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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. DUH! There have been demos in SL since I first registered nearly 20 years ago. Every creation in SL IS a prop regardless of demo status or lack of. There are "free to use" props everywhere you go. There are no laws against it and certainly aren't any restrictions on it placed by LL. Just because a creator can slap a timer on a demo doesn't make it ethically acceptable, to the customer. Examples of "free to use" props: Poor Inara. She's going to have one hell of a long list of props on the last image alone. I know it's hers because she signed it.
  2. Do they expect photogs to give credit to every single object used in each photo? If they do, they have set their expectations way too high and have no clue how to market. And not a thought is given to scenery in the background that doesn't even belong to the photog and may not even be on the same parcel or region. This is why we can't have nice things. People are control freaks.
  3. Peeve: Just caught up on the thread after being rudely awakened. Now I feel like puking. No breakfast for me, thanks.
  4. Dang. Can't see the Ingrid Prefab for all the face lights.
  5. Loading the delivery trucks with the packages is not automated. It is done by hand using dollies. Neither would loading an 18-wheeler be automated. They use forklifts. Same with loading on a jet. It's the sorting that is automated using the same barcode type method the US Post Office uses. Note I said method and was not saying the barcodes are the same.
  6. That's what this forum reminds me of! The way EA runs the Sims 4 forum is the exact same! Thank you for helping me make that connection! It's also why I don't post there anymore. Durn kids. 🤭
  7. This has become the norm for Amazon deliveries where I live. Even after they moved the distribution center closer to where I live, less than 30 miles away. I won't mention how often they "lose" packages only to deliver them the day they were supposed to be. Really peeves me off.
  8. Here. Wasn't me. Youth is wasted on the young. 😋
  9. Still not watching it. lol Edit: Can't because I can't afford cable anymore. That was established early on in the first book. Brad Pitt just out right sucked as Louis and the only time Tom Cruise came anywhere close to being Lestat was at the very end of the movie. The scene where all you see are his hands as he straightens his lace cuffs while holding the steering wheel. Just those few seconds. Starts around 0:45.
  10. Surely this was not aimed at me even if you did quote me. lol
  11. Honestly, the only way to have full and complete privacy is to never log in.
  12. Read the books. They're far better than the movies. Lots of important details were left out of the movies. There's a reason the tv series only lasted one season.
  13. Peeve: There doesn't appear to be an archive of the first forum, the one before the so-called RA one. And they say the internet is forever. 🤣
  14. I've been a resident for 19 years. Depends. In the early years I could be inworld as much as 18 hours a day. These days I don't have much incentive to log in. 19 years. No one cares enough to want to know. Be my friend.
  15. It's mine anyway for about 98% of what goes on, on the forums. 😄
  16. I just finished reading the last two pages. I have no clue what is going on.
  17. <insert unfound clip of Barclay in the transporter with the invisible alien parasites here>
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