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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I haven't run over any people while out driving, but I think I have caused some property damage along the way. I'm very quick and reversing and getting back on the road quickly, and getting away before the property owner notices.
  2. If you decide to wait on getting a mesh body, in the mean time when you shop for clothes, look for clothes that indicate they are for both classic/system bodies and mesh bodies (there are symbols for this, but I am terrible with looking for and pasting graphics). That way, depending on which mesh body you end up with, some or maybe most of your clothes may still be wearable.
  3. I learned early in childhood, when we lived someplace where it snowed a little several times during the winter, that no matter how soft and fluffy snow may look, it is neither.
  4. That is just... bizarre. It's the kind of story I would expect to find in the Onion. I wouldn't want to be a cashier at one of their stores in areas where they are running this magazine ad.
  5. I'm more of a boots instead of heels person. I really liked the boots Skell posted about above, and then when I was at Uber yesterday, I came across these "L&B Swear Lexi Engineer Boots" for the gals. They come with a HUD with 17 color choices for each clean and worn, 7 solid color socks choices and 6 patterned socks choices (or no socks), and 5 different metal color choices. They were L$699 which is more than I would normally pay for footwear, but they are cool boots and with all the HUD options, it was worth it for me (and they fit well over actual pants, not just over applier pants or leggings).
  6. Having another cup of coffee before starting on some projects around the house and yard.
  7. Probably by inquiring, similar to what Callum did (although not an explicit question, I interpreted it as an inquiry, and as a caring statement). Generally, I tend to give people the benefit of doubt, and interpret what they write as being meant in the best way to be interpreted. Sometimes I'm wrong, but it's a method that work best for me most of the time.
  8. The suggestions given above should work. Which viewer are you using? There was a time - though it's been quite a few months - when I would have trouble getting the new music setting to 'stick' when I was using Firestorm. If you're using Firestorm, are you on the latest version? or have you tried changing it using the LL viewer? I think you said you're renting? If the change doesn't stay using the LL viewer, you might want to check with the landowner to see if there is anything set at the estate level that might be causing it to return to some default. (I'm not an estate owner, so I don't know what options they have overall, but it'd be worth checking with them if nothing else works).
  9. I don't have a lot of interactions with others inworld, but I can't really remember more than 1 or 2 experiences that I would consider "rude". I would also say that this particular forum is a lot more tame than some others I've participated in over the years.
  10. Bundled up and out getting some fresh air.
  11. I can buy land with real money and get a house to put on it also. What are you going to do to your land and/or house, to make renting from you a better deal than me buying my own land (or than me renting from someone else)? There is no shortage of land to be bought or of places to rent, so yes, you do need to think this through. You might want to spend some time looking at land that is available to buy - what it's purchase price is and what the cost will be to you every month in tier. Also look at the rentals available - with or without houses - and what the rental rates are, what amenities are offered, what landscaping they have, how many are vacant, and so forth. Then decide how you can compete with what's available. In order to make money, you will need to bring in more than what your tier cost will be each month, and it may take time before some rents an available rental.
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