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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. No you are still wrong, if people cared they would use the high street to make sure it survives. I see people in my high street too, guess what its mostly people who work near it popping out at lunch time. I have the evidence of the empty and boarded up shops, the demise of chain stores as they become unprofitable. The proliferation of pound shops, pawn shops, charity shops where there used to be butchers, bakers and candle stick makers. I have the evidence the only people calling on governments to do something about the decline are high street retailers not high street users. When people care they campaign to do something. The silence from people who might use the high street is deafening You have....well nothing except for I am Phil Deakins and cannot be wrong. Go away and find some evidence to back up your assertion and come back when you have an argument until then all you have is repeating a mantra in the hope its true
  2. Why should we encourage people to move onto it old or new. Personally I find no lack of community in SL. You certainly won't build a community by coercing people into living next to you. Its merely a thinly disguised call for the labs to spend more time money and energy on the premium crowd rather than all sl residents. A plea for preferential treatment when you do nothing to deserve it
  3. Ah Phil and the art of being wrong. You only need to look round to see the high street with the boarded up shops, full of nothing but bookies and charity shops and pawnbrokers. See the big chain stores leaving the high st or going bust. Or maybe just read all the appeals in the paper from store owners to "Revive the high street" naturally at tax payers expense Or even look at the research on footfall in the high street as this article does https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/may/14/shoppers-desert-uk-high-streets-to-put-more-jobs-at-risk Simply put people really don't care a high street is nothing special or they care about is being able to buy what they want when they want. If they cared they would use high streets to ensure their survival. Simple fact is they dont. You can call the statement silly all you want that however does not make your assertion correct
  4. More importantly you start off with an unproved premise, Mainland is worth saving - first you have to show this to be true before arguing about how to do it. This is the same thing we are getting in rl currently about saving our high streets even though frankly most people couldn't give a damn
  5. waves to littleme long time no chat, and not quite true I don't like to argue and will be glad to stop as soon as Phil admits he is wrong
  6. euw tea....now that is an offence against morality in any right thinking persons book
  7. The open door was a TOS violation and the op's main complaint The textures and overlapping boundaries was also a TOS violation and the one Kiera Linden mentioned extensively
  8. sigh Phil, no where has anyone from any side of the debate claimed the guy was break TOS what is your point?
  9. No page 3 Kiera Linden "wanted to just say a few things about this issue, but I will not be debating the content which was present. "
  10. Blame who you like it doesn't make you correct, no doubt you also think 9/11 was an inside job
  11. As I pointed out this was not a general region it was a moderate one from what the op states
  12. Ah you mean like the one where the Linden expressly said they werent going to pass any comment on the sexual content
  13. If the op had stuck to someone was doing adult things in the open on moderate land so I ar'ed them I wouldn't even be in this thread. As soon as the she brought the moral outrage bus into play then I come here and fight for the anti puritan side so blame her not me
  14. It was a moderate region and sex is allowed behind closed doors their. The issue there and I agree its an issue is he didnt have the doors shut and he should have
  15. I have no idea if you live by the same moral code as I do as we have never met or discussed what you do that I might find immoral so a strange comment
  16. No I just see the harm done by the morality police in the name of what is right and I see them gradually pecking away even now and what we can say,do,hear and see and yes I am fighting it.
  17. Shrugs people are just meat at the end of the day when dead. I have no particular desire to eat one but I also have no moral objection to them entering the food chain with sufficient safety checks as long as its consensual on their part. No more than I do eating any other animal
  18. You can tell me what you like Phil, I don't object to contrary viewpoints anymore than I object to others having different sexuality to me. There are many things I find morally repulsive in life just as you do. Where we differ is I think this is my morality and I live by it I don't expect others to live by it
  19. That would depend on the circumstances Garnet The world is short of food and we use the bodies of the naturally deceased to make a protein shortfall - yes We hunt people without their consent for fun and eat them - no There are scenario's in between some would be yes some would be no
  20. That is a danger yes but most psychologists seem to feel releasing pressure in a space like this does more harm than good
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