooting fish in a barrel or something. lol
  19. They do and in the US they can make you take a blood alcohol test. The tests can also give them a time frame as to when you had the drink(s). I've worked at call centers. I can smell the booze. I don't drink. I can't if I want to live.
  20. Depends on the contract and what access is or isn't allowed by the "cloud" owner(s). Even Lindens can restart servers (equipment) remotely. Just not all of them (the Lindens, not the servers. They don't all work on the same team.). It's been a while and I've forgotten who it was but when I needed a region restart I had the Linden in IMs and that is what he told me after I apologized for getting him out of bed and making them go into work to restart the sim. *cringes* That's how I found out they don't have to go in! lol
  21. You're still not blocking both avatars from being imaged which is the whole point of Fairre's question. To block all of your avatars from being photographed. That can't be done other than the ways I've already said.
  22. As many of them there are that work from home (or have the ability to*) and no one ever put the two together before now? Color me surprised. lol *There are those Lindens who can restart regions and do other things from home and it's been that way for over 10 years that I know of. That doesn't mean they work from home all the time. They're just able to do some things from home when it isn't during normal business hours (M-F 8am - 5pm PST/PDT). Something major happening would require they "go in to the office" but something like a simple region restart (or even a server restart) can be done from home. Which is why I still have my doubts about moving regions to the cloud. LL will no longer have that option and it's been a good one to have.
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