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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. hmmm.... looks vaguely familiar Thanks for stopping by, and hope you found it a relaxing place!
  2. That sounds like an intriguing place, and it's nice to know there's no period dress code required. I'll have to stop out there when I'm out sightseeing some evening.
  3. Relaxing out in my yard in my new lawn chair after a long day of shopping (and experiencing some strange weather patterns )
  4. It's hard for someone else to say whether it's worth it or not, and I'm not the best to answer that question as I have accumulated more land than I necessarily need. However, one thing to consider is that if it is in the same sim as the parcel with your WK Tigers, then you'll be able to share the land impact between the two parcels (and your other parcels - if they happen to be in that same sim). The price does seem a bit high, so you'll need to wrestle with how much you want the parcel that adjoins one you already have. If you have the available tier already, so purchasing it won't increase your monthly tier, then it's basically a one-time cost for the initial purchase of the land.
  5. You might want to search groups for some role play groups and/or look at the forum posts for Role Play. Then once you have a landmark, TP out to it. Most RP areas will have a landing spot with further information about the RP, the site, and contacts, so you can start to gather info on ones that look like you would enjoy. If the group info for a role play area doesn't have a LM in the info, you can search under places for the RP group name and see if you can find the landmark to it. I find that the "Highlights from the Destination Guide for <the current date>" in the Blogs section of this site is more useful for finding interesting places than just picking something out of the regular destination guide list.
  6. The one that I'm aware of, besides Virtual Kennel Club, is Bio-Breeds (because they generally have a free one for a gift at the SL Birthday's). I haven't rezzed mine out yet, so I don't know first hand how they compare with how KittyCats behave, but it sounds like it should be pretty similar. I should dig mine out of inventory and give it a try one of these days.
  7. Love those! So far I've managed with only a handful of shoes, but I can see that changing with this thread.
  8. Excellent picture. What I found most interesting is that this is the first time I've seen a picture of you where I had to keep looking over at the post tag to reconfirm in my mind that it was you.
  9. Getting some sun while waiting for the next pod tour ... never thought a bus stop would have a 'lay on roof' animation choice
  10. Taking a few moments to relax after setting up a park on an extra parcel I had across the road from my house.
  11. hehe /me smiles impishly. I've only been up there a couple of times, and each time I get ready to TP up there from the landmark, I hope that it lands one on the edge, and not 'in'. I landed with my back to it, and I was almost afraid to turn myself around, not knowing if that might put me off the surface to stand on. I haven't been killed yet in SL, and wasn't ready to try that out yet. I know you just get TP'd home or something like that, but still... it would make me feel weird. It will be interesting to see if Clover used it for her photo shoot, and if she did, what it looks like.
  12. The height of the arms on that lounge is just perfect
  13. It depends on the type of sim that you are renting out the parcel on. If the sim that the 1/4 sim parcel is on is a full private island (not a homestead) the rental ad goes in Region for Rent: Full Private Island If it is on a homestead sim, the rental ad goes in Region Rentals: Homesteads If it is a mainland sim, the rental ad goes in Parcels for Rent: Mainland
  14. I would not want to be moved somewhere that was more populated than where I am now. A couple of weeks ago I explored around parcels available on estates. What I found on other areas which were much more populated, was lower FPS, lower percentage of scripts being ran and lower (much lower) spare time. So I'm happy where I am and with what is around my area. I feel pretty fortunate actually, to be on the mainland sim that I am on, with the way it is currently.
  15. Went out for a drive... It was good there wasn't much traffic I was a little out of practice (or perhaps it was the wine I had earlier), but I did manage to stay on the road and not hit anyone or anything.
  16. @Clover Jinx I don't now how fancy of a volcano you need, but there is Mount G'al at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//136/125/168 I landed facing away from the volcano (looking at a very out of place skybox) but cam around to the other side and the skybox disappears from view. Also, damage is enabled, so watch your step!
  17. Out sight-seeing around Nautilus earlier today.
  18. Relaxing with a little wine before heading out to enjoy the day.
  19. As an end-user of furniture, I prefer just being able to click-and-sit. Visually. I prefer to not see poseballs.
  20. Design, of course, is subjective. Personally, I don't have any major complaints about the design of the Marketplace, nor with the functionality for the most part. There are a few functional things that I think could be improved, but they are mostly more on the minor inconvenience end of the line for me. Perhaps it's just that I do more online shopping in the SL Marketplace than other commercial shopping sites, but I do prefer the Marketplace design over the design of some of the other sites where I've shopped online.
  21. Thanks! It's my home away from home, so to speak, so I've been working on having it be a place I feel relaxed and comfortable in when I'm there.
  22. I like that! I miss the days of guys having longer hair. /me heads off to the Marketplace before logging in...
  23. That sounds like it was a lot of fun! I get easily frustrated trying to find the hidden hunt gifts, so I haven't done very many hunts, but something like this event I think I would really enjoy.
  24. It's an unusual un-sunny day in my world today, so I'm enjoying some time at home (and enjoying some new artwork I just picked up at one of @Talligurl's galleries) I was really happy about how well the colors in the painting fit with the colors I was already using in my den. Felt inspired to try a little painting myself The easel setup was one of my early purchases in SL, but one that I haven't had out in my house for quite awhile. I like it because it lets me feel like I am an artist, even though I am far from that in RL.
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