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Everything posted by Odaks

  1. The covenant has had some tweaks since Bellisseria was first commenced, but the security requirements have remained reasonably consistent. There has been much chatter in previous posts, including some clarifications as to meanings by LL staff. For everyone's refresher, the relevant covent conditions are:- "== Security == *Linden Homes do not have the ability to set your parcel access to group access only (which creates ban lines for everyone else). You can still eject and manually ban people by name in the parcel access settings in About Land options. *Security devices are only allowed if they comply with the following restrictions: -Minimum of 15 seconds warning time (no shorter) -Eject from parcel only (not teleport them home) -Effective range cannot include the airspace between 400m and 2000m (to allow for people to fly overhead but not in the airspace where skyboxes are allowed) -Does not add names of ejected persons to the parcel ban list automatically If you are uncertain, there is a free security system provided in the Linden Homes Content Pack. It does not have the ability to be set in a manner that does not comply with these restrictions. Click on the house controller outside of your parcel (the one used for changing house models) to get the most current content pack sent to you." The actual effect of these is that NO action should be automatically triggered between 400 - 1000m, but I wouldn't get too annoyed about just a message (pointless as it is; I KNOW I'm flying over someone's parcel - I'm allowed to!). "Effective range cannot include the airspace between 400m and 2000m ". The orb IS being effective if it sends out a message. I sympathise with @Garnet Psaltery. The freedom IS there to use your own orb, and should not be taken away, Unfortunately, freedom goes hand-in-hand with responsibility, and it's the "responsibility" bit that eludes too many people. Call it ignorance, if you will, or whatever other excuse you might like to come up with. It doesn't matter what you call it. As all lawmakers eventually discover, when something becomes a problem to the greater society, laws have to be made (which doesn't solve the problem, but makes prosecution a bit easier). It would be very helpful if new occupants of Bellisseria were to read and act upon the covenant requirements though. Too much to ask? It seems so sometimes!
  2. Trying to rez objects on a mesh floor will often throw that message, with apparent disappearance of the object. If your luck is in, as said above, the object might well re-appear in inventory sometime later. Alternatively, it did rez, but somewhere you can't see it! Area search in Firestorm is really useful to help find it, if so. I avoid No Copy items like the plague, whenever possible.
  3. Seems about right from what I'm seeing, too.
  4. As is so often the case, we're having helpful stabs at what the problem might be, without having even the foggiest idea of what your "specs" actually are. Help us out here by copy/pasting everything from your viewer's Help -> About [viewer name] into a posting here. (If you want to keep your current location secret, go to a Linden water region, e.g. Hatton, to get these stats.)
  5. You've chopped off your viewer version; are we to presume you are definitely using the latest version - Bandwidth = 1450. WiFi or wired connection to your router? Both may be having an effect (or not, as the case may be). I have no idea why your problem should only occur when tp-ing to a skybox. I would have thought that it would be a tp-ing problem to anywhere - an odd one indeed.
  6. (My bolding of the relevant part.) Parcel or club owners really do have an obligation to make clear their rules in the relevant land descriptions or club information. It's plain stupidity not to. If casual visitors don't bother to check out the relevant information before they jump in, that's plain stupidity too. Sadly, both statements are far too often neglected.
  7. This is great! To whoever, however...... Thank You!!
  8. The 80 - 82 figure was from memory of spot checks with TechPowerUp GPU-Z. Maybe not very reliable. I've got HW Monitor loaded onto this laptop now and should get a clearer idea of what is actually happening. To avoid any firther derail here I'll report back separately if those figures are really rhat high. The CPU core speeds are of interest too; see @Coffee Pancake's .posts above.
  9. Thanks @Coffee Pancake! It'll be interesting to see what is going on.
  10. Ok. I'm running that CPU in a Defiance laptop, coupled with a GTX 1070 Max-Q GPU. Cooling is, indeed, one hell of a problem! On a decent cooler tray, temperatures can be kept at around 82C while SL is running. I keep an eye on this via GPU-Z, but on odd occasions I've seen 90 - 92C. It is very rare for frame rates to drop below 20, with sensible settings (LOD 2. no shadows, draw 128. Shadows can often be tolerated though). I suspect the CPU must be spooling up a lot more than just to provide an occasional burst, but I don't know how to properly measure this.
  11. Although quoted as 2.2GHz, the 8750H will turbo automatically up to 4.1GHz, and that's pretty nifty!
  12. Perfectly true. They can't be helped very easily for it, either. It's a simple trade-off; when your car won't go, tell the auto-mechanic what make, model, year and fuel your car is, and everyone then knows what we're talking about. If you refuse to give those details, you mustn't be surprised if you get advised to start pushing.
