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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. Reduction of choice so we all look pretty much the same, not for me thanks, also even if they made a system mesh avi they cant stop others making mesh bodies so you would only be adding another to the list to support , and frankly who uses club dance balls anyway ? Pretty much everyone I know has their own hud
  2. The more I think about this idea the more I say NO. This would just increase chat and im spam for absolutely no gain what so ever but in fact a negative impact of us that do like to chat in local or chat with strangers. If those people wanted to do what they are being rewarded for then they would already be doing so. Accept the fact that they may not find those things fun and don't try and coax people into doing stuff they really don't want to.
  3. Shrugs in addition to SL I also partake in a few online games. All forums have a current post type at some point poster that really liked doing x : People would enjoy the game more if they did x its really fun, this idea should be implemented to encourage/force more people to do x
  4. It was a partial quote that the left like to use and needs to be viewed in the context in which it was used I suggest you find the speech and make your own mind up https://www.thedailybeast.com/context-for-margaret-thatchers-there-is-no-such-thing-as-society-remarks
  5. That largely depends on who you talk to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_Prime_Ministers_of_the_United_Kingdom scroll down to the newsnight poll of 27000 to see where she is ranked
  6. While true you neglect to mention that a large number of "disabled" decided they were no longer disabled and didnt turn up once they knew they were to be assessed by someone other than their friendly family doctor
  7. Roads can be funded by tolls While I agree the disabled need help the problem is that governments wish to fund far more than just the disabled to sit on their butts and there is far too wide a definition of disabled. The current uk stats claim for example 16% of working age adults are disabled. Does that seem credible to anyone (source https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/disability-facts-and-figures/disability-facts-and-figures)
  8. Except possession of a pistol is illegal in the UK, may I suggest crossbows which are also more environmentally friendly?
  9. If I threaten you and take half the money in your wallet because I am poorer than you that is theft If the government threatens me (which it does via threat of jail time) and takes my money and give it to you because you are poorer than me it is taxation many see a certain similarity the only real difference being we also have to pay some guy to take the money off us and give it to you
  10. There are a myriad political forums out there for those that wish to discuss politics why does it have to pollute here too?
  11. Anyone who thinks they know better than me how to 1) live my life 2) spend my money is worse than grabbing a tissue when you sneeze only to realise someone used it to wipe their arse with before you
  12. I wish politics had a no politicians rule as by and large those that seek power are the last people you actually want having it.
  13. By and large I suspect people in world are doing exactly what they wish to do currently. From your statement your problem is that they are however not doing what you think they should be doing. Perhaps before proposing a solution you should start by getting people to agree that there is a problem in the first place. Personally I don't see why people for example only hanging with their friends is an issue. Nor do I see them not wishing to talk in local being an issue. If people want to meet strangers they can. The fact they don't probably should lead us to assume that they don't actually wish to. Why then should we wish to try and make them do something they don't really want to. It would just lead to the following scenario random1: Hi random 2 random2: erm why are you imming me random1: oh just getting my talk to a stranger gem for the day bye random2: I feel so special now
  14. Personally I doubt the issue is that she was inappropriately dressed. I have tped into numerous places inappropriately dressed (due to not having been there before) . As have others that I have been with. This has never resulted yet in being shouted at or ejected merely a polite request to modify dress. However I have seen people ejected who upon receiving a polite request have got on their high horse and exercised their sense of entitlement to the hilt. This is exactly what I suspect happened here. It is merely a shame that such people can only be banned from the Sim and not sl itself until they learn they are not special snowflakes
  15. 1) depends on the mood of the time as I swap houses regularly 2) large enough that I can put all I want to in it 3) none of the above, my land is open to all comers with no restriction I dont mind random visitors however the thought of living in a "community" is absolutely repellent 4) None obviously see 3
  16. grins you mean dyscalculia, dyslexia is words
  17. What a pile of dog poop, there are three types of land owners 1) landlords and businesses(the majority of linden labs tier income) oh guess who actually pays that tier it aint the landlords its those that buy lindens and rent off them or buy their goods 2) people who own land for their own house well you pay about the same or possibly less than a renter so all equal here 3) people running vanity hobby projects guess what your hobby costs money if you dont feel you are getting your moneys worth then stop doing it You paying x$ for land tier doesnt make you anymore special than those paying for x$ for lindens as eventually all those bought lindens tend to end up as land tier one way or another
  18. erm yes 10 in hexidecimal is 16 in decimal however as the post was about binary it would help to explain the relevance if you instead that you mentioned that 10 in binary is two in decimal coincidentally the same number as the testicles attached to me
  19. Perhaps an explanation of what offends you might be in order...the subject of necro posting? the subject of vampires? the depiction of ex cows? the deforestation implicit in the stakes?
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