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Everything posted by animats

  1. The fear of censorship is so high that we have this. Movie is not meant for kids. May include discussions of advanced topics in computer graphics.
  2. I ran into a new user in SL recently who wanted to make a co-working space where people working on projects outside of SL could work together. I'm in Silicon Valley, where such places exist in real life. (Or did; I miss Hacker Dojo and TechShop.) So I showed him a co-working space someone else had built. But no one goes there. I explained how you could subdivide a parcel and have local talk zones so people could use voice chat within their zone without bothering anybody, or go to another area, or the common area, and chat. I showed him a few office spaces in SL, including the SYZM Tower and my own workshop. But he never built anything. I was disappointed. It's a reasonable idea during the epidemic. Something someone in the SL landlord business might consider. Has anyone ever built a successful one that gets used?
  3. Yes. If you're going to use up land for a parking lot, may as well make it usable. One of my back-burner ideas was a security orb for parking lots. You'd place a prim under the parking lot to mark its boundaries for the orb, then allow rezzing and object entry. The security orb would greet anybody who parked (arrived attached to a vehicle and unsat) and tell them how much time they could park. Or allow them to park longer as long as the avatar stayed nearby. "Free parking while shopping here". Shortly before time ran out, they'd get an IM, telling them their time was running out, please return to your vehicle. When time ran out, the vehicle would be returned. That would maximize parking convenience while preventing object littering.
  4. animats

    Faces Per Object

    8 faces per prim. More per linkset.
  5. Misc. road-related pet peeves: A few places in Heterocera, there's a sharp transition between a horizontal road and a hill. More than 18 degrees all at once and your vehicle will bounce off as if it hit a wall. Especially the long railing-less bridge southeast of the central island. Except for that one bridge, there are very few roads in SL with that problem. Some cars can't handle those at all. Stores with parking lots that won't let you park. Ones where object entry is turned off. If you park and leave your vehicle, your vehicle is immediately returned to Lost+Found. Ouch. Set your parking lots to object entry allowed, at least 30 minutes autoreturn, please. Unlit roadside stores. Some people don't realize that their place is too dark to shop for users set to the standard EEP setting and with ALM and shadows on. Store owners, please put in lighting, both inside and outside. Check by setting the time to midnight and turning on shadows. SL can look gorgeous at night when lit properly. There's sort of a tradition that gas stations have rez zones. Please keep that going.
  6. Popular teleport destinations should have one of those platforms that moves you slightly off the landing point in a random direction. There's an anti-pattern to that. I know one place which sends you two notecards and a landmark immediately on arrival. By the time you've dealt with all the popups, someone has landed on top of you.
  7. You need a different vehicle. Some vehicles in SL are meant for racetracks and oversteer too much for mainland roads. See my old posting "How to Drive in Second Life".
  8. You could have a HUD that told you about detected collisions with other avatars. This may not be totally reliable. My NPCs do detect collisions with avatars. They say "Excuse me", stop, and then take a path around the avatar. Detection isn't perfect, though. They will sometimes sideswipe an avatar, push the avatar a bit as they brush past, and not detect a collision.
  9. And put in enough checking to make sure that two of them in the same place don't create an endless loop.
  10. Show us your 10-slide pitch deck. This is the standard presentation when asking for money to start a business.
  11. Also note that all the movement commands in LSL, other than directly setting position, are "best effort". Movement may get there. Movement may just get close. Movement may get stuck. Movement may overshoot (especially in overloaded sims). You have to check, if the final position matters.
  12. Will SL be an authentication provider, so that an SL login can be safely used as a login on other sites? That would be useful. (It would also help if the outgoing HTTP proxies used when LSL makes an HTTP connection offered a client-side SSL certificate, so sites could tell that a connection was coming from SL. Then external sites could trust the headers that give the location and username of the SL user that caused the connection.)
  13. // // Maze cell storage - 2 bits per cell from 2D maze array // integer mazecellget(integer x, integer y) { assert(x >= 0 && x < gMazeXsize); // subscript check assert(y >= 0 && y < gMazeYsize); integer cellix = y*gMazeYsize + x; // index into cells integer listix = (integer)(cellix / 16); integer bitix = (cellix % 16) * 2; return ((llList2Integer(gMazeCells,listix) >> bitix) & 0x3); // 2 bits only } // // mazecellset -- store into 2D maze array // mazecellset(integer x, integer y, integer newval) { assert(x >= 0 && x < gMazeXsize); // subscript check assert(y >= 0 && y < gMazeYsize); assert(newval <= 0x3); // only 2 bits integer cellix = y*gMazeYsize + x; // index into cells integer listix = (integer)(cellix / 16); // word index integer bitix = (cellix % 16) * 2; // bit index within word integer w = llList2Integer(gMazeCells,listix); // word to update w = (w & (~(0x3<<bitix)))| (newval<<bitix); // insert into word gMazeCells = llListReplaceList(gMazeCells,[w],listix, listix); // replace word } Here's something I use inside my NPCs. They have a maze solver, and they need to store 2 bits per maze cell. This is the code which does that, with data for 16 cells in each integer.
  14. The SL convention is that w is always nonnegative. So w is simply 1.0 - sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z); If you get a negative w out of that, the quaternion data is invalid. Take the negative of X, Y, Z, and W to make W positive. The result represents the same rotation.
  15. Useful only if that feeds into Marketplace, and marks the product as defective.
  16. I need to get a new swim HUD. ZiSwim no longer works. It tries to phone home to some server, keeps retrying, and gets shut down for spamming. Any recommendations for a replacement? I mostly want something I can wear while boating in case something goes wrong.
  17. Strange. I just went to Nantucket Sailing Club and rezzed a Belleza speedboat. Drove that past Siren's Isle, where the usual suspects were partying. Went to Brussiac, and checked on my NPCs at GTFO HQ. Rezzed a Laser sailboat for the trip back, and ended up at Dana's Oceanfront Paradise. The only problem was some slow rezzing; I didn't see a huge yacht at Dana's appear until it was too late to avoid.
  18. Well, what I've been seeing when the coastside Northern California high school lets out is black leggings on the women, jeans on the men, and hoodies or sweatshirts on everybody.
  19. Yes. Clouds at tree level are not EEP. EEP is just flat images on the skydome. Those clouds look like objects. Right click on one and find out who owns it.
  20. I got that last night from ZiSwim, an old swim HUD. I wonder if it's trying to phone home to a long-dead server. The creator is gone from SL.
  21. Yes. Most models you get from 3D sites are mostly useful as guidance in making SL models. You can bring them into Blender or Maya and start drawing your own lower-complexity model on top of them, leaving out unnecessary details.
  22. Sure. In each region, add a prim that extends about 2-3m into the next region Longer on high speed roads. Its center must be inside the region from which it extends. and thus belonging to that region. The idea is that you're supported only by objects from the region you're in. When you cross region boundaries, region crossing doesn't start until you're 1m past the edge, and then it can take some time. So you need a bit of off the edge support. The off the edge extension can be invisible, but should be at least 0.2m thick and non-phantom. There are prims like that on most Linden roads. (Except in Kama City in Zindra, where you can fall into the ground just crossing the street.)
  23. Check out "Ruffle". That's a Flash player written in Rust that runs in the browser using WebAssembly. It ought to work in the in-world viewer unless it's way out of date.
  24. This is looking too much like the usual situation after a leveraged buyout. Cut costs, reduce services, extract money. Look at the Linden Lab jobs page. That tells you LL's real priorities. No technical staff for Second Life, but a lawyer for Tilia. Pay attention to what they do, not what they say.
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