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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. If someone reports your post and it doesn't get removed. I am going to be pissed. If they don't allow it for one person, they bloody well better apply it to everyone.
  2. Come on. I know you know more than 2 people. Treating me like crap and saying horrible things about me doesn't feel much like being liked. Sorry. I'd better go back to whining quietly to myself since that's what many seem to think I do 24/7/365.
  3. There was a reason LL yanked the old system. Please, let's not go through it all over again. It is enough I already know I'm one of the most hated people in SL/on the forum just for being who I am and not who they want me to be.
  4. People try to manipulate me every day in RL and SL. Nothing new there. They usually find out pretty quickly I'm not so easy to manipulate. I'm not as vulnerable as they think.
  5. I think it was you that brought it up in a now defunct thread, I haven't looked yet. If it wasn't you, I'll edit this post to reflect who. How Ancient Dart Launchers Changed the Game for Early Female Hunters - Atlas Obscura dated Sept. 5, 2023 Checked the thread... yep It was your post that I thought about when I read the article last night. I don't get how it could make them feel powerful when it's just an illusion/delusion. I suppose it doesn't really matter in the long run as long as they silence the ones they don't like. 🤷‍♀️
  6. Peeve: People who must shut down legitimate discourse in order to force their beliefs/morals/ethics on everyone else.
  7. Reminds me of Edward Scissorhands. Especially the eyes.
  8. I'm sorry. I never meant "teddy bear" to be an insult.
  9. Randall does not know what a nice guy is. That's pretty sad. Nice guys don't go on social media raging about how women reject them because they act like jerks.
  10. I ought to smack you with one of your own prefabs! Why? Because I am a woman! That's why! 😝
  11. Now you know why Ceka asked him to open the jar as soon as he gets out of the shower. She can either wait for the towel to drop or she can ... well... you said it all yourself. 😁
  12. The fun part is waiting for the towel/robe/whatever to drop. Something about bodies hitting the floor.
  13. My husband uses a bone conduction headset for work. He said they work well but he's not really impressed. Best thing to do is go to someplace like Best Buy where you can try before you buy. You can still order from Amazon. The point is to get an idea of if they will work for you without having to spend money.
  14. It's been my experience that this is too much to ask both in RL and SL. Especially that last sentence. Dragging up the past and throwing it in someone's face is troll bait and makes the person doing it look like a real POS. That's how it starts, seeing where it goes, and inevitably it goes straight to another creepy person.
  15. I don't have a male alt but if I did, he'd probably look something like this:
  16. I don't think there were. I know there were. We're talking about my ancestors here. Most of the written history about them are wrong and much of it is outright lies and all written by Europeans who really had no clue what was what. Much of what was written was based on assumptions and misinterpretations.
  17. I don't. And I don't like being lumped in with those that do. I hate spankers and tummy talkers. One of these days men will wake up and realize I am not like other women. I don't gossip, I don't nag or any of those things men are always complaining about. You might think it's funny, it's not. It's never funny when your own "kind" don't accept you because you aren't "typical".
  18. The arrival of the Europeans is what destroyed it in the first place. We aren't gaining personhood; we are regaining it. Women want what has historically been theirs for thousands of years.
  19. In another society, the women owned the home and most of what was in it. The men married into the woman's clan. Man comes home and finds his personal belongings outside the door; he knew he was divorced. Nothing he could do to change it. Woman says go, you go, or you'll have the rest of the men running you off.
  20. There still aren't enough Sam Elliotts to go around! 🥰
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