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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Humor is subjective. I see humor in a lot of things others don't. A lot of humor other people see in things are not humorous to me. Example: I was looking through some images just yesterday of tombstones that were supposed to be funny. Only one of them made me smile, none of them made me laugh. Yet, I'm sure other people found them hilarious. And no, it didn't have anything to do with the fact that they are tombstones. You should see what is on my parent's tombstone. It's funny and fitting.
  2. lol I know what avatar complexity is and how it's supposed to work. It's always been avatar complexity to me since before it was released. I keep that feature turned on so I know what my complexity is, which is usually well under 50k.
  3. I may be misunderstanding that last sentence but, the war officially began on November 1, 1955 and ended April 30, 1975 (19 years, 5 months, 4 weeks and 1 day).
  4. ok So it's a reference to avatar complexity, which is what I was thinking, and not just the CI of the hair or what have you. That's probably why I was a bit confused. I thought only the hair was being "measured", for lack of a better term at the moment.
  5. Who later became Gilligan of Gilligan's Island. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Denver
  6. I know what LI is but what the heck is CI? Yes I have the latest FS release so I have BOM but I don't use it. Haven't even looked at it.
  7. Yes if you want something off road. There was a time when HDs were popular in Europe. And they still ship overseas. https://www.harley-davidson.com/eu/en/owners/services/motorcycle-shipping.html There is a 500cc HD you know. Priced at just under $7,000 USD. I have no idea how costly the overseas shipping would be.
  8. I like my brain, too. I'm keeping it. Bodies are a different story. I'd like to trade mine in for a model that doesn't have any of the scars and OMG another damn wrinkle! 🤪
  9. It's sort of like riding a horse. The soreness will pass once your body has adjusted. 😄
  10. Thank you. It's clear to me that there are those out there who still have not learned the difference in being a victim and being a survivor. A victim has been destroyed and mistreated; a survivor has continued to live and prosper despite having been victimized. A victim is powerless, at the mercy of others; a survivor has reclaimed their power.
  11. The kid is good. I prefer to keep both wheels on the ground though. 😉
  12. I should introduce you to my daughter. She's an even bigger horse nut than I ever was. And I was baaad. lol
  13. There are more than a few of us. We are many. And we are Legion. lol
  14. I disagree. To pose my explanation in a question, do you associate with people who behave around you in a manner in which you don't like? If the answer is no then you are deciding how others can act around you. It's part of being human. All of us make decisions as to what is or isn't acceptable behavior in our presence. It's a bit of a stretch but if someone were to start beating up on another just because they can while you are present, would that be acceptable behavior to you? Would it be acceptable to you for someone to commit murder in your presence? I'm not asking for specific answers, just that you think about it a bit and maybe you will realize that all of us make decisions as to what is or isn't acceptable behavior in our presences.
  15. Ah. Music to my ears. Thank you for this. Spread the word!
  16. Sometimes it pays to follow links at the bottom of a page. Thank you for this. https://usdac.us/nativeland
  17. In truth, the name refers to a particular behavior of wolves. Adult wolves do not bark. The pups will but they out grow it by the time they reach adulthood. They are silent hunters and you never know when one or a pack of them is watching you unless they want you to know. But yes, it is a representation of my "lot" in life in so many ways so thank you for recognizing it. I'm on the other side of the pond from you and here it is realize, so there, there, there, smarty. Thought you were gonna have a party. 😜
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