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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Nailed it. Truth is he was asked to join SLU to show that he was accessible and open. He would reply to PMs as soon as he could get to them.
  2. I'd suggest Misanthropy Anonymous, but no one ever shows up for the meetings.
  3. I have to ask. Is it Janet Heslot or Jane the Slot?
  4. Not what I meant but that is funny. 🤭 I was referring more to those who have been ostracized by society at large, RL and/or SL.
  5. Anyone know of any support groups for those who are/have been ostracized? *crickets*
  6. DMCA items are removed from all LL servers until the legalities are resolved. If the DMCA is not disputed, the items remain gone. If it is disputed the items are "returned" to the servers. If the one who disputes loses the court case, the items are permanently removed.
  7. They are still in SF. LINDEN LAB HEADQUARTERS 548 Market St, PMB 59201 San Francisco, CA 94104-5401 US Phone: +1 (415) 243-9000 Fax: 415.520.5691 © 2023 Linden Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved https://lindenlab.com/contact
  8. Like any other update. They should have already learned how to copy the folder to Inventory as it should be one of the first things they learn about their avatar. If LL left that step out, they need to add it.
  9. I'm really a canine person. It's just that most apartment complexes around here don't allow dogs, just cats and birds. The ones that do limit the size of the dogs. None of mine have ever been that small.
  10. 512 is the minimum parcel size LL was willing to sell in the past (First Land!). That's probably why LL hasn't changed it and doesn't plan on changing it.
  11. If they are using bots, they are violating the ToS and you didn't report it.
  12. Nothing is immune and nothing is infallible. So, it's all good. I thought you were saying LL allowed bots to purchase from auction, instead you were saying no system is completely immune. And yeah, I agree. Thing is LL isn't allowing it and that was my whole point.
  13. I haven't bought land since before LL went to the "all land sold is by auction only"* bs thing. But if LL isn't allowing land purchases by bot inworld why would they allow it on the auction? The reason they stopped allowing bot purchases inworld was because the real people don't stand a chance against them. It's cheating. Make it make sense please. *They didn't take away the ability to sell land resident to resident as far as I know. Sounds like I need to forget the idea of ever owning land in SL again. Bummer.
  14. You haven't been able to use bots to buy land with for years. Maybe try catching up on all the changes over the past 10 years.
  15. At least they didn't keep calling you sir after being corrected several times (my voice is not that deep) and then try to blame it on being a habit.
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