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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Give the gal a tamale! https://fatmamastamales.com/ They even ship internationally now. https://fatmamastamales.com/fmtstore/ Might want to start with the mild. 😉
  2. Those who are abused and have burner phones are in danger of being discovered in their attempts to stay safe/get out.
  3. Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true. ~Aesop's Fables
  4. Not the same thing but you already know that. Try reading some of Brandon Q. Morris' (Matthias Matting) hard sci-fi that deal with AI, especially the Big Six (Alexa, Siri, Gamma, Cortana, WuDao, and I forgot the 6th one). https://www.mostrecommendedbooks.com/series/brandon-q-morris-books-in-order I started with the Black Planet series. https://www.fantasticfiction.com/m/brandon-q-morris/
  5. There are many of us who are not thankful for the machines that take our jobs from us (ask Ceka about that) and do everything for us. A simple example: Most use a bread machine to make their "homemade" bread. I don't. I do it all by hand. That bread machine isn't going to build arm muscle by kneading the dough for you.
  6. Since I'll never be able to afford it (even if I wanted to) I'll continue to live in the real world rather than a fantasy matrix. Hopefully I won't be pushed off the internet completely since I refuse to use AIs. I may not be able to stop the insanity, but I certainly do not have to participate. Thankfully, libraries with real books still exist.
  7. I'm here in the forums BECAUSE I don't have any INWORLD FRIENDS. The reason for that is because I got fed up with having to put all the work into the friendships. Go mansplain your BS to someone else. All you've done is prove you know nothing about me or my situation.
  8. SLU didn't think they had to worry about talking too much or posting too many images. Then it hit the fan and there was no bringing SLU back up after somewhere around 15 years. This particular iteration of the SL forum isn't nearly that old yet. Time will tell.
  9. You can ask Cristiano Midnight about it. It's one of the reasons SLU is now VVO with a software change to XenForo from Invision. As for everything else, thank you. You two are doing a really good job. I also worry new grandfathered threads won't be allowed which would completely ruin it for many. I know what the guidelines say. Still doesn't make it the right thing to do. But that's not on you or Dyna.
  10. Static poses are cheaper than the animated ones such as the kind runway models use. In the early days static was all you could get. The non static ones are usually of a higher quality. It shouldn't be surprising that photogs use static poses over non static ones due to cost alone. The clothing the models wear on the runway are usually free of charge and the model is allowed to keep and wear them. I never ran across any clothing creator that got away with making models pay for the clothing they modeled, although I did hear about one. The show never happened. Years ago, I managed to make a few animated poses. It's not something for everyone. Simply put, timed demos aren't necessary when there are other "tried and true" methods that can be used. As far as demoing scripts, seems to me the best thing to do is have a bit of land where they can be seen in action. Of course, it all depends on what the scripts are for. Some scripts just don't lend themselves to being an adequate demo. Scylla's Dungeon Poses? *runs far away very fast
  11. My guts disagree with you. So does the pain that can go with it. Age and gravity will aways catch up to you. The older you are, the more likely you are to have gas because of the overnight build up. That's when it stops being so much fun. We still tease each other about farts but damn, I don't want any more nights like last night. It can be so painful that you get little to no sleep. That's my peeve.
  12. So basically, once the thread becomes a burden to the server due to its enormous size, that will be the end of it. No one really listens and no one cares about the damage done. I never should have gotten comfortable in the only place I have to communicate with others. Story of my life. I've never believed in fate before but now I am starting to wonder if it isn't my fate to be alone and without any meaningful human contact for life. Crap. What a waste.
  13. DUH! There have been demos in SL since I first registered nearly 20 years ago. Every creation in SL IS a prop regardless of demo status or lack of. There are "free to use" props everywhere you go. There are no laws against it and certainly aren't any restrictions on it placed by LL. Just because a creator can slap a timer on a demo doesn't make it ethically acceptable, to the customer. Examples of "free to use" props: Poor Inara. She's going to have one hell of a long list of props on the last image alone. I know it's hers because she signed it.
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