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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. Politics and religion should both be banned for the same reason. They are both contentious topics that raise a lot of heat and produce absolutely nothing of value
  2. hmmm so Phil was so put out at not getting the last word on the previous thread as it was locked he went all the way back to the old forums to find a thread to necro.....got to admire his stubborness
  3. I seem to meet all the major food groups personality wise so maybe its just you
  4. My impression is that the ratings are purely about sexual content, I interpret them largely as Adult : You walked into a sex club what did you expect Mature: like your average bar with less hobo's General: Kiddies playground what are you doing here you pervert
  5. The way they messed up wasnt getting rid of last names, the way they messed up was not making the display name the only one you saw. Everyone then could call themselves as they wished and people wouldnt have an account name to try and guess a password for so also increasing security at the same time
  6. Welcome to SL, I suspect while there may be many discord groups present in Sl there is no overarching one. For example many rp sims have a discord. The player base in sl is on the whole too large and disparate for one single group. Find people you fit in with and enquire with them I suggest
  7. Theresesa so called lie seems to bear up, your only actual issue you can raise is that the paraphrasing of what happened may have been done in such a way to paint you in a worse light than how things actually were The product was majorly broken as you have admitted You did suggest that she was able to mend the situation due to misunderstanding what the situation was
  8. I don't get why people are still arguing with him Phil brought greed into the picture by his assertion that customers that want copy are greedy Greed is a moral judgement not an opinion Morality is based on the majority consensus of what is moral and what is not( a rl example would for example be how much tax amazon pay, they pay all they are legally obliged to however some believe not as much as they are morally obliged to) The majority of this community seem to believe the greedy one was Phil He has been tried in the court of public opinion and has been found guilty. Simple as that. He can believe that his morals are correct and everyone else is wrong but morals don't work like that
  9. hmmm 11k items but then I am a male so don't need 9000 pairs of shoes
  10. Anecdote but I rent and wouldnt ever consider renting where there is a pre rezzed house let alone furnishings. When I first joined SL I looked at quite a few including many of the big names and with I think one exception they were absolutely awful. Poorly made houses with cheap crappy furniture
  11. I rarely find I get lag even in busy zones like franks or old lars. No dont have a top end pc either mine being 3 years old and run usually of high or ultra settings. If you are getting that much lag all you can do is sit and chat perhaps get a computer that is at least made in the last 5 years they aren't that costly. I do not regard it as my issue to reduce your lag if you are running on a potato machine
  12. probably not as I suspect the sim owner has sympathy for anyone dealing with this in duh vidual
  13. If that impresses your sl Gf can you please keep her she sounds like a sad individual, you two make a perfect couple that way
  14. I can hear the sound of phil swearing now as he realises how many more millions of lindens he could have made
  15. Only one greedy person here Phil, the one that wants to charge people over and over for the same piece of work, surprised you didnt put in a script to charge them every time they used the item too
  16. The argument Phil makes is the same music companies made about making copies of your cd's oh no if you want to listen to your music in the car you either need to take the disc in or buy another copy. Everyone agreed this was crap and ignored them. A lot of governments then stepped in and passed laws to say copying your cd's for personal use is just fine including the uk government. Furniture and goods in sl are closer to CD's in nature than they are rl furniture
  17. As most items of furniture are now copy it seems the market voted on your business model and said no thanks, it is rare now to find anything that isnt old stuff that is no copy
  18. You may have most merchants seemed to see it as an opportunity to sell me a new one, surprisingly they got told where to shove said item
  19. It was very much at their expense every time sl glitched and they lost items, I bought no copy when I first started and didnt know any different, I can still see the transactions in my emails, totalling 24,857 l$ I have precisely none of those items any more all lost to rez bugs. Tell me again how no copy isnt at my expense
  20. Think what you like, most peoples reasons however are the crappy sl rez issue. You make what you like just dont expect most of us to want what you make
  21. Same here with respect to Sansar.I have tried making the point over on the Sansar part of the forums to the "creators" that love Sansar. To make money there you need customers, I am an ardent vr'er I spend a fair amount in sl. I can see no reason on earth I would visit Sansar there is just nothing there I want. When I want to put my headset on I will go play a custom game, or custom built experience not some jack of all trades one size fits no one solution
  22. It is not VR that is dead more good titles come out for it everyday and with second gen headsets and peoples machines slowly catching up as they upgrade then it will slowly ramp up. Sansar however I can't ever see being a thing. There is nothing it does better frankly than a custom experience and with the big graphics engines (unity and unreal) supporting VR it is not hard to develop them. Any company worth its salt isnt going to use Sansar they are going to create a tailored thing. Sansar is simply a solution looking for a problem and not a terribly good solution
  23. Sl needs the ability to fight each other anywhere like people need a second anus in the middle of there foreheads. It would be seized on by griefers and the perennially offended with glee and my prediction is that within a few months second life would be empty of all but them. Op do us all a favour write your suggestion on a large rock and beat yourself over the head with it till you either a) realise what a bad idea it is or b) manage to knock yourself unconscious
  24. I would never buy no copy items willingly, lost too many that way
  25. Can we also ar the op, her idea of this megans list I regard as a threat to the community. As to sympathy sorry I have none. Dont like what is happening, block, walk away, x out ar whatever. Frankly no idea why I should give her any sympathy or why anyone thinks she deserves any when she chose to stay in that situation for so long. Personally I find the op as creepy as the guy she is talking about
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