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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I just checked the Steam page again. Now it says single player and no MMO or coop whereas before it said MMO and coop. WTAF? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1716740/Starfield/
  2. Peeve: Logging into SL/SL forum to escape the daily mental and emotional abuse of being human only to be mentally and emotionally abused by residents.
  3. They're so superior they can't even spell correctly. womens Mens/mens server Just toss them into the ignore bin along with the rest of the trash.
  4. I just pick which ever one comes closet at the time. Confused makes a good sub for a lot of things... 😇
  5. You are assuming it has been removed. Unless or until someone from FS confirms or denies said removal that is all you can do. The thread in the first link in this image should be read entirely. Especially the post by Henri Beauchamp. Also of note is the link about moving outfits to subfolders is dated 2014 while other dates are far more recent. It's broken, yes; removed, highly unlikely.
  6. That's fine. I don't do people's research for them. Can't force them to do so either. There are some things that are not "common knowledge" because support team meetings were/are not for public consumption. But as far as the Outfit folder business goes, there is nothing mentioned in the changelogs that I saw that indicates the feature has been removed from FS. Search [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) In checking this morning, I find this: Search [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) The current outfit folder corruption link has not been updated since 2021. This should be the most recent changelog. changelog:firestorm_change_log_6.6.14.69596 [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) The only thing mentioned about outfits: Is there an issue with the outfits folder? Yes. Has the feature to create folders within the outfits folders been removed from FS? No.
  7. Since I never got a chance to tell you; I didn't like traffic bots because they created misleading information. A lie. Generally, people don't like liars. Not calling you one, just stating facts.
  8. You are right about one thing; it is better to consult with those who still work for FS. Of course, that doesn't mean the ex-volunteer doesn't keep up to date.
  9. Hurricane movements can be very unpredictable, sometimes performing loops, hairpin turns, and sharp curves. http://www.hurricanescience.org/science/forecast/ See: Hurricanes Ivan, Matthew and Jeanne.
  10. Cherry picking from 2016 doesn't work with me. Notice the first word is Fourth. That means there are 3 other points above this. People really should read the whole thing instead of cherry picking. Looks to me more like Jess is not happy with users not updating when they've had more than a year to prepare for it. My point is the updates are on LL, not FS so we agree on that. Today we have to block version 4.6.9 - Firestorm Viewer - The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc.
  11. That was not mandated by LL, it was decided upon by the FS team and not just the devs. Support was involved as well since they're the ones who have to put up with resident BS. AS long as the features do not affect other resident's use of SL the devs can add the feature. It's only when it does affect others that they have to get approval from LL.
  12. 😄 You just stated the reason why there are reactions. So that people are not posting just a single emoji as a reply and boosting post count enormously. 😉
  13. That's not how it works. FS has to adapt some code, but they are not fixing mistakes. If you haven't actually worked for a TPV, please don't presume you know how they do things. You don't.
  14. I wonder if it has anything to do with this old bug: [BUG-8604] When renaming an outfit, either in the appearance panel or in inventory, the outfit list in appearance panel often remains stuck on the old name - Second Life Bug Tracker FS has made no changes to the ability to create folders in Outfits that I can see so try a relog and maybe try relogging to a different region and try again.
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