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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. If you make me a reasonable offer I can try and distract the ladies in question so he is easier to steal
  2. hmmm throws a golden apple into the forum with the word "Kallisti" engraved on it then steps back to watch grinning
  3. I didn't get the im....I feel so left out now
  4. A good response, its not often people realise what went wrong and own up to their part in it. Keep that open mind and you will fit in just fine
  5. op posts passive aggressively in group op gets snarked upon for it op runs to the forum for sympathy and finds none All is right with the universe
  6. Why do you feel entitled to have it explained to you. You don't get it thats fine, so unless someone is forcing you to be a furry or be a furry the correct response is shrug and move on. People like what they do and they don't have to explain it or get your approval if its not affecting you and not harming you what they like is really none of your business. Read what you wrote and substitute the word gay, transgender, muslim, christian, jew etc for furry and see the bigot revealed
  7. This may well have nothing to do with the Labs whatsoever, many countries have instituted "know your customer" laws to combat money laudering where firms are required to collect up to date information from their customers such as Address, age, photo id etc
  8. Oh my....starts pacing mumbling to yourself "You won't start sending Ayela spanking emotes to add to her gaiety"...slowly getting closer to the keyboard as the lure becomes stronger
  9. No No No if anything sims should be more expensive. Cheap sims means more people setting up places 90% of which will be totally crap. This would result in the online userbase being even more diluted when the number of clubs/galleries/ etc doubles
  10. Why do you think they would charge any less for the prims you want than a parcel of the right size to give you those prims?
  11. And was he forced to appear? No he chose too which was the correct decision. Besides which he isn't one too talk as he was jailed not long after than and lost his place as an mp. A thoroughly nasty piece of work in his own right.
  12. Well news to me as I normally never bother reading stickied threads and this is the first time I stuck my head into a town hall one
  13. Sorry littleme, this is I believe a thread for making suggestions to the labs, if a suggestion is made and you disagree the lab should hear the contrary point too
  14. what absolute tosh I have tped to friends houses with orbs set to zero who have forgotten to put me on the list and it takes time for an orb to tp you. I agree ban lines are ugly, I also agree they shouldnt un vehicle someone. If you campaign to get those things changed then I would support that. Accept though there are some people that like the peace of mind ban lines give them and you have no right to dictate what they should and shouldn't do
  15. Where did I say others were forced to appear them, if others had chosen not to appear on the program that would also be their right. No platforming doesnt however just include not appearing with them it also includes usually lefty idiots shouting down people so they cant talk even when there is no one being "forced" to appear. Those that were on question time with the idiot did not have to go in the least and if they had chosen to boycott it that would of been fine. Confronting the views of idiots is the only way to get towards a cure. Trying to pretend they dont exist does the square root of nothing
  16. orbs dont stop people coming in though and take time to react, and obviously they would have the settings to see in turned off. Why do you think your right to intrude trumps their right to lock you out if they choose. As to you imming....if it were me the moment you start telling me what I should do with my land would be the moment you got blocked
  17. Notes the name so he knows who to send the bugs too, 80,000 notecards later...there that will keep you busy for a day or two
  18. While I don't use them myself I have friends that do and the reason is to stop people wandering in at intimate moments, maybe a better suggestion is kill the flashy lights and stop the vehicle breaking. If people dont want folk in their home that should be up to them
  19. I didnt say it was because of no platforming what I said was people hadnt realised yet what idiots these people were due to them not having it exposed due to no platforming. No platforming never works it just gives them another grievance which they can point at and tell people "Look they are so scared that people will agree with what we say they wont let us talk" that brings the gullible to their door.
  20. Except if you look at the bnp polling before and after the question time appearance their support takes a rapid nose dive. I accept what you are saying about it being mostly labour voters however the point is that up until they got publicity for their views they could attract those people. Once people saw those views laid out then they said no thanks
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