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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. People have given information about places you can find some items for free (Free Dove for some clothes, and the very clear instructions Skell gave in an earlier post for free hair and free shoes). Skell also pointed out the words/symbols you should look for when buying clothes or skin, to ensure they will work with a classic avatar. I don't know that you can expect anything more precise than the things that we've suggested (which also included links to blogs, to help narrow your searching in the marketplace). I think we've put you in the hospital waiting room - the getting healed part will take a little bit of time and effort by your own self.
  2. It's a good thing I wasn't in the midst of drinking my coffee when I read that! (no hot flashes either, for us, umm, slightly older ladies)
  3. Having fun wandering around the Mieville California Dreamin Event (and doing too much shopping). They did a good job in representing the various areas/influences in California, I thought.
  4. Also, if you don't like shopping, don't feel like you have to update everything all at once. You can start with just hair or an outfit or two on one shopping trip, and then on another day tackle another item. When (and if) you get to the point of looking at male mesh bodies, you will want to spend some time on that, and be sure to try out the demos for the different bodies and styles.
  5. You may not have to go the full mesh body route right away. With a good skin, perhaps some mesh hands and good outfits (there still are mesh clothes still available that will work on classic avis), perhaps updated hair, you can put together a nice looking avi. I would second the suggestion to find other places to hang out, as well. I'm surprised that some are so judgmental just on looks.
  6. Sending prayers. I hope the situation can be resolved without any further loss of life or injuries.
  7. Wondering why the animation at my desk which puts the coffee cup out (for which I'm grateful) also puts cream in the coffee... except for lattes I drink my coffee black... Actually, I was admiring my new rings, and this was the best way to see them . I was inspired by one of the posts in the "what does your avatar look like" thread earlier today showing the rings by ^^Swallow^^ to find some rings. I searched and viewed several bento multi-ring sets on the marketplace, but ended up with the same ones as in the other thread because (1) they had a demo and (2) they didn't have a lot of rings with stones in them. This completes, I think, things for my avi that are things from my RL that I always wear - glasses, peace sign earrings almost always, and for the last 15 or so years, 8 rings (my wedding band which is gold with a sliver of a diamond, and 7 sterling silver rings, none with any stones). These things are constants regardless of other changes to appearance over the years. Now, back to regular programming...
  8. It sounds like what you're seeing is your role title from the group that you have active. To not have this display, you can change your active group to "none" (at the top of the list of groups you belong do). However, if you need a particular group tag active for some reason, you would need to activate the appropriate group, which will display the group role title again. In the Firestorm viewer (not sure about the LL viewer) you can check "Hide own group title" which the tool tip says will hide your group title for yourself and everyone else - this is on the "General" tab of Preferences. I haven't tried and tested this, but that's what the tool tip says about that check box.
  9. Getting a start on cooking while the day is still cool. Simmering some stew to go with the bread that just came out of the oven.
  10. hmmm.... looks vaguely familiar Thanks for stopping by, and hope you found it a relaxing place!
  11. That sounds like an intriguing place, and it's nice to know there's no period dress code required. I'll have to stop out there when I'm out sightseeing some evening.
  12. Relaxing out in my yard in my new lawn chair after a long day of shopping (and experiencing some strange weather patterns )
  13. It's hard for someone else to say whether it's worth it or not, and I'm not the best to answer that question as I have accumulated more land than I necessarily need. However, one thing to consider is that if it is in the same sim as the parcel with your WK Tigers, then you'll be able to share the land impact between the two parcels (and your other parcels - if they happen to be in that same sim). The price does seem a bit high, so you'll need to wrestle with how much you want the parcel that adjoins one you already have. If you have the available tier already, so purchasing it won't increase your monthly tier, then it's basically a one-time cost for the initial purchase of the land.
  14. You might want to search groups for some role play groups and/or look at the forum posts for Role Play. Then once you have a landmark, TP out to it. Most RP areas will have a landing spot with further information about the RP, the site, and contacts, so you can start to gather info on ones that look like you would enjoy. If the group info for a role play area doesn't have a LM in the info, you can search under places for the RP group name and see if you can find the landmark to it. I find that the "Highlights from the Destination Guide for <the current date>" in the Blogs section of this site is more useful for finding interesting places than just picking something out of the regular destination guide list.
  15. The one that I'm aware of, besides Virtual Kennel Club, is Bio-Breeds (because they generally have a free one for a gift at the SL Birthday's). I haven't rezzed mine out yet, so I don't know first hand how they compare with how KittyCats behave, but it sounds like it should be pretty similar. I should dig mine out of inventory and give it a try one of these days.
  16. Love those! So far I've managed with only a handful of shoes, but I can see that changing with this thread.
  17. Excellent picture. What I found most interesting is that this is the first time I've seen a picture of you where I had to keep looking over at the post tag to reconfirm in my mind that it was you.
  18. Getting some sun while waiting for the next pod tour ... never thought a bus stop would have a 'lay on roof' animation choice
  19. Taking a few moments to relax after setting up a park on an extra parcel I had across the road from my house.
  20. hehe /me smiles impishly. I've only been up there a couple of times, and each time I get ready to TP up there from the landmark, I hope that it lands one on the edge, and not 'in'. I landed with my back to it, and I was almost afraid to turn myself around, not knowing if that might put me off the surface to stand on. I haven't been killed yet in SL, and wasn't ready to try that out yet. I know you just get TP'd home or something like that, but still... it would make me feel weird. It will be interesting to see if Clover used it for her photo shoot, and if she did, what it looks like.
  21. The height of the arms on that lounge is just perfect
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