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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. At least they didn't keep calling you sir after being corrected several times (my voice is not that deep) and then try to blame it on being a habit.
  2. I'd have to put it on the outside of the bathroom door which means locking myself inside the bathroom. No, locking the door itself doesn't work because he can still push it open. That is the quality of workmanship that was done on this place before we bought it that was not readily visible. It needs to be reframed so that the door actually reaches the jamb, and the shaft of the doorknob actually engages fully when the door is closed. There's a 1/4" gap between the door and the frame when the door is closed. I'm already considered trailer trash simply by living in one so why not make my home look trashy too since it's already been trashed on the outside by the drunk Mexican who rode his son's motorcycle into one end about a month ago and haven't bothered to pay for the damages. Cops did nothing. Sorry. That may not have seemed offensive to you to make that suggestion and in some situations it isn't. In my situation it is not practical or even safe. Nor can we afford to do any remodeling until I can find work that won't kill my only source of food, SNAP. [That means I can't earn more than about $1300 USD a month.]
  3. If you're interested: https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/03/american-population-growth-rate-slow/629392/ https://www.brookings.edu/articles/u-s-population-growth-has-nearly-flatlined-new-census-data-shows/ https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/2022-population-estimates.html
  4. Peeve 1: Humans Peeve 2: Cats who open doors so that my bedroom is too warm to sleep. It's not funny when I have to constantly get up all night long to close that door, every night, for months but I'm sure many will laugh at my pain as usual and say I have no right to be grumpy.
  5. I don't have any grievances. What I do have are people I refuse to interact with anymore because of how they treat me. As I said in my previous post to Sid, been there done all that.
  6. People aren't always in the right "frame of mind" for jokes. Others are "allowed" to be in a less than humorous mood, but it would seem that I am not allowed the same and must meet their demands to either fake being all chipper or leave. Been there, done all that on another forum decades ago. Never again.
  7. Peeved people can't just allow others to express their peeve(s) without making a big deal out of it when that is the purpose of the thread. No one is obligated, legally or otherwise, to explain or justify a peeve of all things. Peeve: People who still behave like high school bullies.
  8. Phil is no Virgo; I can promise you that. Signed, A Virgo. 😄
  9. Try one "fully baked". Butter (unsalted), sour cream, chives, bits of bacon and a little shredded cheese blend of Monterey Jack, Cheddar (mild/med), Queso Quesadilla and Asadero.* *aka Mexican Style
  10. I dunno. Seems Europeans don't like the US very much so why bother? I mean. Europeans are always bashing on the US and Americans because all they want to see are stereotypes. It's a two-way street. ✌🏽️
  11. There's even a few eating stakes and chips. Stakes. Not steaks. 🤯
  12. Yep. Frac was using Emerald to DDoS a particular website because he had a grudge. There was a reason he insisted on being able to TP to wherever you were regardless of what you were doing at any time (there's a setting for that) if you were on his friends list. You had to always be visible. That's how he used my potato pc for his DDoSing and killed it. It barely ran SL much less being used as an attack vector. Frac owes me for a new pc.
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