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Sparkle Bunny

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Everything posted by Sparkle Bunny

  1. I bought that resin table only to stumble upon a L$1, 3li version on MP (entirely by accident; I was looking for a printer). No fish in the marketplace one, though.
  2. When I went to pick this up I found that Dust Bunny are having a big sale; all yellow-tagged items are L$50. Lots of plants (including fatpacks!)
  3. The flexibility lies precisely in the absence of hard and fast rules. If you encroach on Linden land with purely decorative 'splashy rocks' that don't impede access or mark the land as yours, then they might well let it be. But if you make it a policy to allow splashy rocks and ban everything else, we then have to have an ironclad definition of what counts as a splashy rock and what doesn't, which will then be challenged by people who think their circling seagulls fall within the same category, and people who think their phantom pier does not constitute an obstruction, and therefore those calls are probably better made on a case-by-case basis.
  4. If all anyone wants to put in the weekend sales throughout September/October is Halloween stuff that's fine by me. I'll have more money to spare when Black Friday rolls around.
  5. They're under no obligation to do so, and stand to make more profit by selling off all the land (and water). That's why the coastlines are a mess in the first place. Would they consider doing what you're asking? Of course, and my guess is they would go ahead with it, but there's nothing 'automatic' about it.
  6. You will always be able to get a Bellisserian home of some sort, though you may have to refresh the selection page multiple times if there's a specific theme you want.
  7. Also Firestorm. I have an alt on PP+ for a month so I'm using the free texture uploads to populate everyone's outfit gallery. But before that I studiously ignored that tab for years because I didn't want to pay to upload the images and it hadn't occurred to me to test whether I could use local textures. (Could I? No idea, but I've not had much luck with local textures persisting between logins so probably not.)
  8. It ran for around six weeks (last week of June through the first week of August). I imagine they wanted to maximise sales within the first month to make it look more successful and impress the higher-ups; an indefinite discount would stagger those sales over a longer period in a much less exciting way, even if it led to more profit in the long term. Of course you will also get a discount based upon how long your existing premium subscription has left to run, though that too will be less that it would have been if you'd been around at launch. Unfortunately this is just a hazard of being offline for extended periods. It's not unusual for inworld sales or promotions to last a week or less, so most residents wouldn't consider a six-week offer unduly short.
  9. If your son had tried to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol like the OP, his schizophrenia would still not have been his fault. Nor would it have been his fault if he had made the mistake of trying to confide in you about any anxiety or depression he was experiencing. It's genetic. Not anyone's fault. I'm sorry about your pension fund, but I'm sorrier for your son.
  10. Unfortunately, it would appear that it is. I can't see governance introducing any kind of feedback on AR's, as the current system of sending them into the void handily avoids customers raising extra complaints about the time it is taking to deal with their complaint. It works both ways: if they can't be bothered to tell you that your AR is not going to be acted upon, there is nothing to stop you making the same report again. And again. And again.
  11. Bellisseria is massive. I certainly haven't inspected every house in it, so I can't see how you can prove that this has never happened, any more than the OP can prove it has. I've mentioned elsewhere how I once saw and reported a rental box in a Victorian, and it seems unlikely that I just happened to stumble upon the only attempt at subletting that has occurred over the course of three years. (I'm also not sure why you think advertising is a prerequisite; who's going to risk that when they can just put the word out among their friends?) But yeah, this is offtopic. Suffice it to say, I hope they don't enable PP+ subscribers to claim parcels instantly, because this will only lead to other people pestering residents to abandon their coastal Victorians; not to mention the complaints next time a new theme launches and the rest of us can't get a sniff of it because the PP+ people are all standing on the new parcels passing them around between themselves.
  12. Of course it wasn't, but anyone familiar with Game of Homes could have predicted that people were going to try and use it in that way.
  13. I mean, yeah, I wear BOM layers all the time; but I'm not going to recommend that to anyone who isn't going to combine them with mesh, or hasn't figured out how to use the Maitreya add-ons to make them look less painted-on, or doesn't yet have the experience to distinguish between nicely-textured vintage stuff and the kind of thing you get at Freebie Galaxy. It just adds another level of confusion. Here is a free mesh rainbow bikini from one of SL's most popular shops. If you don't have much to spend, you're much better off keeping an eye on freebie blogs like FabFree for inworld deals than trawling through marketplace.
