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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I think both of you were being called out. Seeing the two of you re-hash old disagreements isn't showing either one of you in a very good light. I've already forgotten what your interests are, what times of day you're likely to be inworld looking for things to do with friends, etc - the type of details that would attract the interest of people with the same interests as yours. Perhaps a recap - without bringing up the past - might be in order, to refocus the thread, and if she comments again, just ignore the comments rather than responding/answering back. Whatever happened in your past, in my opinion, should stay in your past - let new friends create their impression of you based on how they see you behaving and treating them in the present. To the one that barged into this post with stories from the past, it's not your job to ensure that everyone Ashlyn meets in the present or the future knows about some incident from some other time and place.
  2. Perhaps it you provided more clarity about the purpose behind posting the pictures, it would be easier for people to figure out where the appropriate area would be. I have to admit that I've been a little confused - are you posting them as part of sharing an important event that you and your loved one experienced, or are you posting them to attract business to the wedding and honeymoon services you provide (advertising without saying you're advertising)? Also, try to craft the text that you're including with the pictures to the forum area where you're posting the pictures. For example - in this thread it wasn't clear whether you created (as in built) the items, or were you 'creating' a look by how you furnished the room? Is this a room in your house or a room that is connected with the honeymoon suites you provide? You *might* be able to get away with posting in the "Home and Garden" thread if the text that accompanied them was something along the lines of how you decided to re-decorate the honeymoon suite and were excited about how it all came together so well, etc. If you post pictures in Destinations, include the name and slurl of the destination and what it is that makes it a great destination. Probably the best option, in my opinion, would be to start a blog or a flicker account, and then provide link(s) in your signature here in the forum, and then participate in various threads as catch your interest, and people will see the links to your business blog or flicker account. (If you aren't in the business of providing wedding and honeymoon services, I apologize, but that is what it looks like from what you have in your SL profile).
  3. Relaxing and talking on the phone while dinner bakes in the oven...
  4. I've also recently purchased a system skin from Glam Affair, and in the not quite recent past, purchased one from Lumae and, further in the past, one from WoW skins. All had demos, and you should also check to see what appliers they come with, in case you also need Slink hand/feet appliers (some skins I've purchased have come with them, other times, I've had to purchase those separately).
  5. I think she's re-interpreting what she sees in your profile. It would make me wonder about her, about why is she reading more into your profile that what is actually there. I'm not familiar with the term race-play, however, I wouldn't think that it would apply to an interracial relationship (at least without concrete evidence that the relationship is fully centered on some of the types of fetished Nyx mentioned). I haven't checked your profile, but from you asking this question here, I would hazard a guess that you don't have anything in your profile alluding to any of those types of fetishes.
  6. I changed into a little dragon at RP today, and forgot to change back to normal form before TP'ing back home. Fortunately, my entry way was big enough for a little green dragon
  7. My thoughts would be if you're flirting with someone and they suddenly log off (and don't re-appear shortly, like they would if they crashed suddenly and then logged back in to last location) I would take that as a sign that the person didn't enjoy the flirting, and I would not attempt to flirt with them again, the next time I did happen to see them. If you do attempt flirting a second time and they end it abruptly, I would not be surprised that they blocked you. Perhaps she might have felt that blocking you was easier than trying to get you to realize/understand that she wasn't interested in your advances.
  8. I started here in mid-May 2014, so I'm a relative newcomer here, compared to most of you. Pictures from May 2014: I really loved the hair in the picture on the right. I looked in my inventory to see if I still have it, and I do, so I decided to try it on to see what I would look like today with that hair It's flexi hair, so it never all stays completely still, and it's so long, floating out behind me when I walk. and the normal me, today:
  9. Not quite ready for fall yet - a few Indian Summer warm days left in my part of SL.
  10. Outfit, jewelry (except rings), tattoos, makeup and sunglasses - Mireia Boho Style Complete Outfit by Brii Underground Wear, from their Boho Culture Fair booth Rings - ^^Swallow^^ Slink Dynamic Aphrodite Bento Rings Body - Slink Physique Skin - Lumae :: Eirtae - T4 - Fawn Hair - .:EMO-tions:. * Loredana*/silver
  11. I actually found out about SL through FB, from a person who uses their SL name as their only account name in FB. She was/is the moderator of a popular FB group in my local area - one of those "I grew up in <area> during the '60's and '70's" type groups, and it turned out - after she told me her RL name - that we had been in orchestra together in high school during the late '70s. She used to post youtube videos on FB of dances that she had choreographed and performed in SL, along with little stories about some of her experiences in SL and how it enabled her to express her creativity in ways no longer possible in her RL. I was intrigued by the videos she had made, and the stories, so I did some research online about SL and decided to create an account and try it out. It turns out she is no longer active in SL, due to no longer having a computer able to run SL (something I didn't understand at the beginning, but understand now). My very immediate family (husband and grown daughters) know about SL, because I am inworld a lot and my PC is in our living room (which also often has grand kids hanging around) so I keep a very PG rated SL life. However I rarely mention SL outside of the immediate family - I have mentioned to my sister, my mom and a close friend something along the lines of "I do some stuff in a virtual world" but nothing more as they did not express any interest or curiosity about it. I don't "like" or "follow" SL group pages on FB, and I have a separate gmail and flicker account under my avi's name for anything SL related (but no FB account for my avi). Part of the reason I don't share about being in SL is its reputation part, and part of it is the having to explain why I spend so much time sitting at my computer instead of going out and doing things in RL. I try to not share any detailed information about my RL in SL - just generalities or things that would not allow anyone to be able to identify me in RL. I wouldn't mind if other family or friends created SL accounts, though, if any of them were interested.
  12. Earlier today... heading out to shop at the Boho Culture Fair
  13. Thanks! It took me quite awhile before I made any big changes - like going to a mesh body. Once I find a look I like, I tend to stay with it for awhile, but once I decide to make a change, I want to make it right away I'm not as brave as many of the others here, who have been long time adopters of mesh heads - that's something I haven't decided to try out yet. You have a very nice look, so no need to change it until you're ready to try something new.
  14. Spending a quiet day at home, sorting through clothes again. Last night I decided to switch bodies from Lara to Slink Physique, and switched skins as well. The new skin is a little lighter than what I had been wearing, but not as light as skins I had worn when I first started out. I do like it the best of the three I tried on last night. I also decided to go back to a hair style I used to wear often. After all that work, I decided it was time for an early dinner.
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