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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. Turning the question around first of all Should people be allowed to write novels around those subjects? As people do and even make films on the same subjects such as Mississipi burning then I would ask what you see the difference as. Both are fiction. Personally while I find most of them repugnant I wouldn't call for a ban on them. If they aren't against TOS. The reason is simple. You don't stop these people thinking like that and no platforming really doesnt change any minds. However when you let them expose themselves to scrutiny people start to point and laugh which does more to disrupt them than anything. A good example from the UK was the British National Party, a fairly racist lot. They for years were no platformed and got to the point where they had elected MEP's. Then question time (a main stream political program) allowed their leader on against all those shouting that they shouldn't give them publicity. End result was the collapse of the BNP as people got to see what an utter tit the guy and his party were
  2. What she meant of course is that she doesnt mind political and ideological movements that she agrees with having their own private space as do most people who type stuff like that,
  3. Thankfully I cant be racist as I hate all people equally
  4. Reads thread shakes head sadly and throws the new book of "Lines guaranteed to land you a sexy lady" in the bin after seeing them all dissed before wandering of to a virginal future with slumped shoulders
  5. Experiences are something I never accept so if its required then I won't be visiting Its not because I am particularly worried about what they can do. For me its like the rl shop experience One shop I can go in an browse happily wandering and poking what I like The other I have the creepy shop assistant who the moment I walks in is at your shoulder "HI can I help" then follows you round extolling the virtue of anything you glance at however briefly. Guess which shop I walk out of and dont go back to ever again
  6. Giving everyone access to your login id, thats a hackers dream. Griefing is easier to deal with than being hacked
  7. Or like me they would have seen the choices of name they were offered and gone really? No thanks none of those appeal and walked away. I still say the best solution is to remove the display of account names all together and just leave display names visible. It not only gives everyone the name they want but adds security by not providing half of the information someone needs to get into your account
  8. Hmmm surely this is a meaningless question. No person is interesting as an absolute, we are merely interesting to some people. We can tell which people these are because they continue to talk to us over extended time intervals. Some find us interesting for short periods, some for long periods.Some might even find us boring or irritating. Much the same as real life. Anyone that can stand up and say I am an interesting person therefore is deluding themselves.
  9. Grins I shouldn't find it irritating I know....but I do. Especially as I avoided a hard to spell name, not like I called myself ftpmchozzziasseses or something
  10. I think you misinterpreted what I meant, or maybe I phrased it poorly. The point I was trying to make was that if you alter your voice deliberately because you care what people think of you then that means you are portraying a false image of yourself to that person. Sooner or later the fact it is a false image will become apparent to them and their reaction to that may not be good
  11. Not an embarassing story however it amused one of my ex'es no end For some reason people find the name kanry hard to spell in local chat and I have been variously Kandry, Kanny, kangry and many other variants over the years. I tend to get frustrated by this after all its only 5 letters how hard can it be right? Anyway in a club the other night and they have one of those walking AI bots that chats in local...and even that damn thing managed to mispell my name
  12. Certainly did that by accident in bloodlines clan chat still at least that was only to 1400 or so
  13. Best way to take it on the whole, though admittedly I did say publicly I was blocking someone but that was in response to her urging me to when it became clear she had no intention of stopping the cluttering of threads
  14. More importanty should you care what you sound like to others in world? That way if they don't like what they hear they can avoid you rather than you accomodating them by changing how you sound only for them to find out later that they don't like you
  15. Phil I was merely saying as I know we have clashed a time or two
  16. I often argue with you Phil, its not out of personal animosity merely I do so when I feel you are wrong. Just in case you thought it was personal
  17. As to the op, I speak in two voices certainly One is my forum voice which tends to be quite aggressive The other is my in world voice where I tend to be a much more laid back individual I think though I guess I should ask the forum members that I have talked to in world if that is true
  18. Please no Lindens don't look at this and think its a good idea, gestures are bad enough without giving idiots even more ways to annoy
  19. The notion of human rights is bollocks, you are born with one right. The right to die the rest is just waffle. My view on banning religion and politics is purely about pragmatism. It generates lots of hurt feelings and adds nothing to human knowledge
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