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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Man... it's definitely middle of the summer. Look at all the bored people in this thread. That is all. Carry on!
  2. lol I never said it was and no I'm not "sold" on SL. Never have been. Looks to me like you need a bigger brush. Each time there has been a "new mobile viewer" it has not brought in any "flood of new users". Most of those were people already in SL , the ones who are "sold" on SL. So why isn't Lumiya still being developed and where did all the money from the 3 bucks a pop go? Each time someone has come out with a mobile viewer, it has flopped because there isn't enough demand for one to be financially feasible.
  3. Personally, my "regular" viewer is all I need. I have no need or desire to drag SL around with me everywhere I go. It was never intended for mobility in the first place.
  4. No build tool? No rezzing of objects from inventory and placing them or anything like changing clothes since it's all part of the build tool (singular). Great way to make sure SL dies. The build tool does far more than just allow prim creation. The build tool is what is used to edit terrain. Lots of people still use the build tool. Take that away and they will leave SL.
  5. It doesn't. lol I don't even own a cam. Smartphone? What's a smartphone? 🤨
  6. Cryptocurrency? Count me out. Not when I keep seeing crap like this in my email. This is the second one in 7 days. No, I didn't fall for it.
  7. Have you worked through this page? https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory I think Part 2 is what you're needing to fix that issue. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory#part_2_-_inventory_copy_from_sl_viewer Here is LL's wiki page on inventory loss. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss You'll probably want to scroll down to the bottom of that page. The "ACTUAL INVENTORY LOSS" part.
  8. It's always a good idea to keep a second viewer installed for troubleshooting purposes.
  9. That's a feature that has to be enabled in the admin panel. I can see why LL hasn't enabled it as there are those who would abuse the privilege, so it might be better to not open that can of worms, as juicy and tasty some may find them to be.
  10. 13-15 year olds are still allowed on the grid just with certain restrictions and must be part of an affiliated organization.
  11. I am First Nations. No, the same solutions will not apply to us as the situations are different. This was our country long before the Vikings showed up, we aren't leaving.
  12. Have you sat down yet and figured out how much it would cost to move to another country? Including all the legal fees and the amount you must have IN CASH to move to Canada? I think not. Must be nice to have the kind of money that you can just pick up and move to another country whenever you feel like it.
  13. No you weren't discussing the topic. You attacked me because you believed I was attacking you. Over a simple typo. It looks like one of the results of Covid-19 is going to be everyone loses their sense of humor or the absurd. On the other hand, some people are just natural jackasses.
  14. I don't see where I said Ebbe doesn't get the blame for running with it? I believe my exact words were, "Ebbe 'inherited' it and ran with it." How can that be misconstrued to mean he wasn't to blame with continuing with it aka running/ran with it? Sheesh. All I said was Rod started it and Ebbe ran with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Thank you for saying the bolded parts. Wish you had said that to begin with. Less confusion that way. Sorry about the typo there. I didn't intentionally type WE. Have a good one!
  16. Plan B was to reopen under the name IslandZ (or something) then take the money and run. Which is what she (owner of InWorldz and Islandz) proceeded to do.
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