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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. No, we don't. Please, don't assume everyone in SL has pixel sex or indulges (or participates) in "erotic/sensual" image taking. No one likes to be labeled something they aren't.
  2. That doesn't stop anyone from taking a picture of the alt. We talking avatars, not accounts.
  3. Man, I don't like it when that happens. I really don't like having to change who I do business with when I've done business with them for several years. It always sucks. Like when we first started using a certain fios, service was excellent and we were really happy with the package and the service. Then management changed, CS got outsourced and it went downhill from there and it just kept getting worse and worse. Now I have an antenna in the window, Netflix and Amazon so I rarely watch TV any more. Which sucks and I find myself missing the old days of prime time. lol
  4. If I can't log in from my desktop (or laptop), forget it. I won't use it. Doesn't matter if I can log in from a phone or not since I don't have one. lol
  5. Only two ways. Wear nothing but a full body alpha so that your avatar can't be seen at all or don't ever log in. Well three if LL were to completely remove avatars. Other than that, no there is no way to prevent someone from capturing an image of your avatar.
  6. I wasn't suggesting that you ask them to come here. Not sure if that is what you thought I was doing or not. What I am suggesting is maybe making the decision as to whether or not to be offended for them is a form of speaking for them in itself. Or maybe I just have a messed up way of thinking and looking at things. What's really weird is how many times I've offended others with my own self-deprecating jokes. I make fun of myself and they're offended? Never made sense to me. But no, I don't like it when others do it to me (or for me). FTR, I've never been tested so I have no clue if I am or not. I've sometimes wondered but I've got more than enough health issues to deal with at present, thank you. 🙃 I don't doubt your apology is sincere and I agree that some things shouldn't be normalized. That's how the US got into the mess it's in now.
  7. I get where you are coming from and I feel the same way. I do have a question. Wouldn't it be better to let those you are close to decide for themselves if something offends them? I mean, doesn't part of being a friend mean letting them make their own decisions? I'm not trying to educate you or jump on you. I'm asking because I think it's an important factor people are over looking. And I get the feeling I have worded this poorly. A feeling I get every time I post. I'm sorry if it comes across as offensive. It isn't meant to be.
  8. I remember that. lol Deez was a kid. He even made Time magazine. https://time.com/4007941/deez-nuts-president-2016/
  9. Here lately, whenever I go to the dispensary, I've been pulling the masked bandit bit. I hold my hands up like they were pistols and loudly proclaim, "This is a stick up! Give me all your dope!" Of course that is after I have already paid for my order. So far, the best come back has been "You can have 3/4s of it but we (the employees) get the rest." lol!
  10. If I were a noob and got sent to an adult area pretty much right off the bat, I'd never log in again. If I were a noob and my reason(s) for joining SL didn't have anything to do with sex. I mean, I'm not the only one. Am I? 🤭
  11. I wonder if this means no more political threads on the forum and how badly LL has been flooded with campaign sign ARs. Politics can be so divisive, I can understand LL not wanting campaign signs all over mainland. I am Silent Mistwalker and I approve this message. Yeah. That's the ticket!
  12. Voice is Vivox. I think group chats might be, too. Unreal and Unity both use Vivox so it seems logical that voice and group chats in SL are Vivox since voice definitely is. Wonder if we could get a Linden to confirm or specify. @Linden Lab
  13. I'm happy I am not the stereotypical woman you just described.
  14. Pet peeve: people twisting my words around to mean what they want the words to mean instead of what they actually do mean.
  15. What a maroon. Thanks for putting words into my mouth that were never there. You need to work on your mind reading skill. You missed the mark by a mile.
  16. All I can tell you is that is does make a difference in groups I am in. The ones that do purge the lists periodically. It does help at least until the membership builds back up again. For how long and whether or not it's worth it for that particular group is up to the group owner.
  17. I've seen it make a difference in group chat lag when the groups start getting a large membership. The more people in the group the more people leave the chat window open when it pops up (without talking) and that is what contributes to the lag so booting inactive members can help. Of course it all depends on the kind of group and how active the chat is. Go hang out in FS support sometime. The more people in the FS support group chat, the laggier it gets and it's about the largest group there is in SL that I'm aware of. Thousands of people in it.
  18. lol Yeah. Expecting me to remember something from a movie I saw over 30 years ago. LOL! That made me think of how many movies I have seen over the last 30 years. Holy cow. It's a wonder I remember any of them there have been so many. lol
  19. Sorry. Is that from a movie or tv show or is the point the high five? I'm a little confused because I've never seen this scene before.
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