  13. Sorry - that didn't work as planned! You can't see........ Things have moved on now though.
  14. No, I don't have that in my menu options. Neither do I. The way to ensure that your viewer uses the graphics card is via the graphics card's own menus. You should find menus that will let you specify programs that must use the graphics card, rather than integrated graphics. Edit: removed link to example menu (that didn't work).
  15. No, no! I'm just saying that updates, such as Windows updates, have, in the past, been seen to cause the graphics card to be no longer recognised, and graphics have switched over to use the integrated grapics instead. A very substantial performance drop usually results. Again, a quick look at your viewer's Help -> About [viewer name] info will show if this is the case.
  16. I think Windows updates, in the past, have caused that too. All of these sort of things stand out like sore thumbs when you look at the system details from the viewer's Help -> About [viewer name].
  17. "...it was a bit crowded" was a perfectly fair recollection! I think the entire world picked up on that. What is it that we say, now and again, "two's company; three is a crowd"?
  18. My comment was aimed at how the quotes stick, even with someone like you, who "...don't follow celebrity stuff", because of how the media present things, rather then individuals' opinions.
  19. Time after time, helpers ask OPs to post their system details from their viewer's Help -> About [viewer Name]. Without these basic, raw details, help is almost impossible to give; a string of imaginative possibilities is all that gets offered. Time after time, OPs do not post these details. Why the hell is this? What is it about these details that must remain a closely guarded secret? A whole host of "regular suspects" can usually be quickly spotted from these details. If none are seen, at least everyone can see that the basics are correct, before they go diving off into fantasyland.
  20. Except for, "well, the marriage was a bit crowded". Funny how these odd quotes stick. isn't it? I think the press and media in general have much to thank for ensuring everyone remembers the bits that they deem significant. That particular bit may well have been significant. Never mind any of the other bits though.
  21. I think he wishes like hell that he was! Right now, I bet he's wincing from situations that are tumbling down faster than he can say, "Cut!". If he is lucky, the fairytail spell will hold him up uintil he can catch his breath again. The amazing thing about the United Kingdom is that it is free country - well, as near as you're likely to get. Harry had a choice of either living as a royal prince, under the burden of the press and the rest of the world watching his every move with zoom lenses and criticisms, or living as as a free spirit with the burden of the press and the rest of the world watching his every move with zoom lenses and criticisms. The Oprah interview seemed to confirm he wanted more of this than his royal position could possibly provide. I have never envied our royal family. None asked to be born into their situation; they are expected to be totally non-political, never put a foot wrong wrong in any situation, represent our country at the drop of a hat wherever and whenever it might be required and never ever say anything that might upset anyone. A very tall order! In return for this dedication, they get some pretty posh clothes, lot's of public engagements, some draughty castles to live in, and a team of people to support them (but probably less than any other wealthy captain of industry or magnate; our governments tend to be a bit tight with money for this sort of thing). Generally, I believe they have done a pretty spectacular job of all of this over the years, particularly HRH Queen Elizabeth ll. There have been some errors, sure, but these would never have emerged if they had been a "normal" family. Why should they emerge just because they are royal? Well, because... that's why. Tough, eh? Harry has chosen to opt out. That's his right. I wish him well. I suspect he is bitterly disappointed to have to abandon his military and disabled charity connections (as a prince) and am sure he will weigh back in at the earliest possible opportunity as an ordinary person, as soon as his new life permits the time to do so.
  22. That is absolutely correct. It's always measured to your avatar* * @LittleMe Jewell's description of "physical position" is technically more correct! ("Avatar" works for most occasions though.)
  23. I believe that this a very difficult time for both LL and its users. For many years now, SL has been slowly growing out of its clothes as extra facilities have been bolted in and users find ever more uses for things. Fortunatley, the clothes have been stretching to accomodate this, but now they are tearing at the seams and ripping apart. The need for some pretty major overhauls seems to have arrived - just as staffing levels are reduced? Given that premium members have taken a damn near 30% hike in annual charges while watching performance sliding downwards, its no surprise that annoyance amonst users is swelling - for one reason or another. The new Linden Homes have been a big hit but it's hard to appreciate that when everything else seems to be letting things down. I've no doubt that LL aren't exactly having a ball at the moment either! The one big thing that would help, in my opinion, is better information being pushed out. There may well be things that LL need to keep under wraps for the time being - it would be great if there were! But resolution of issues that are affecting day-to-day usage really would maybe benefit from better and more widely promulgated explanations. It shouldn't fall on forum members to have to defend what is going on (or not!). Right now though, users need hope.
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