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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Products labeled as “100% organic” must contain only organically produced ingredients and processing aids, excluding water and salt. No other ingredients or additives are permitted. Products labeled “organic” must contain at least 95% organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt). Seems like it wouldn't have to be labeled anything but organic unless you used some funky unnatural method to grow the corn. Then yes you SHOULD have to label it with all the ingredients. Besides, let's just say it wasn't required to label your food at all. And business A labels their food anyways and business B doesn't. Guess who is going to get more sales and who will likely end up labeling their food? And can we stop pretending that most regulations aren't reactionary because of businesses exploiting laxed regulations? The gov doesn't just pop regulations out of thin air just to make you have a bad day.
  2. A round trip ticket in 1930 cost the equivalent of around 4,000 usd today. Still expensive but not beyond the average person's wildest dreams. How much would a space ticket cost? Also, people in the 30s witnessed reasonably affordable fares at some point in their lifetime. When do you envision the same will happen with space tourism? I'm not against space tourism or anything. I think it's cool and interesting and certainly demonstrates where we are as a species. I'm just not overly enthusiastic about it and don't see it as beneficial and significant as say commercial flight was in the 1930s.
  3. Zoning is state and local level. Are we talking about state or federal here? A couple times you've countered people with irrelevant points. The fed has no zoning mandate. Are you now saying the fed should get involved and create a mandate or remain hands off? A lot states do not have zoning regulations either and leave it up to localities. And literally every other policy you listed was pushed and funded by the corporations you seem to want to deregulate. This is literally going no where lol.
  4. Hmm so far you based your ideal free market on labels (of all things) yet haven't really demonstrated how exactly the US isn't already a free market or even how the more left leaning EU isn't. I would guess you aren't American since you used the word "labour" when we say labor here. So it's possible you have no idea of the comparison between pre and post deregulation and are looking through an entirely different lens than what people are actually experiencing here.
  5. Especially considering the government has been relatively hands off the past 40 years compared to the 40 years prior to that and pay has stagnated or gone down.
  6. lol. I was actually about to type something similar. Was typing a reply then was like wait? He just described communism...
  7. A lot of people from the US like to relate anything and everything to socialism which is funny since a lot of the states that spread this sort of propaganda are on fed level welfare and subsidized by states that actually have functioning economies. Ironically the same states they like to call socialist.
  8. It isn't just college that has gone up in price. It's literally everything. No, the theory has nothing to do with helping anyone. It's the top make more and since they are making more the people working hard and not asking for handouts below them make more since the top can afford to pay more. In practice, the top makes more and the people working hard and also not asking for handouts make less while paying higher prices for things we need. Which barriers are you referring to? The US has never been more deregulated than it is now. It's probably the one of the least regulated of the western world. You know what is a barrier? Living paycheck to paycheck, working full time paying off house, student loans and everything else while paying more for the everyday things that we need. Some people don't even dream of owning a house anymore. That used to be a regular thing in the States. Get a house, start a family, live happily blah blah and all that. Now its go to school, pay off debt until you're like 40, then maybe buy house with all that credit we built up. Then spend the rest of our days paying off that.
  9. Hmm. Deregulation already happened in the 80s. It's mostly to blame for the widening gap in wealth today in the US. During this same period, prices have gone up while wages stayed stagnant. People griped about a raise in minimum wage to 15 from 7.50. Which was less than what minimum wage was in the 60s factoring inflation (works out to about $12). We need more deregulation? Trickle down economics only works in theory. It's failed miserably in practice. A small business hits big in todays economics and gets bought out or drowned out by the big guys. Or it goes public and ends up cutting corners or the people that made it successful to begin with. Customers pay more, employees get paid less while executives and investors milk it for whatever it's worth.
  10. its nice especially with hubble on its last legs. I cant wait for all the new space docu's that come from it.
  11. I'm liking the points gone. It's about time.
  12. They got rid of the points thing?
  13. One of my favorite creators (Maybe 3rd favorite?) sells clothes that aren't even a style that I prefer. Sometimes they come out with outfits I like but generally not the genre I go with for my avie. But they're always well crafted and mod and I know I can make use of their products somehow or eventually so I generally stock up on their outfits. For instance they had this top that had sleeves and gloves. I was able to separate the gloves from the outfit and use them by themselves. Now I don't know if the creator saw me rocking these gloves or not but like 2 or 3 weeks after me doing this guess who had gloves for sale at the following shopping event... I did something similar to another outfit of theirs that had a battery pack on the back. I didn't detach it this time. I just made the rest of the outfit invisible so only the battery pack remained and used it for this picture I took last year.
  14. I didn't mean land. I mean in game like from your profile. If i block you you wouldnt be able to buy anything from me in the marketplace. I wouldn't need to also do something in marketplace to block you there. But as for blocking people for bad reviews, I agree that's pretty petty but to each their own. It's likely a vendor I wouldn't go to again anyways.
  15. Just add the bullies and the people who encourage them to your ignore list. Makes life on the forums much more pleasant.
  16. Rethink what? I'm confused. Not sure when LL implemented it but whenever someone blocks you it applies to everything associated with that person. I think this was a result of people continuing to harass people who blocked them via the marketplace somehow. Guessing reviews or unwanted gifts. I think if I gave someone reason enough to block me I probably don't have high enough opinion of them myself and likely wouldn't want to buy things from them anyways.
  17. You could be blocked for anything and it applies to everything. So if you annoy someone and they block you then that same block will also apply to your ability to purchase things from them. It's a wide net. I think a quick fix would be to stop annoying people.
  18. The UI is very user friendly. It's good to build with. It's not my preference for everything but is for most everyday things. It has its quirks like that image in front of you that won't rez for whatever reason while everything else you aren't looking at is rezzing xD. There's also this one store I can't visit in Firestorm for whatever reason. I have no issues on other viewers. Other than that, I don't have too many gripes about it.
  19. I'm not sure why vendors don't just make an alt. Have customers send concerns to alt and alt have it setup so that offline messages get forwarded to an email address which is easy to setup. Notecards are kind of archaic and don't they go to your lost and found if you're offline and messages are capped?
  20. My grandfather always said "you need to fight fire with fire" Great guy, terrible fireman.
  21. The shape for the furry one probably deforms the head so there's no way to avoid it. The same thing happens to me whenever I use my dinkie kitty avie or my giant dragon avie. It's just common practice currently to have to undeform yourself whenever you switch back to a more humie avie.
  22. oh! is that why? I always wondered why one of mine gets more. I thought it was like promo or something.
  23. I honestly only do it for one reason. Well one and a half I guess. 1. Priority TP into full events. .5 Stipend is a nice little bonus when you don't want to deposit more $ into the game. I have 3 premiums so it's like a free fatpack a week for one of my avies xD. I prefer private land over mainland so the property doesn't do much for me. I have a plot but have only been there once since I set it up.
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