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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Peeved. I've recently come to a conclusion based on nearly 20 years of trying to interact with other people in SL. The conclusion is about 98% of the people in SL are toxic.
  2. Where is the consent to be put on a third party database? Where is the option to opt in or out? There are none. That's the issue.
  3. Good. You found out for yourself. Ignore my previous post. You should also ignore all the jackanapes that only want to hurt rather than help.
  4. There is no garlic necklace for Progeny. That necklace was for Bloodlines.
  5. Meet the original Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid) of Dark Shadows.
  6. First, give your stress levels time to lower a bit then, calmly and rationally write down your experience. Proofread it, then file a support ticket. That is all you can do. If LL does anything, you will never know about it. Truth is LL is most likely to deem the experience a resident to resident dispute and file 13 the ticket.
  7. That's your opinion. Opinions don't always match reality.
  8. Kind of hard to forget when I was caught up in the middle of it all.
  9. Thanks to Fractured Crystal that hasn't been true since Emerald was blocked by LL.
  10. Try never having been appreciated to begin with. If I didn't value and appreciate myself, I wouldn't bother to say anything and I wouldn't be alive to do so. I'm not some 20/30 something that doesn't have much life experience. If anything, I have too much of it. This is not an inner voice; this is how people treat me in RL, SL and the forum. It's been that way for 50 years.
  11. Peeved at the amount of entitlement and privilege I'm seeing in SL. It had been getting better for a while there but lately it's getting far worse.
  12. No, you just need to be able to pick up and move something that weighs about as much as an adult house cat. I've been limited to no more than 15 lbs. by a doctor because of my back so there are medical reasons for the limits.
  13. I'm still not paying a monthly subscription fee for something I've already said I can't afford. Peeve: People who don't listen when I say "I can't afford" for the billionth time. That does not include you, Ayashe.
  14. No, thank you. It took me years to even consider signing up for Steam. I don't have an Xbox anyway, can't afford one, don't have any interest in one. I'm certainly not going to pay $10 a month for PC Game Pass either.
  15. I was just coming to ask this question. Who won? Or is @Linden Lab going to claim they can't release the names because privacy or something? 🤔
  16. I just went and checked it on Steam again. It's been changed from MMO and coop to single player only. That change has been within the last couple of days. Not sure who messed that up, Steam or Bethesda. Either way, I'm not going to ask him to pay $70 for a pre-purchase when he had just spent $40 to gift me Sims 4 Horse Ranch expansion. My bd is coming up and he's been looking for something to get me. I still may end up with a better graphics card when he is done testing the one he ordered. It just won't happen on my bd, as usual. That's my peeve. He never manages to hit it on the actual date, so birthdays and Christmas gifts always come days (and sometimes weeks) before or after. I finally gave up on ever having a traditional Christmas ever again two years ago after beating my head against a brick wall for more than 2 decades.
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