  14. You want helpful? Avoid anything advertised as 'flexi' or 'sculpted'. If it looks like crap in the ad it will probably look even worse on you. Oh, and don't buy decade-old marketplace dollarbies, but you probably figured that out by now.
  15. Given that, historically, people have been kinda obsessed with snagging coastal Victorians, LL should really have been able to foresee that some customers would expect their extra money to buy them a coastal Victorian and implemented a procedure to deal with that, whether it's putting somebody on full-time LH concierge duty or making the limitations of the feature clearer when people sign up. You can't expect everyone to go digging through transcripts and forums to find out that the perk doesn't actually work as advertised: Nothing there about how it has to be in an unreleased region, just that it has to be unoccupied (which it is! as soon as your friend releases it!) Anyone who reads this subforum knows that a desirable house isn't going to hang around long enough for a Linden to take it out of the queue and reassign it; but, again, that's not going to be obvious to everyone.
  16. 'You get what you pay for' isn't an SL-specific concept.
  17. It's a decade-old marketplace dollarbie , what did you expect?
  18. Bellisseria is a residential area and the roads can get quite twisty in some themes; it's not best suited to road haulage, and residents tend not to stay in one location long enough to set up their own hubs. You can still play GTFO on the waterways, or alternatively get yourself a dumper truck and empty some bins.
  19. Have you even been to Bellisseria? People are perfectly happy setting up their dungeons at ground level, and their hot tubs in the back yard, so what exactly do you think you're going to get in an adult LH region that you can't currently get in the moderate ones? The only thing I can think of is adult animations in the street furniture, which... no, not really worth inventing an entirely new continent for. You're a premium member, you're perfectly capable of purchasing your own orgy bench or whatever it is you're so desperate for the Lindens to give you.
  20. If you moved to a new city in real life there wouldn't be a welcoming committee. You would probably find that, even in supposedly social spaces like clubs and bars, most strangers were too busy doing their own thing to make small talk with you. But you would still be able to find ways of amusing yourself, like gaming or exploring or driving or shopping or going to concerts; and if you were confused about exactly how these things worked then you could always ask Google or watch a YouTube tutorial. The only person who can 'stop you having fun' is you. And eventually you would make friends, but it would be through jobs or hobbies or other shared interests; not going up to randoms and expecting them to entertain or educate you just because they happen to be in the same vicinity as you. I'm sure mentoring is still available to those who need it -- there have been multiple offers on this thread! -- but it would not have suited me at all, and I personally found it a much richer experience gradually figuring stuff out for myself.
  21. The OP obviously wasn't that bothered about the money if they merely flounced for eighteen months rather than taking it up directly with the landlord at the time, and couldn't even initially remember when they supposedly lost it. Given their faulty memory, I would also be very surprised if abuse of group notices was their only infraction.
  22. I have actually scaled my avatars up in the past couple of years so I don't look quite as ridiculous in my Linden home and don't have to shrink all the furniture whenever I decorate. My doll av is around 5' 4'' but then she always has been. She has a whacking huge key stuck in her back and a full face of makeup, you'd have to be a bit strange to mistake her for a child.
  23. I assume that none of the advocates of zero-second orbs live anywhere near a flight path. Imagine having a whole bunch of complete strangers passing over your house for a second or two. The horror!
  24. I like naming stuff, so a bunch of them got created in the days of free last names. And when I want to try out a new aesthetic I like to make a new avatar to match. One time I made three in a day so my doll av could win a dress on a Midnight Mania board; one ended up as my token boy, one is now my landowning/interior decor alt (who I spend the most time on nowadays, but I'll always think of my original account as my main), and the other one is a goth girl I never really bother with. I probably have about fifteen or sixteen by now, most of whom run around collecting freebies or playing games or stalking lucky chairs. One dress-up dolly was never going to be enough for me.
  25. You don't have the monopoly on crazy, unfortunately. Granted, ours tend to focus more on being racist and homophobic than actually shooting people or forcing them to have unwanted children, but they still exist.
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