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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. The only other premium benefit (outside of the bonus that is paid after 45 days) that you lose immediately when you downgrade to basic is the ability to own mainland parcels or a linden home - in fact, if you have either one, you won't be able to down grade your account until you either sell or abandon them.
  2. I enjoy exploring the mainland continents also. Sometimes it's a planned expedition, other times I end up someplace (perhaps at a store, or looking at a parcel for sale that is on a road) and I decide to talk a walk down the road. Sometimes I drive, though I'm not the greatest driver either, but as long as I have the whole width of the road to myself, I can usually stay on the road. Walking or riding a bicycle allows for the most freedom in stopping and checking out places along the way. I generally will stop in and take a look around at stores that I pass. I also try to LM each rezz zone I come across, especially if I'm driving, in case something happens and I need to restart from the nearest rezz area. Route 7 on Gaeta 5 is fun because it changes back and forth several times between being a land road and being a water channel (so bring a small boat with you for that trip). One of the fun things I found - though I can't remember now which road/continent it was on - was where a bridge is out along the route and there is a trampoline type square that you can jump on to be catapulted across to the other side. When I lived out on Heterocera, along the eastern coast on Route 5, I did make a trip to the Bay City fairgrounds via driving, some walking, sail boating, and then driving again. I think the biggest issue I had with that trip was trying to find a place to rezz a boat to leave the atoll (I could have just sailed from by my house which was close to an ocean rezz area, but I had wanted to drive down to where the ANWR Channel was. It was a long journey, but fun
  3. My avie does not look like my RL self. Although over time, there are a couple of similarities that my avie has developed - we both wear glasses, wear peace sign earrings and wear 8 rings (a ring on each finger).
  4. Ice skating on the frozen river behind my house, this evening.
  5. Very casual today, just picking up a couple advent calendar gifts.
  6. Very pretty dress! and the colors work well with the plant colors in the background.
  7. In terms of other existing virtual worlds most similar in concept to SL, there are hundreds of OpenSim grid communities out there, plus at least one other which started out as OpenSim and then went a different path on their own. You also used to be able to (and maybe still can) download sim-on-a-stick and run your own sims on your own computer. Whether any of these really are competition or not depends on what factors you want to compare, and how important certain things are to you. I haven't been to any of the OpenSim grids for six months or so, but I did own a sim on one and have an account on another more commercial variation for 2 years. Personally, I found that the longer I was in SL, and the more familiar I became with things in SL, the more I noticed shortcomings with my experiences on the other grids. This was my experience, others may have different opinions.
  8. In addition to "General", "Roleplay" or "Games" there is also the "Creation" forum area which has sub-forums for topics like scripting, LSL, mesh, building and texturing, animation, etc., so depending on what aspect of combat you're posting about, it would seem to me that some of those sub-forums under "Creation" might also be options. If you have an outside forum, you can include a link to that in your signature area here, to help interested parties find your outside forum. If you're trying to highlight the existence of the combat sims, and to draw in new people, another good question might be why there isn't a combat category in the Destination Guide... Have any of the combat sims tried to get a listing in the destination guide? and if so, what category did they end up under there?
  9. I was thinking I might be able to exercise a tiny bit of self-restraint... but it I had a pot of good coffee to go along with the chocolates...
  10. I think if I had one of those chocolate filled advent calendars today, it would be gone in a week-end
  11. One of the first hairs I bought was this A&A Loreen hair, and it's one I can't get rid of, though I don't wear it much anymore because of alpha conflicts (and there are a lot of strands to try and change the alpha blending to alpha masking). However, I think it does go well with this outfit. ETA: I was able to fix the alpha issue without having to edit selected parts, so maybe I will wear it occasionally when I want to be a younger me (I still have a couple of flexi skirts I still wear, just because I like the style and the movement).
  12. If the recent posts here between various people involved in the combat regions are representative of what would occur in a combat sub-forum here, I can understand LL not wanting to take on having to moderate that sub-forum.
  13. Relaxing out on my front porch in a new porch swing I received as an advent present earlier today.
  14. Got caught in a snowfall, coming out of the bakery.
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