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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Making cookies. Got tired of standing while mixing the dough, so decided to sit on the counter
  2. It was very beautiful out there. It's a place called Libentia that I found in the 'Highlights from the Destination Guide' blog from a few days ago.
  3. I could see a few benefits to renting tier for your land - being able to choose the land you want, rather than being restricted to what's available for rent, being able to have your own group own the land, and potentially paying a little less than if you were paying tier directly to LL for the land. On the other hand though, it also has a tiny bit of the drawbacks with renting - if the person you are renting tier from decides that they need to use the tier someplace else (perhaps for additional land they want to buy) or they should go out of business, one would need to go back to premium membership in order to cover the tier, unless another person was found to rent tier from. It definitely would be handy though, when you just want to increase your holdings by a little bit, and don't want to have to move up to the next tier level in order to do so.
  4. This sounds right. In the situation of renting tier in order to still own land and drop the premium, I would think the land group would need to be established first, and the rented tier added to the group, before removing their own tier and dropping premium.
  5. Harvesting the rest of the apples (though a little late in the season )
  6. I'm in agreement with the 'voting' part being removed from answers. It just confuses the issue generally.
  7. You're referring to the payment options that can be displayed when you're checking out from the Marketplace? I would hazard a guess that it shows the payment options that you have set up on your account. If you want to remove a payment option from your account, there are 'remove' options on your account dashboard web page (under account -> billing information).
  8. That's good information to know about, (I guess I haven't been adventurous enough to have encountered that situation yet ). And it does make sense for the system to generate that message in that situation.
  9. Watching the fire in the fire bowl at my RP home.
  10. I like exploring around, also, when I'm out shopping and end up on a sim that has landscaped areas around it. Adds to the shopping fun!
  11. I could understand if Rhian was getting a message when changing from public access to group only access, but it's the getting the message when changing from group only to public, that has me confused. I'm interested in hearing how all this turns out, once it's resolved, because this is something I've not come across before. I've been thinking some more about this, and tending to think it's some issue from that security orb. If you don't have the public access checked, it I recall right, it puts up ban lines that prevents other from even entering the parcel. A message that you have 15 seconds to leave or be evicted doesn't sound like a message that would come from the parcel and its settings (especially when setting access to public) - it seems more like a message you would get from a security orb, though the timing of the message and Rhian changing land accesses is a little odd, if it is the security orb causing the issue - unless the person who owns the orb was making changes to the settinga in that at the same time?
  12. Hmmm... when you say you change it from Group to Open to Everyone, you're doing that on the "Access" tab of About Land? (unchecking the 'Allow group <group name> with no restrictions' and checking 'Anyone Can Visit'?) Unless there is some obvious contradiction on the Access tab, I'm not sure what would cause the situation your experiencing. It does look like the message is coming from SL and not a security orb, (but that's a guess because I haven't ran into a parcel with security where I've gotten a message for awhile, so not exactly sure the message from a security orb looks). Unless someone else comes along with some other suggestions, I would suggest calling Live Chat in the morning, or opening a support case.
  13. I haven't heard of an issue like this before. So, a couple of questions to help me understand a bit better - You mentioned that you were making it "Open to Everyone" - what was it before, and did you get the message before about not being allowed on the land? And when you have it "Open to Everyone" and walk over to that parcel, and don't get the message, do you walk over to the location where you were standing when you did get the message? Does the message say who (or what) it is coming from? I'm wondering if one of your neighbors has a security orb that is scanning further than it should be, into a section of your smaller parcel.
  14. Ah... well it sounds like you're getting some benefit from joining, anyway
  15. Where is that at? I was trying to figure out if those were lots of side mirrors... anyway, it's very fun looking!
  16. I think somewhere in all of this, there was a mention about having a problem finding the 'about' menu button and another suggestion that the UI scaling seemed off, along with mention of an Intel graphics. When I was logging in to SL a few minutes ago, the Firestorm welcome message mentioned a problem that may occur with Intel graphics (depending on the driver installed) where the viewer screen is too large, the top menu bar is missing and the click area is too low. While this may not be related to the HUD problem directly, it might be worth checking the info out at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_issues in case it is a contributory or a secondary issue.
  17. Great pic. The way the face came out is something else! I was trying to think of the words to describe what it looks like to me, but the closest I can come is like a waxed resin.
  18. Checks her messages. Sighs in relief none are from Skell. Sits back and relaxes.
  19. That's cool. I only mentioned it because not everyone is aware of using that method to find land to buy, and in some cases it can be less expensive then buying from auction (at the minimum, you know how much its going to cost you). At the end of the day, whether you buy mainland from another person, or from Linden Lab directly through auction, you're in the same place - owning a mainland parcel and paying tier directly to Linden Lab.
  20. Slowly moving things back from the parcel I was renting, to the parcel I own. And trying to adjust to the fact that I have neighbors now, in one of the adjoining parcels that I had sold
  21. The 1,000L is a one-time benefit, after you have been a premium member (for the first time) for 45 consecutive days. It's one of the benefits for becoming a premium member. Usually, if you are restricted from places when you're new (especially less than 30 days old) the restrictions are due to the age of your avatar account, rather than if you're a premium member or not (though there are a few places - mainly premium sandboxes - where you do need to be a premium member to go to).
  22. What I have done so friends or family can rezz on my mainland property is: I created a group (with my alt as co-owner), set the land to the group, gave build rights only to group members, and then assigned family either to officer role, or the everyone role (depending on how many of the other land rights I wanted the person to have). You can also create custom roles so you can create custom role names if you want (for example, I created a role called 'kiddo' for my niece). Creating a group does cost 100 L and you do need to have at least 2 people in the group (owner plus 1 other). As far as keeping unwanted people out, I currently do not have anything in place to prevent that (and haven't had so many problems that it is an issue). However, you can use the 'access' tab on the 'about land' to restrict access. Removing public access does put up 'ban lines' around the property which are pretty ugly to look at (though I think turning off seeing ban lines is something people can do in their viewer). Another option is using a security orb (which can be purchased through the marketplace). I've never used one, but if you do, you need to make sure its range doesn't extend pass your own parcel boundaries, and it's good to give an avatar 10 - 15 seconds to leave (in case they accidently crossed over into the parcel) before ejecting them. You might want to take a look at: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/creating-managing-moderating-and-disbanding-groups-r48/ and https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/managing-your-parcel-r49/
  23. Auctions aren't the only way to buy Mainland. Most all of the mainland I have purchased has been from looking on the map with the show land for sale option turned on. I can get an idea of the parcel size from the map, click on the $ icon on the map to see the price, and if both are in the range I'm looking for, TP out to see what the parcel looks like and what the neighborhood looks like. The only time I've had to purchase through an auction was when I've put in a support ticket about buying abandoned land next to me, and LL's decision was to put it up for auction.
  24. Glad you're back - and safe - and have all the essentials. Sorry about you're husband being sick. In my experience, when my husband gets sick, he is always sicker than anyone else is (or ever was). Hopefully your's is not that bad and he recovers soon.
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