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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. there are approximately 4 million vr head set users out there....Sansar can muster 72. In addition this is only since Sansar enabled pancake mode so its base users number any one with a reasonably specced pc now not merely vr headset owners. Oh wow that 72 looks even better now...not
  2. No one likes Sansar, a glance at the number of visitor stats tells us that even months after going beta it interests no one. Creators can build all they want but if visitors don't turn up then they will lose interest. 5 years work and a maximum concurrent rating of 72 hell there are crap blogs with more followers than that. Sansar is a zombie that needs burying it never came to life. It is an ex parrot You are the shopkeeper here
  3. I suspect the answer is no. If I want pew pew I start up a game intended for pew pew not some jack of all trades wannabe wordpress that does it all just a bit crapper
  4. The number of experiences is irrelevant if no one goes there. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there does it make a sound = If an experience is created and no one goes there does it really exist. I am sure the people making them enjoyed it, the rest of us just went meh and didnt bother visiting
  5. I have had problems in the past with people disappearing off my friends list and when you contact them to ask why they claim not to have defriended you. It has happened with people I am pretty sure didnt and sometimes they have contacted me first to see why I defriended them. So fairly sure there is some sl glitch there. If you cant remember the name you might however find it in your log files. On firestorm avatar>preferences>Network & files then the directory tab the bottom text box is where your log files are kept
  6. 1) Gestures 2) Facelights 3) People who are obnoxious to newbies who are asking questions 4) People who make suggestions in the forums about how much better SL would be if there were Quests / better fps support/ on steam 5)People who claim there is nothing to do in SL when really its them that cant be bothered to find something to do and want to be spoon fed 6) The phrase "Linden loving" 7)People with titles like Master 8 ) Text speak 9) People who go afk mid conversation without telling you then come back an hour later and expect you to still be waiting there 10) Beggars 11) market place links "See this in world" which no longer exist 12) No copy objects 13)People who take themselves seriously and expect you to do the same 14) People who insist that they should be allowed anywhere as a child avi 15) Geraniums 16) People who don't wait for everyone to rez and walk across the dance floor bumping everyone 17) People who insist on telling me how crap Donald Trump is even though I am not american and I really don't care either way 18) dogs with ginger eye brows
  7. The main problem with the dprandomletters and numbers post is it boils down to "Change sl like this and it will attract more people like me!!!!!" and it doesnt stop to think whether the rest of us would consider that a positive thing
  8. there is a ton of stuff to do in sl except events, shopping and sex. The fact that you think there isn't says more about you than it does about sl
  9. True Scylla however I was actually trying to show that not even those users that have tried it are coming back. Found this on steam and exactly what I was referring to and no not me as I dont have a steam account I speak as a girl who just loves to play and socialise, I'm not a content creator, perhaps that one fact is why you enjoy it and I don't. And despite second life and its flaws its still better overall for many reasons. I'm not following the heard, I think that you lack the perspective of a common player, you see the game as great due to the creation aspects. Change is fine, and I support it just like other game series like resident evil and final fantasy with their big changes that people moaned about. I enjoy change but Sansar just isn't a good place for anything but creators right now.
  10. Scylla I was actually looking for non creators who have tried Sansar and loved it to stand up and be counted, not merely those that had heard of it.
  11. Tell you what lets do a test....non creators who are excited for sansar please drop a post
  12. I went into Sansar with an open mind, possibly even optimistic after all the labs had created sl which I enjoy. It became clear however that the labs had 1) no competence in vr ffs it took them 5 years to create something that is barely a tech demo 2) Had no understanding of users of VR other than those that create. I am not hugely creative in sl hands up I admit that. However for sansar to succeed you dont just need creators you need people to buy the stuff you make and you need a lot more buyers than creators. There is nothing , zilch there for people who aren't creators. My view is the labs think they are going to get firms using it for their vr ads that is about all it is fit for, sadly for them firms are custom building their vr ads at least the big and medium firms and they are a better by far than anything Sansar could offer.....maybe mom and pop shops will use it who knows but if you are banking on Sansar being a hit sorry it has already failed as if it had anything to offer people like me would keep coming back to check it out instead of taking a look then uninstalling it
  13. No it is Sansars weakness because unity and unreal engine have made it easy to develop VR apps by building in support a jack of all trades thing such as Sansar will always be worse than a custom built app. If Sansar had a chance it would have hundreds of concurrent users already. It doesnt it has already failed. The sooner they drop it the better. I love vr I spend a lot of time in VR. When it comes to Sansar its just what is this back in the predawn era of vr....its not a good platform, it lacks interactivity, it is worse graphically than most vr its just a big steaming pile of meh.....save this post and then if sansar becomes a success you can quote it back at me, I would offer a monetary wager but it would be like free money for me so I won't bother
  14. Sansar won't succeed ever. Put bluntly its crap and will never have anything to offer those that wish to merely consume vr content. I have had a headset for 2 years now. I have been to Sansar and looked around. I never felt any desire to go back much less spend money in the place. Why would I play a game on Sansar when I can play Lone Echo, skyrim VR, subnauticaa. Games on Sansar are even more hinky than trying to use sl to play fps
  15. And there will never be a game in Sansar that is better than a custom made game, if people come to sansar to make games and expect to be paid I expect that they will be sadly disappointed.
  16. I don't recognise a lot of these views, to me sl is people. SL is what you put into it. If you think SL is boring then you are not putting enough in or maybe SL just isnt you
  17. life has been good when you learn to block the idiots, its your most important tool
  18. They should also need a woman co signer to rent I feel to make sure that they are trying to reconnect with the social mileu sigh should point out I guess I am actually joking above
  19. I am not referring here to google but time in our legislature and adverts etc. I am all for stopping domestic abuse whoever it is against. http://www.mankind.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Refuges-for-Male-Victims-of-Domestic-Abuse-Briefing-July-2016.pdf will show you I think what I mean. I am of the opinion all domestic abuse needs to end not merely certain types. I call that equality
  20. I am told by pm that Luna has replied and addressed me Luna I blocked you because you are a troll, I dont intend to respond to anything you say. You know I have blocked you why do you bother. You are merely someone with as far as I am concerned nothing to add to any conversation except obfuscation and derailement. I dont care what your point is because it never adds a single of iota of knowledge to any discussion. Why address me when you know I wont see it or reply to it All you do is try and bait and most threads you get involved with soon descend into vitriol and get locked even though before you start posting they are pretty much civillised. While I have no idea what you said and nor do I care I am sure now you have deigned to impart your wisdom one of the Lindens will be shortly sighing and locking yet another thread
  21. This is a bias endemic in our systems sometimes the stats are biassed to men sometimes women. A good example of this is domestic abuse. I don't know about the us but in the uk its always spoken of in terms of male on female. Statistically however the fact is that 30% of victims are male but you would never know there is a single male victim from the coverage or the funding. All domestic abuse is bad and needs to stop, regardless of it being male one male, male on female, or female on female. Talking about it as only occurring in one case however just gives grist to the mill for the male equality people and doesnt help solve the problem
  22. In some cases the term feminazi is justified Scylla there are undoubtedly those that post here that fit that bill.
  23. There is also the implicit assumption here that a high mortality rate is bad which is not necessarily true
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