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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. We are definitely not on the same page. Let me know if you ever catch up.
  2. *headdesks repeatedly and wonders if reading comprehension is even taught in schools any more*
  3. Good grief. You got all of that malarkey from a bit of humor I posted. And you think I'm a misanthropist. lol Yep. We are done here.
  4. I don't. I've never even used that "feature". I don't use Facebook either. lol
  5. What the ever loving? Where and when did I ever "condemn all humanity for the perverse few"? Quote the post in which I condemned all of humanity and quote the post in which I condemned all of humanity for a few. And make damn sure you read those posts very carefully. What you think I meant, is not what I said. I meant exactly what I said and nothing more.
  6. You are so far out in left field, you've left the universe. Try walking 50 years or so in my moccasins before judging me so harshly. Then you might have an inkling of what it's really all about.
  7. Hope for humanity to finally grow up? Don't make me laugh. 🤣 Too late.
  8. Ever hear the old saying, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bs."? Yeah, we're being feed a lot of bs on a daily basis, only the bs isn't baffling. The person always knocking everyone else and claiming everyone else is always wrong does the same thing day after day, day in and day out, apparently expects a different outcome each time. Oh well.
  9. Nothing here has anything to do with my OP you replied to. You've gone off on a tangent all by yourself. I won't be joining you. Have fun.
  10. You go on and on about how others shouldn't take things so seriously, yet here you are being serious. There is no guarantee you won't fall and break your neck in the shower. Most people don't make it a point to fall in the shower. I have a compromised immune system as well as not being able to breathe wearing a mask. I still wear a mask. Not just for my sake. I much prefer my opinion of keeping people alive as opposed to their opinion of letting people die. In spite of the fact that there are too many humans destroying the only home they have.
  11. Pet peeve: humans ruining yet another perfectly good pet peeve thread They just never learn and always forget history. Cooperation? in this day and age? ha! I give you the current crop of antimaskers. Refusing to wear a mask not just for their own safety but for the safety of others. Obviously they don't care if they contract Covid-19 (and die from it) or cause the death of those around them. On the other hand, it reduces the population of a viral species on an over burdened planet and helps to weed out the lesser intelligent of the human lifeform.
  12. I tried so hard to not like her on DW but I failed. Bwahahahahaha
  13. I don't cash out and am not required by LL to register with Tilia because I don't cash out. Congress does not own the internet (no one does) and can NOT force people in other countries to aide by US laws. Congress does not have the power to force US citizens to use a specific log in on their personal computers. Microsoft, Linux etc ALL have their own special log ins for your home computers. It's up to the individual to use them. Now, get the ef off my lawn with the ignorance.
  14. @Nestorin Core You should start here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_run_crash If nothing on that page works, then follow the instructions in the last paragraph to file an FS support ticket. I recommend reading through the page first before doing any troubleshooting.
  15. Yes it has. That's why all those troubleshooting articles are on the FS wiki. Those are the most "common" problems. The ones that are unusual are usually solved by asking for help in one of the inworld groups. There are several of different languages.
  16. It's the opposite for me, if it's available inworld and not on the MP, I'll buy it as long as it's copy/mod (except clothing). If it's only on MP, no sale (except clothing) .
  17. Hi there. Sorry to but in, but, to do so anyway. Just thought I would interject I'm one of the people who lost their job when it was outsourced to Mumbai. It's been downhill ever since. People need to know outsourcing doesn't increase profits in the long run because people won't be able to afford to pay the greedy price hikes. People wouldn't be demanding higher minimum wages if companies didn't keep hiking the prices out of pure greed need for larger profit margins and millions of dollars in bonuses and perks for the upper management.
  18. No, you don't know me. You only know yourself. You may not have met anyone who hasn't heard of them but that doesn't mean they don't exist. It only means that you don't know they exist. If you don't go outside of your "adult community" then there are tons of things you don't know about. Even those that do go outside of their regular communities don't know a lot of what goes in SL. It's simply not possible to know everything there is to know about SL and the people in it.
  19. I am not well known. Good chance that people who do not use mesh bodies or heads have never heard of either one. Most people in SL don't come to the forums, much less post on it. A for instance. Blueberry has been popular and "well known" for many years right? Most of those years, I never knew Blueberry existed. I stumbled on the store by accident one day not long ago. For such a "popular" and "well known" brand, I was not impressed. People and places in SL may be popular and well known in small circles but as far as grid wide goes, many will never know they exist.
  20. Too late I already called it! neener neener *pbbbbbbbt* 👅
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