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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. The dough doesn't need to know, only you (general) knead to know. 😉 My "inner clock" works as well as a timer. Some have a need for a timer, some don't. Most housewives learn to get housework done while things are cooking/baking. Most pastry chefs don't have the time to do the dishes, they have to keep working while others do the cleanup. Both (housewives and chefs) develop those "inner timers" just in different ways. Btw, my great grandmother knew about stretching the gluten and she never went to any kind of cooking or baking school. All I'm saying is you don't need to go to a chef school to learn the things taught there. You can learn them at home. The WWW didn't exist when I learned, and we didn't have the convenience of YouTube. It was all "word of mouth" and following handed down recipes. We had to talk to people face to face. It's amazing how much you can learn that way.
  2. No politics on the forum. That would include ads in sigs.
  3. That is your opinion which you are entitled to. Don't expect everyone to agree with you though.
  4. Oh, but I do understand it. Just not from your POV that I don't happen to agree with. I've lived with a RL radio DJ for more than 20 years now who also has been DJing in SL for more than 10 years. He's one of the few in SL who will take requests. Where did I say it happens only in your country? I didn't. You're jumping to conclusions based on your imagination. I never said not taking requests didn't have advantages either. It's not like my husband takes requests the whole set. There is always a time limit to put in requests just like there is on the air waves. Point being SL is an international community and everyone needs to be willing to work with others and compromise.
  5. I didn't need to go to a school to learn baking. I learned from the mothers in my family who learned from their mothers, who learned from their mothers, etc. I never buy white flour, always unbleached. 😊 What I'm saying is, you don't need to go to a school to master baking. (No, don't go there. lol) Most of what you learn in those schools was discovered in someone's kitchen at home in the past. Most people take those courses to learn the "fancy" baking aka the expensive stuff served in restaurants most people can't afford. In the end though, even I use and follow recipes. I just don't always scrape that straight edge across the top of the measuring cup/spoon. 😉
  6. That explains it. Baking (and cooking) is an art, not a science. I don't even need measuring cups or spoons for most of mine. 😉 Edit: One rule of thumb. Once you add it, you can't take any out. If you want salt, you'll have to add it because I don't use it in cooking. Most foods already have a salt content and rarely need any added.
  7. You aren't a radio type DL then and that is why I quit going to clubs in SL. Most of the hip-hop type DJs can't even stick to the genre of the club much less their own. What country are you from? I want to make damn sure I never go there.
  8. So that's where those yoyos in my childhood got the idea that if you held a fart in, it would backfire to your brain. It never crossed my mind that Swift was responsible. 🤣
  9. I'll take door #3. Now gimmie my new car! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMC_Gremlin
  10. I quit hosting when I was forced to share my hard-earned tips. Same reason I quit waitressing in RL back in the day. I'm not sharing my tips with people who did nothing to deserve it. I'm the one being complimented on my work not everyone else.
  11. What is this mandatory event and how do I avoid being banned for not attending it since this is the first I've ever heard of a mandatory event in SL in 19 years?
  12. He'd never walked in his life in the version I've seen. He had to build leg muscle before he could walk. Tossing him into the pond wouldn't have done anything other than maybe drown him. Besides, Mary Lennox liked him and needed the company. He was family after all.
  13. The reason those wages are so low is because in the US, everything from farming to animal husbandry to 5-star restaurants falls under the Department of Agriculture (federal). Follow the money.
  14. There hasn't been several on topic conversations for the past 31 pages? How could I have missed that reading this thread every day?
  15. They don't listen when I speak up; they're not listening now. I doubt they ever will.
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