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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. I have one too I use it for all the forum regulars so I can make sure I don't run into them and then have them extract the urine over my newbie avi
  2. shame to hear maybe one of those that will never be good in vr. The getting your vr legs things is quite well documented for most
  3. you get your vr legs eventually. As soon as you feel sick stop otherwise your mind gets the idea put the hmd on be sick
  4. Having had a rift for over a year now all I can say is I find myself spending more and more of my time in it and less and less in pancake mode. If you haven't tried it I advise you to make up your own mind. VR isnt for everyone but a lot of the naysayers on forums have patently never tried it.
  5. I used the word give because that was what the suggestion was. I have no objection to people earning Lindens at all and no where have I said that I do indeed the rest of the quote you cut is here. "If they want lindens and cant afford them there are a myriad ways of making lindens in game let them use it. I fail absolutely why they should be given free money for annoying the rest of us which as I have pointed out is what will happen with this proposal" You also I note failed to address the main point of my objection which is that your proposal is about giving them money to ANNOY the rest of us, by spouting any old crap in local to get some free money or by imming random people to get some free money. Thankfully not even the labs are stupid enough to not figure out that your suggestion would lead to a quicker outflux of people as the game becomes unplayable due to random garbage cluttering up local and an unending stream of ims from people who dont actually want to talk to you
  6. The simple answer is that there is no point having your name over your head in a readable form it will still get written any way the other user pleases. Take mine 5 simple letters, in plain font. So far I have been Kandry, kangry, kanny, kenny .... in fact every possible mispelling far far more than I have been correctly named
  7. shrugs all sides have crazy politicians with crazy ideas, I was merely suggesting those as a counterpoint to Phorumites. Unlike Ayn Rand von Mises was a respected academic and economist. Whether you choose to look or not however is up to the individual
  8. If anyone has a wish to learn more about libertarian and liberal thought, I would recommend not Ayn Rand but the book human action written by Ludwig Von Mises. A pdf of which may be found here https://mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com/Human Action_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
  9. if you are having 40 to 60 avi's over at a time I suspect it should likely be your neighbour making the post wondering how it will effect them
  10. idling away the time trying to convince littleme of the virtue of my rubber chickens
  11. runs off to SL to im littleme knowing he can now point out he was ordered to bombard her in box
  12. You are operating under the assumption that people that cant afford to buy lindens should be given them free. Why? If they want lindens and cant afford them there are a myriad ways of making lindens in game let them use it. I fail absolutely why they should be given free money for annoying the rest of us which as I have pointed out is what will happen with this proposal
  13. Part of the problem is what the us and europe have isnt proper capitalism it is corporatism. Corporations have bought politicians and rigged the laws in their favour. A corporation can shop around for the cheapest labour and make use of globalisation, however the consumer is restricted from doing so legally as instead of being able to buy your goods from the cheapest country they have kept the prices high by regional restrictions. Here is a good example of this happening https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/1362985/Tesco-loses-fight-to-sell-Levis-at-American-prices.html or if you prefer https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/nov/21/andrewosborn so Levi's use the cheapest possible labour and reap the benefit but try using the same globalisation to make your life cheaper....
  14. Where did I say immigrants are taking peoples jobs? What I said was that having a limitless labour pool keeps wages lower than they would be given a more limited labour pool. Wages have always risen in the past as unemployment fell. Now they arent rising anything like the same extent as they should with unemployment falling. Wages are supply and demand based. As demand increases and supply falls then prices rise. That has been broken however when you make supply unlimited. As to being time consuming bollocks is it if you come from an eu country it is simply get a passport to travel and a plane ticket and you can come work as people have been doing
  15. not true, a business will however pay the minimum they can which comes down to how much competition there is for workers who can do the job and how much value the job being done gives the company. This is why as minimum wage levels rise you will see a reduction the low skilled jobs on offer as they simply are no longer of sufficient value to the company to be done. This for example is why supermarkets are moving to self checkouts. As it becomes cheaper to get a machine to do a job than a human the human will be replaced. At some point you have to start asking is it worth raising minimum wage levels and putting people out of work or is it better for those people to be in some form of work. Further as machine learning gets ever better the machines will move from low skilled job replacement to more semi skilled and ever further up the job chain so most of us will find our jobs at risk of replacement at some point in our lives. This point can be illustrated starkly in the UK, even with unemployment at record low levels wages aren't rising as predicted because employers have what is virtually a limitless pool of labour to draw from via immigration and indeed many companies advertise abroad in those countries to get workers to come over
  16. To me the solution is simple premise no one should go without food, shelter, clothing or basic medical care. However the welfare system in the UK certainly goes far beyond that. Personally I would give every citizen the right to eat 3 meals a day at a communal kitchen run by the state, the right to a council owned single room to stay in, 3 issues of basic clothing a year and keep the NHS but trim a lot of the non basic stuff from the free system. Items such as tattoo removal and breast enhancement for example should not be offered. Want anything above those basics then get a job.
  17. grins sadly I suspect it only works out right in my dreams
  18. Are you denying you have posted before advocating that there should be a single mesh body everyone uses?
  19. This is not Coby's first outing in these forums with this idea the date night thing was meant as a joke hence the emoticon on the end take your passive aggressive and look in a mirror maybe?
  20. Sliders and stuff still work with mesh bodies, I can look and can tell usually however what body type the avi is because each of them has unique characteristics. When we just had classic bodies yes people looked different, however they look far different now than then. This is the issue I have with the op. She wants a single mesh body. If the labs do one I have no real objection my issue is however when it doesnt become the most popular I suspect she will be back here suggesting other mesh bodies be outlawed because it has not resulted in what she wants which in one mesh body to rule them all
  21. I read your posts, pre mesh the avi's were crap. I fully expect anything the labs produce to be sub par to those bodies created by users. They frankly arent very good at knowing what their users like. By all means advocate a labs created mesh body. I think though without banning other mesh body creators from making them it is going to be as popular as the cup full of vomit diet. My evidence Sansar for example, or insert Labs idiocy of your choice
  22. mostly today I am seducing Madelaine due to her excellent musical tastes...then I am waking up
  23. shrugs the only people who benefit from only one mesh body are creators. I like seeing the range of shapes, species etc. Why do you want to stifle choice? Besides you think the labs will make a body everyone prefersslightly less likely than Donald trump becoming a nun
  24. If you are an attractive young lady the best place for date night is where ever I am ^^
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