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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Sometimes a mutual physical attraction is all it takes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_and_Diane
  2. How long did it take Sam and Diane to go from this: to this: 🤭
  3. Afraid of what? Afraid I'm not a woman? Afraid I'm smarter than they are? Afraid I'm not white? What? I can safely say I am two of those things. I am female and I am not white. I don't take my fear of the big bad scary world out on everyone else? Why are they taking theirs out on me? I answered that question for myself long ago. I'm still waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.
  4. I don't need you to explain the same things over and over that I have known for decades. I keep having to repeat that. I was partying with LGBT+ in the freaking 70s and 80s. No, I am not LGBT, never have been but I will say the only les that had any interest in me (even though I was with my boyfriend) was too shy to ask me to dance. So, I asked her. I wanted to help her overcome her shyness. It worked. None of this answered my questions.
  5. This is why I laughed. I went over the article myself and was wondering why in the world anyone would use a link to a paper about flies. It was obvious from the images and videos in the article. That's when it hit me, it was funny because it looks like the poster was comparing humans to flies which in no way backed up their claim(s).
  6. A certain support team leader used to remind us now and then, in order to help relieve stress, PAS. People Are Stupid.
  7. Peeve: People who swear up and down they put you on ignore only to reveal they never did after forcing you to have to put them on ignore. Reactions can still be seen.
  8. Ad farms have been illegal in SL for years. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_on_ad_farms_and_network_advertisers
  9. I'm entitled because I want to actually get to know a person, not an avatar. WTAF? Do any of you (general) really want to relate to other REAL people or is your whole life just a fantasy? I'm glad I don't live in your world; I'd be even lonelier than I already am. It's really stupid when people keep telling someone who has been in SL for 19 years that the person doesn't belong in SL. And yes, that is what people are saying even if they don't realize it or want to admit it.
  10. The author completely disregarded people being left or right-handed. 🙄🤭
  11. Why the hell would I join Tinder anyway? I'm not in SL to date. Never have been. I just wanted a handful of real friends but since no one wants that... exactly, I have no friends. So again, wtf would I join a dating site? That's just stupid and a waste of my time.
  12. You're getting into the masculine/feminine here and not male/female. Would we even know that was what we are/were doing?
  13. That was an excellent solution. I love it! On second thought... even if they delete it since it's your object and not theirs it will return to your inventory (unless perms). Remember not to rezz it! In case you forget you made invisible. 😄
  14. Neither am I. Neither will most people. I've dealt with too much dishonesty in RL to want to have to deal with in SL as well. All most people are asking is for others to be honest. That doesn't mean go spouting it off all over the grid on your profile. It just means when confronted with the situation be honest in your answers. If someone can't deal with your honesty, then the only thing you can do is walk away. If it doesn't bother them then there isn't an issue because that person will appreciate the honesty and return it. At least, in my world, that's how it works.
  15. Here's a thought. Is it possible that removing the account while it is logged inworld makes any difference? I know for some things you were better off not being logged inworld when certain changes to an account were made years ago. Meaning you had to relog for the changes to take effect (similar to changing some viewer preferences). So, if it was logged in and then out without logging back in for a long period of time it might not have "triggered/completed" whatever code it should have. I think in this case the better option would be to not be logged in when removing an account as a scripted agent. If any of that makes sense.
  16. I know what you're trying to say. It won't work. There are too many variables. And the ones who are doing it deliberately are the ones throwing the monkey wrench into the works.
  17. I don't disagree, I just know that there are those who are being deceptive, deliberately. Not many, but enough to make a difference in how others perceive.
  18. At least it doesn't take you to the BOTTOM of the next page, so you have to scroll all the way up to read that first post like it does me. Edit: Try clicking on the dot or star next to the thread title, that will take you to the first unread post.
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