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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. No one is any where near as "well known" in SL as they think they are. Not even the "top selling" merchants are "well known".
  2. You're right. It isn't what matters most. It's ALL that matters. *ba dum tish*
  3. Some of them are hired models, some are (registered) bots. Or that's how it used to be. Now they maybe mostly (if not all) bots. There are those who don't register them as bots. Just thought I'd mention that.
  4. People need to get it in their brains that there is no way to completely eliminate copybotting without eliminating all viewers except LL's. No script or anything else is going to prevent copybotting. Do people really want to turn the clock back and be forced to use a viewer that doesn't have many of the features we have grown accustomed to having and using? I certainly hope not since doing so would have a huge negative impact on resident experience. For instance the photography tools. Just think of all the beautiful images we would never have had if it weren't for third party viewers (TPVs) developing them. Not LL.
  5. If you remember a name you could look through their postings (the list that comes as "content") or if you posted in the thread you could go through your own. I can usually find what I'm looking for that way when search fails me.
  6. But... there wasn't any hose thus proving Pinky right.
  7. I finally realized I'm wasting my worry on some that don't really deserve it. Deserve isn't the word I really want to use but since I can't come up with a better one it will have to do for now.
  8. Hey! We do have something in common. lol
  9. I'm sorry. I was just trying to be funny.
  10. I knew you were going to say that. Likely story. Are you going to stick to it? 🤭
  11. I'm not going argue about it. They don't need to do all that. There are other "non-technical" ways. I'm sure if you put a little time into thinking about it you'd come up with one or two.
  12. He's been around for years and so has a few others that do the same stupid thing. If LL really wanted to they could stop him/them. It just isn't financially feasible. I know of a few that have so many accounts its ridiculous. One person I was friends with had over 100 accounts. LL could stop people from doing that, too, but again, financial feasibility.
  13. Hi, I didn't know your name is John. Enjoy the weather. It's the only weather we've got.
  14. That is the easiest and fastest way to get to the item. But look at all the merchandise you miss seeing by not using the "pointer beams" (I've momentarily forgotten what LL calls it) and walking to the item. There have been many. many times I have "stumbled" across something I had looked for for months and the creator ended up making more off me than they would have if I hadn't walked.
  15. Timed demos = no sale and lost customer. I will not buy from merchants who use timed demos no matter how good the quality. What I buy doesn't depend on just quality. My mood at the time plays a large part. Which means if I can't keep a demo in my inventory to try another (maybe better) day, I won't buy and I will move on to other creators never to return.
  16. PLEASE, stop assuming I don't understand. I understand exactly what was said.
  17. JFC people I'm not an idiot and I have been in SL long enough to know more than most people in SL know about SL. Please, stop assuming I don't know. It doesn't matter if people can create new accounts and get right back in. The point is they are not allowed to do that and when LL sees someone doing that, the new accounts are banned as well. Only a fool would keep creating new accounts after being banned.
  18. She tried that while the Lab was on holiday. Once LL was off holiday, instant ban.
  19. In my case, stress is deadly. I'd rather not have my heart burst because someone decided they needed to keep pushing. I may not have many years left in this life but I intend to live as long as I can. Or, if you prefer, you can argue with my physicians.
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