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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. There are plenty from both sides that do, I suspect most will call only however for the ban on the "spam" of those they disagree with politically while praising the "spam" of those they agree with as rightful comment. I said it in another thread. If you want to talk politics or religion here you should create a thread clearly marked for the purpose so those that do not want to read either can avoid the thread and only those interested need participate
  2. For once Love I agree with you better note it in your calendar
  3. There are many that clog up threads from all sides. I would suggest there is an easy solution merely block the most egregious offenders. The trouble with the "lets ask the mods" to do something approach is you ask them to deal with those you feel are offending, then the next person sees your success and provide their own list of offenders, and the next and before you know it only newbies can post on the forum and then only one before someone calls the mods.
  4. ah well despite what you may think a huge portion of the world has no time for *****ter. Maybe raise the issue in an appropriate place such as jira rather than a place that provides succour for those that came before the missing link
  5. hmmm a genuine 1928 and 1921 milf? one pristine the other slightly foxed....when did you say the auction was?
  6. I couldn't possibly comment as I have no clue about what "the venture brothers" you refer to is
  7. ah well we would say an adopted son. Emergency back up son sort of sounds like a spare in case one breaks
  8. just because the heavy lifting has been done by 0Auth doesnt mean the labs use 0Auth and having done it I can sure you that depending on the system converting to 0Auth can be more than a couple of days
  9. what the hell is an emergency back up son...imagines a glass cabinet with a sign over it saying "In case of sonlessness break glass"
  10. he specifically said " I'm sorry, this av is 4m tall" though I guess we could be both right if his AV is a giant (insert word meaning a male chicken in this space)
  11. hmmm lets see you avi is 4m tall. The average sl female is probably around 2m tall. Your junk therefore is bigger than 2 metres long. Am I the only one thinking overcompensation here? There is a company that makes poses for oversized avi's think its bang box off the top of my head if its not when I get time to check up will message you
  12. There is a reason to oppose it if you dont plan to use it. Developer time is limited. This is a reason to oppose any change that you won't use.
  13. This is why I always am the anonymous mastermind organising the group that is out to get me then I know exactly what they are up to
  14. awww and you never showed me your cheeky side when we chatted
  15. If I had known how paranoid you are I wouldn't have immed you in case you thought I was after your cookies
  16. This man makes an almost watertight case for the introduction of retrospective abortion
  17. How do you know I am not your husband and this is my secret sl Identity?
  18. rtfm is normally the response to diagnosing a PEBCAK error
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