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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Maybe in your world but not in mine. Less stress means I'll live longer.
  2. Great stocking stuffers. So were Pet Rocks, not to be confused with Pop Rocks.
  3. Peeve. People who think they know more about my culture and history than I do when they have made it quite obvious they don't know the whole "story".
  4. In my culture, penal systems were never needed. Then the Europeans invaded and brought their penal systems with them. 🤔
  5. Would have? He'd been blind since he was 1 year old. His eyes were removed. He started playing guitar at age 3. And it's spelled Healey with 2 e's. He also played with Ringo Starr. Only BB King was better.
  6. Anyone who loves Jeff's music and his role he played as himself in Road House, can't be all bad.
  7. The nothingness of the empty void. It's... The Void. dun dun duuuun
  8. “Why, what’s the matter, That you have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?”
  9. INFJ-T Advocate https://www.16personalities.com/infj-personality A few misses but mostly hits.
  10. Does anything exist outside of the human mind? Can you prove it?
  11. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewerhelp:Telehub A telehub can be set in any single region, full or homestead. It does not have to be several connected regions. Anyone who owns a region, full or homestead, can choose between a Landing Point OR a Telehub.
  12. I disagree. It's just as offensive in SL as it is in RL. It may not get mentioned to the person doing it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't offend. Don't expect me to argue the point. I've been down that road more times than I care to remember. Just accept that it is offensive to many of those who know the meaning behind the headdress.
  13. More like I was catching up on the thread and making replies as I went. If it's that difficult to understand me I'll just stfu.
  14. I'm sorry. You completely missed my point and I'm not going to argue about it.
  15. That is what I am saying here. Except I've never had a Linden home. Unless you were addressing that last paragraph to the OP and not me which is about as clear as mud.
  16. Yes I know. That's not the issue. The point is LL has no legal grounds to stop anyone from removing their payment info, at any time. It may even be illegal for LL to try to stop anyone from removing the info since it is personal identifiable information aka PII. https://www.dol.gov/general/ppii https://www.archives.gov/cui/registry/category-detail/sensitive-personally-identifiable-info
  17. So you are saying LL is forcing people to keep payment info on file against the customers needs/wants? I don't think they can do that legally. That is personally identifying info and LL has no jurisdiction over it. If what you say is true then to my knowledge, LL is the only company that does that.
  18. No, it has never been a ToS violation in the 16 years I've been in SL. They did have full support way back when. It has been reduced several times since 2003 due to the expense which is why premium accounts get more support options than basics and why sim/region owners get an extra level above premium called Concierge. I'm not saying it's right, just how it is. I'd like to see support go back to the way it once was where everyone had access to all levels of support, with the exception of Concierge since not everyone owns private regions/sims.
  19. Easy solution. Remove your payment info and no renewal.
  20. Yes. Hopefully never again. It was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had, yet not a drop of blood was spilled. That was about 15 years ago. I had forgotten about it until this thread. 🥺
  21. Hey, you know, it took me 5 years to realize I needed to get away from my extremely abusive ex and only another 5 years to actually be able to get away from him. If it has been such a traumatizing experience for you, why are you still in SL after a loooong 365 days? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  22. They must read you your Miranda Rights (5th Amendment) before questioning and allow your lawyer to be present during questioning. In depth explanation: http://www.mirandawarning.org/whatareyourmirandarights.html Even today many believe if you aren't Miranda'd when arrested, the case will be thrown out of court. That has never been true. It's only when you are questioned that they must read you your rights and they must allow your lawyer/attorney to be present during all questioning sessions.
  23. That is probably due to an ancient bug that has never really been fixed. Patched a bit, but it still occurs. One of the fun ones that stems from that bug is when items mysteriously change permissions while in a vendor. This is long after the item has been loaded into the vendor. Then there is the one where you set permissions and 2 seconds after you set them they change (usually reverting back to original perms). I could go on. If it were me, I'd go the redeliver route and just delete the extras. And keep a spare copy in inventory if the item is copy. This is one of the reasons I don't like no copy items. If something goes wrong then I have to either do a redelivery or try to chase down the creator and get another copy with proof of purchase. It's much easier, with less hassle on the creator's part, to just grab a copy from inventory.
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