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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. That might be difficult as I dont possess a tv
  2. Nope its just tasteless overpriced muck, why eat popcorn when you can eat rare roast beef sandwiches liberally slathered with horseradish
  3. euw popcorn is only fit for packing material
  4. sigh minds in the gutter I meant of course the meal you eat in bed after supper
  5. Thats slightly less likely than being overtaken by a mountaineering fish when half way up everest
  6. I suspect a woman underneath him was more what he meant
  7. Its a shame we can't club together and buy him a personality off marketplace, he clearly needs one
  8. It would be a lot better world if we all just made our judgements on how the person is rather than what he is. I don't see this happening in my lifetime as too many have an interest in keeping the divisions running and that applies equally to both sides of the debate on race, religion, politics.
  9. Well as I only see Luna when she is quoted I will reply to Maddies post Luna I have never once talked about white oppression / overreaction cases find a quote to prove me wrong For your information I am a legally recognised ethnic minority and I see the problems first hand that doesnt stop me believing that a lot of those that play the racism card do it inappropriately either as a way to block debate or to progress their own career The former is usually done by the middle class virtue signalling sjw type that is intent of showing how "right on" they are and add nothing but noise before they swan off back to their mostly middle class white neighbourhoods. This perhaps wrongly is how you come across to me. I said it before and I say it again, I believe in equality, I just reject the idea that we shouldn't discuss issues within individual communities and their impact and to do so in inherently racist. That is the same whether the community is black, white, brown, green with white dots
  10. There are a certain type that seem to treat others in SL as if they were npc's in an mmo. Sadly the majority of them I have to share a gender with
  11. This is very true however I raised it in this thread because I think it is particularly damaging for the communities these people claim to represent and is holding back finding solutions to help these communities escape the circle they have gotten into.
  12. Sadly however a lot of issues don't get addressed for various reasons some of them because of folks shouting racism at the drop of a hat. A good example of this is knife crime in london. The majority of fatal stabbings are black on black mostly related to gangs. Stop and search helps act as a deterrent to carrying a weapon. Given these two facts then a logical approach means the right people to target for it is gang members. However if the police stop and search a higher percentage of black people than their demographic representation for an area we hear the usual suspects squealing about police racism when the simple fact is they are being stopped in accordance with their demographic representation within gang culture. Other issues that don't tend to get addressed properly because of people shouting racist. (This is for the uk) Why black children are more likely not to have a father figure living at home Why black kids are more likely to get involved with gangs Why black children do badly at school when other ethnic minorities don't (which suggests it is not purely down to racism in schools) The other part of the problem is that often the self appointed "community leaders" are more interested in progressing their own agenda than working with authorities to find long term solutions. The ones you see on TV proclaiming it is all racism before the blood is even dry on the streets. There are also similar problems growing in many poor white communities fortunately I expect those issues to be addressed more easily as when people talk about it they won't get people throwing "Racist" at them for suggesting that it is the community itself that is part of the problem. I am thinking here of things such as seeing no value in education and not supporting their kids and encouraging them
  13. yes sadly it can. unfortunately it means that even sensible changes have to be opposed because you know someone will then use the initial shift to try and take them further. I say this about changes that on the whole I am in favour of too
  14. The trouble with giving any leeway to this cultural appropriation is its never enough for some. They start with a reasonable argument and before you know it they are arguing we shouldnt eat indian/chinese/japanese/jamaican food etc as its cultural appropriation, or you should have a particular hair style etc. And yes both have been argued in national newspapers here
  15. hands you a wire brush and a pumice stone and slaps his wedding tackle on a chopping board....hurry I have a date in a bit
  16. hey if my mind was in the gutter I woulndt be thinking of something as posh as ky....that lube for toffs...us plebs make do with marmite
  17. Catches it in his hand then slides it down his pants.... hey you didnt tell me that lipstick was permanent I hope you are going to come scrub it off
  18. I cant reply to Luna directly as I dont see her posts. While I respect mr Gaimain immensely for his works of fiction that quote... its why 1400 girls got raped in Rotherham over a ten year period because the authorities were more concerned about cultural sensibilities than protecting white girls in care. its why when we have over 10000 thousand cases of fgm a year we havent yet had a prosecution its why its a bigger crime for me to hit someone for me to hit someone for grabbing my girlfriends ass and he declares it was racial/gender/sexuality motivated regardless of the fact I probably neither knew nor cared but purely on their say so. I am all for equality but equality means equality it doesnt mean you have more rights because you are trans/black/white/green/pastafarian/disabled
  19. a tip for you both in future quote from uncyclopedia then noone can accuse you of posting informational links nods
  20. was it only me that read this as I am working hard for my ky?
  21. keep your fingertips off my eye candy at least tll we have formally met thanks
  22. Ivy your friend is being an idiot, be what you want to be that is what sl is for
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